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Trump plans televised address, visit to Mexico border


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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Not by falsely declaring a fake "national emergency" when none in fact exists...


Nothing more dire about the border now than last month, last year, last 3 years, etc etc.


It's just a scam to try to impose his will when Congress isnt going to give him what he wants.


And btw, virtually every poll shows a majority of Americans dont want the wall either, and even larger majorities when theyre told how much it will cost.


Also for "trump" it's as if the midterm election never happened. He declared victory and his mark fans bought it. If he had kept the house he could have declared a mandate and confirmation of his black swan 2016 win and been able to get his great wall of "trump" done legislatively but he didn't win. He lost. Facts matter. 

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

Rather than ignorance, a hallmark of the trump regime, try some basic research and you uncover the economic and security harm to Australia created by trump's activities.

Then tell "your" government to cut ties with the U.S... Simple as that.  

It just looks like to me, the Australian government backed the wrong horse.


It’s true that the renminbi has been sliding in value against the US dollar to levels last seen a year ago. It has depreciated about 4 percent against the US dollar in the past month. Over the same period, while now trading at around US74¢ or roughly the same levels at which it started the month, the Australian dollar has bounced between US73¢ and US75¢ while remaining relatively stable against the renminbi.

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just received information from a well known and reliable source (John Doe), Trump will be meeting Mexico's president, whom will be handing him(Trump) a suitcase full of cash to pay for the wall, thus Trump's electoral campaign promise will be fulfilled


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24 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

just received information from a well known and reliable source (John Doe), Trump will be meeting Mexico's president, whom will be handing him(Trump) a suitcase full of cash to pay for the wall, thus Trump's electoral campaign promise will be fulfilled


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12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Miss Pelosi is now getting jealous about Mr. Trump's air time and wants the same as well. Course she'll require Schumer standing next to her holding her steady. 

Will Trump be riding to the podium in a golf cart? He seems less and less able to take walks of any distance.

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2 hours ago, candide said:

You are probably right.


However, it does not mean that Trump's wall will be effective as the majority of it is hidden in vehicles or trains entering the US quite legally, or go through tunnels, etc....


"The majority of illegal drugs enter the United States in an assortment of vehicles, with drugs hidden in secret compartments in door panels or the roof, gas tanks, tires and even engines."

"Smugglers also dig cross-border tunnels, primarily to move large volumes of marijuana."

"Cargo trains, tractor-trailers and passenger buses have been used to move illegal drugs"



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Just now, zydeco said:

This is all a distraction.  Just like every other time Trump starts yelling about "the Wall." It will grab all the media attention and nobody will notice that he is about to surrender to China on trade. Watch it. The trade "agreement" is just around the corner and nobody will notice it. All because Trump wants "his precious," the stock market, to continue its path to an even bigger bubble. I am now sick of the sight of this man every time he pops up on television or the news. He needs to go away, quickly.

Works for me, go Trump.

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8 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Works for me, go Trump.

Works for you?

Oh, so Huawei dominates the global 5G network but Trump holds out for the Wall!


The US gives in on the South China Sea but Trump is determined to get $5 billion that will not even cover 100 miles of the Wall!


Forced technology to China proceeds but we're gonna get part of a Wall!


China pinky swears not to steal IP but here comes that Wall!


Made in China 2025 is changed (to Made in China 2035) but THE WALL!


And for those of us living in Thailand who might care, because of Trump's fixation on THE WALL, thus hiding his cave in on China and goosing more debt out of the Fed for his precious stock market: the US dollar has dropped from around 33 baht to the dollar to around 32 baht to the dollar in less than a month. Don't watch Mr. Tariff who turned out to be a surrender monkey. Watch Mr. WALL!



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What he's hoping for is mass demonstrations by his fans in support of him.  He wants those poorly-educated (his words) who show up at his love rallies to take to the streets.  I think it is they who should form a caravan and head down to Mexico City and demand money for the wall.  Wasn't that the original plan, to get Mexico to pay?



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17 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Drugs, terrorism, child molesters and a whole slew of criminals definitely use the land crossing method. 

The Wall is critical to securing the safety of Americans. 

I suspect some drugs come via Mexico. Terrorists do not, child molesters - what are you thinking?

1. It is US citizens that are buying the drugs. So create a country where they don't need them or want them.

2. Nearly all terrorists are home grown. A simple check will confirm this.

3. Almost all non US terrorists that have entered US did by air or ship or via Canada (9/11)

4. Child molesters crossing the border to touch up US children? This is possibly the most lame excuse for a border there is.

The wall is the best way to drain US of 25 billion dollars. And of course Mexico is going to pay for it?

The only way to secure the safety of US is a good foreign policy. Good trade relations. Tolerance

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

I suspect some drugs come via Mexico. Terrorists do not, child molesters - what are you thinking?

1. It is US citizens that are buying the drugs. So create a country where they don't need them or want them.

2. Nearly all terrorists are home grown. A simple check will confirm this.

3. Almost all non US terrorists that have entered US did by air or ship or via Canada (9/11)

4. Child molesters crossing the border to touch up US children? This is possibly the most lame excuse for a border there is.

The wall is the best way to drain US of 25 billion dollars. And of course Mexico is going to pay for it?

The only way to secure the safety of US is a good foreign policy. Good trade relations. Tolerance

You could also add that most of the drugs entering the US are hidden in vehicles and trains crossing the border legally. So they are not smuggled where Trump wants to build extra walls.

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17 minutes ago, candide said:

You could also add that most of the drugs entering the US are hidden in vehicles and trains crossing the border legally. So they are not smuggled where Trump wants to build extra walls.


Interesting reading this - https://drugabuse.com/featured/drug-trafficking-across-borders/ - there's an interactive chart of drug seizures - you can even click on a specific drug to see where most of it comes across....


It talks about drug mules only amounting to 6% of seizures - but not whether they just walk across the check points.


All I can say is - that's a lot of drugs! Interesting that in 2015, 6429lbs of meth seized at the southern border out of a total of 6,443lbs seized at borders overall.


1.5 MILLION lbs of weed from the southern border too.... 


Mind boggling when you know that's just the seizures. 


Mexico needs to up it's coke and ecstasy game though - very poor showing. Those are rookie numbers...


An interesting read, once you stop playing with the chart....


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8 hours ago, zydeco said:

Works for you?

Oh, so Huawei dominates the global 5G network but Trump holds out for the Wall!


The US gives in on the South China Sea but Trump is determined to get $5 billion that will not even cover 100 miles of the Wall!


Forced technology to China proceeds but we're gonna get part of a Wall!


China pinky swears not to steal IP but here comes that Wall!


Made in China 2025 is changed (to Made in China 2035) but THE WALL!


And for those of us living in Thailand who might care, because of Trump's fixation on THE WALL, thus hiding his cave in on China and goosing more debt out of the Fed for his precious stock market: the US dollar has dropped from around 33 baht to the dollar to around 32 baht to the dollar in less than a month. Don't watch Mr. Tariff who turned out to be a surrender monkey. Watch Mr. WALL!



So, no wall funding will fix other problems. just more lefty rhetoric. 

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Oh boy, is Trump going to get eaten alive by the fact checkers after today's televised address. 



U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants at ports of entry on the U.S-Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to CBP data provided to Congress in May 2018 and obtained by NBC News.


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"trump" is suffering from a crisis of credibility (he's the biggest troll and lying president in history and the public knows it) and there is no way some stunt oval office speech will solve it. He's sinking and because he's such a big fish he'll make a lot of whining noise and waves in the process. The walls of Mueller and Schiff are closing in on him. His fake great ego / base massaging wall of "trump" that won't ever be built won't save him. 






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I watched it.   He was not at all convincing.   I don't know if he lied, but nothing he said was convincing.   He tried to be diplomatic, but I don't know that it's possible.   


He needs a wall.   Most people don't.   He thinks there's a crisis.   Most people don't.   Etc., etc., etc., 


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