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Thai immigration warn Kuwait Airways over Saudi teen


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What the BJ is doing is preempting similar situations from occurring. Because they will embarrass the government. And especially Prawit, who opened his mouth "This is a family affair. We will return her to Kuwait.", and then the world reacted and the UN stepped in and Prawit had egg on his face...

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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:



Let me see if I have this straight.


Mom and Dad raise their daughter to be a good Muslim ( not terrorist)

As is common she is promised in marriage to a boy who I assume will bring wealth and good things to the marriage and family.

She does not want this so sneaks away probably with dad's CC and buys a ticket to Australia, Thailand or wherever the next flight out was.

Supposedly someone from either the Saudi Embassy or Kuwait air steal her passport.

S She lands in Thailand with her stuff and de3cides that instead of going on to Austalia as she is scheduled she is going to cancel that ticket, give up her plan to go to Australia at the moment and with no money, no plan no one to help her she is going to stay and travel around Thailand for a few days.

So with no money no passport and no means of any kind to fend for herself she approaches Thai immigration.


Then when she finds out that she is not going to be allowed into Thailand is out in transient accommodations.

Now as a teenager that has run away from mom and dad she is scared.

Let's face it she has really just as I would think any teens parents rightfully pissed them off.

OK so let me see

I am not Muslim BUT

if my daughter ran away caused me financial grief and said that I beat her and abused her and was forcing her into a marriage would I be upset.


Could she expect to be punished when we got home?


DAMN right skippy.

Should she be scared?  


So Kuwait is supposed to have stolen her passport and or let her board a pane when she had little paperwork.


I lived in Pakistan and can tell you that there are more people than you would think that try this The British Air flight from Islamabad to Heathrow you to have many passports in its toilet waste.


Sorry, nothing new here.




Oh Dear


Punishing your kids! 


One would hope you would not kill them - that is probably the fate she would have faced if she had been returned.



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14 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

Oh Dear


Punishing your kids! 


One would hope you would not kill them - that is probably the fate she would have faced if she had been returned.



Probably not kill them but gives the impression he has the chain measured already so she can reach the bathroom from her bedroom, or the cellar has the bed ready.

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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The onward ticket may not be relevant... She can enter Thailand on a Visa on Arrival....  So the complaint by Thai Immigration leveled at Kuwait Airlines doesn't make a whole lot of sense. 


That said - it has been reported else where that she had a Ticket to Australia... No one except Thai Immigration is sure if this is true or not... but their 'media handling' and 'fact polishing' make any statement they make self serving and questionable at best.

" …..their 'media handling' and 'fact polishing' make any statement they make self serving and questionable at best."


Anything new, different, or startling about that, par for the course - cover your arse at all costs. 

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Australian visas are longer labels affixed to a passport page, but are electronic.. Only check-in airline staff for Australian flights can check visa status by inputing PP details in their computers.


The question is, was she in transit at BKK with an ongoing ticket to Australia? If so, and without Saudi interference airside she would been Australia bound.. But the purpose of her visa wasn't tourism, so I just wonder how they would have treated her request for political asylum in Oz without UNHCR ruling.

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Technically the Thais are correct; you are not allowed to board a plane if you cannot get off the plane at the destination. The destination was apparently Bangkok; latter's conditions are a return ticket or an onward ticket. 

Glad to hear, that despite this slip the woman seem to be out of Saudi claws. Imagine if she would have had to go to the Saudi Embassy in Bangkok; she might not have been able to walk out on her own - ever - again. 

The Charge d'Affaires comment on "confiscate phone rather than passport" said it all - but what else to expect from the highest representative of a nation sitting on the security council of the United Nations ......... 

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Pol Lt General Surachate Hakparn said on Wednesday that he planned to have immigration laws that have been used for more than 40 years reviewed

Since pin-up boy Big Joke took over the reigns as Immigration boss there seem to be growing negative publicity about the operation of his Department. I suspect he is out of his depth and his lack of ability is being exposed. His CV shows he goes straight from being a tourist cop to head of Immigration and just about every other police jurisdiction in Thailand.

Having an ego the size of a house don't make him good at his job. As with someone else we know the size of the ego is inverse proportion to ability to do the job.

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17 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

The family would have had her on a short lease for her rebellious attitudes as it is, how would she of purchased a ticket to Australia/Thailand without them knowing. I agree the facts seem jumbled/poor journalism, like most viral stories out of Thailand.  

Maybe she bought an E-ticket online ??

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Very few will miss Kuwait Airways to BKK.  My former employer once booked me on this flight

option from the Middle East to Thailand.  Round trip economy as low as $400.  Horrendous service.  This flight continues onto Manila. Mainly a fuel stop because they were using an old Airbus 300.


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17 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

The family would have had her on a short lease for her rebellious attitudes as it is, how would she of purchased a ticket to Australia/Thailand without them knowing. I agree the facts seem jumbled/poor journalism, like most viral stories out of Thailand.  

When it is a case of people not losing face, and I am not just talking about the Thai immigration authorities here, then the information gets hazy. It was reported that the young woman in question had given a friend access to her twitter account. It could have been that a friend could have bought a ticket for her. Remember that with some Saudi families they have money to burn and a couple of thousand dollars is pocket money.


Most likely, her ticket to Australia in the form of a boarding pass was with her passport when it was taken by the Saudi diplomat, as reported earlier. Kuwaiti Airlines is highly unlikely to allow any passenger to board without a passport.

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1 story said that she had a ticket for OZ...another said flown to bkk without a Visa no mention of onwards journey to Australia  yet KSA national can obtain VOA.All mixed up stories no real clear picture.If Thai immigration are professional then they should have returned the passenger to Kuwait on the same flight to comply with their regulations instead of now wanting to issue a warning to K.Airways.????

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I’m sure everyone at Kuwait Airways we’re shaking in their boots when the warning was given.


Perhaps the most insignificant people on planet earth giving a warning to anyone is laughable. I do hope they return fire and publicly respond by telling them to shut up and tend to the camels.

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Although I am genuinely happy that the girl hasn't been returned to KSA, and I sincerely wish her all the best for the future, I did notice a few days ago that the airline staff in Vientiane asked me a whole load of questions (about my onward / return ticket, how much cash I had on me, etc.) before finally issuing me my ticket. This is the first time I've ever been asked those questions and can only assume it's because of all the media attention this (and the other case) is creating for Thailand. According to the check-in guy at the airport, the "Thai authorities are getting strict". 

Personally, I'd like this case to simply fade away quietly and not cause too many problems for those of us. 

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Kuwait Airlines is easily the worst airline I have ever flown on. Terrible Aircraft maintenance. Stuff going clunk and rattling. Things not working properly in the plane everywhere. Overhead TV's going up and down all through the flight. No IFE system. Awful food. horrible filthy 'sh1t hole' toilets, Nasty staff. Drunk pilots getting lost, having to be found and escorted onto the plane at London Heathrow while the passengers waited on the plane for them - it has it all. ????


Then there is Kuwait International Airport. For the love of god... Just like the airline, this obnoxius concrete outhouse is the worst airport in the world by a long shot. Post check in, the transit area is like what I imagine purgatory to be like. The facilities and allowance for passenger comfort are zero. All airport staff couldn't care less and work around like lazy zombies who don't give a shit. This country is the complete opposite of 'The land of a thousand smiles' Corpulent scowling Kuwait guiness bottles waddle around looking for unbroken floor tiles to break with their obese frame - thats the ones who not being pushed around on baggage trolleys since they are too big to walk anymore.


Finally - gate security. Well, its non existent. Anyone can walk through any gate from the combined transit/departure area onto any plane going anywhere... and they do.????


At no time as I walked through from the deperture area through the gate and finally on to the plane was my Passport, tickets or hand baggage checked even once.  No one at the plane door or inside met us as we boarded, What a mess this airport and airline is in.


It was so bad, that on arriving home it occurred to me that one could easily smuggle a bomb on board a plane at this airport - so I wrote up a report and forwarded it to the American TSA for follow up. :jap:


Kuwait Airlines & Kuwait International airport are to be avoided at all costs.





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On 1/9/2019 at 6:01 PM, richard_smith237 said:

Thai Immigration scrambling to save face ????


It's been reported elsewhere that the young lady had a Visa and an Onward Ticket to Australia, that she was 'in Transit' in Bangkok Airport until she had her passport confiscated by some 'Saudi officials' air-side of Thai immigration. 


This is as I understand the facts.... there has be much misinformation on this matter, however... Is what I've written above as others understand the situation?


Additionally KSA nationals are eligible for Visa on Arrival in Thailand - so what is the warning for? (read my first line) No one made any mistake in permitting a KSA national to travel to Thailand. 

You are most likely correct in surmising that the young Saudi lady had all the documents to permit her to travel to Australia.

But Thailand is in a no win situation here.

1. Face, if you know anything about Asia you will understand that this overrules all actions. They made a decision and this needs to be placated.

2. Arabia (I cannot be more specific but google will assist) provides money to the south of Thailand to conduct terror

against the police and military. Also against teachers, doctors, nurses and basic infrastructure.


Thailand needs to placate Arabia to prevent more terror.

Standing up to Islam countries when the US, Japan, China and the US, kow tow to oil rich countries is not fair to Thailand.

I suspect They found the action of a young lady being independent as being against the system.

I suspect They wish to control the young women of Thailand and this is not a good example.

 It will take Australia to kow tow to the Generals in order to secure her release. If you saw how the Thai Generals denigrated this young lady

for abandoning her parents, you may understand. A whole half hour was spent by a general to verbally abuse this young lady.

But the worst thing is the detention of the Bahrain refugee to Australia, again detained because Arab countries told them to do it.

Or terror will return to South Thailand, more so than now. Such is politics

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