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Trump storms out of talks on shutdown, bemoans 'total waste of time'


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 Here's what that "decades long crisis" looks like:
In other words, it's virtually non-existent.

Could it be that less funds were available so less efforts so less apprehensions?
Another thing the statistic shows is that, if nothing is done, it can go back to the situation similar to 4y ago right?

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57 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Imagine a government shutdown here. How long would it be before anyone noticed... So when you finished  whining about the Border, elected president, what would yo do to stop illegals , drugs ect, seems to me you give your nation away let the worlds dregs  wander in like the English/EU do.

When will people realise this is not about illegals or drugs, these don't enter through the 'unguarded' southern border.

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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

When will people realise this is not about illegals or drugs, these don't enter through the 'unguarded' southern border.

Well, I'm guessing you meant drugs. It's clear that illegals do enter. As for drugs that do come over the southern border, they mostly come via truck packed with legitimate goods as well. And in some areas via tunnels. Lots of drugs also come via boat. And the Trump administration actually cut funding to the Coast Guard in order to finance enforcement on the southern border.

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2 minutes ago, mlmcleod said:

Where are the Pesos to build the wall???


The art of negotiation means both sides present ideas and a compromise is reached, eventually.  Trump's idea of negotiation is the make his demands and expect them to be met.  What a dictator in the making!

Thats why his businesses were so sucessful he ran rough shod over people who he didn't want to pay for their services or products. A few sued him and won but most didn't have the money nor the time to spend in court

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1 hour ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Imagine a government shutdown here. How long would it be before anyone noticed... So when you finished  whining about the Border, elected president, what would yo do to stop illegals , drugs ect, seems to me you give your nation away let the worlds dregs  wander in like the English/EU do.

I would continue to do what has been working just fine for how many years. Look at the stats lower numbers of people coming across the border. But the problem now are people who enter on a visa and just never leave. So there will have to be more internal enforcement. This is a manufacrored issue, the republicans refused to fund his wall for two years so why is it an emergency now. 

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3 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Thats why his businesses were so sucessful he ran rough shod over people who he didn't want to pay for their services or products. A few sued him and won but most didn't have the money nor the time to spend in court

I'm sure some investigative journalist might be doing, or already have done an analysis on his litigation history. I'm very confident it would show (notwithstanding the merits of the particular case) that in almost every case where he had deeper pockets than the opposing party, he out-litigated them until they relinquished due to the crazy expense of litigation; and in every case where the opposing party was financially stronger, Trump probably settled the case rather than proceed to trial. 


Typical tactic of a bully with deep pockets. 

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Storms out? 555


He just walked out of the meeting after Chuck and Nancy refused to compromise. 

I see your point. The media manipulates and fabricates to its own end. Unless I see it, I don't brlieve it. Unfortunately, there are many who read and believe the rubbish that passes as "news". If a newspaper reported aliens  

landing in Central Park, the multitudes would be lining up for transport to another planet.

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23 minutes ago, samran said:

“Never, ever give up. Don’t give up. Don’t allow it to happen. If there is a concrete wall in front of you, go through it, go over it, go around it. But get to the other side of that wall.” -Donald Trump 5/21/2004 graduation speech at Wagner College


"A shutdown falls on the president's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means a president is weak" - DJT (10/17/13)

You forgot his tweet where he mentions a wall is what he will get, not a fence.

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16 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

I know I’m going to regret this but I’m curious how much tin foil your hat is made from sooooooo just exactly who are these “money masters”, “globalist elites” and “New World Order” then?

(please dont say the Rothchilds. Everyone says the Rothchilds). 


I'm not spoonfeeding you. Do you own research. Or just leave your head in the sand, where it probably belongs. Up to you.

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2 hours ago, Benmart said:

I see your point. The media manipulates and fabricates to its own end. Unless I see it, I don't brlieve it. Unfortunately, there are many who read and believe the rubbish that passes as "news". If a newspaper reported aliens  

landing in Central Park, the multitudes would be lining up for transport to another planet.

You mean the kind of people who read the National Inquirer. You know, Trump supporters. 

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2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I'm not spoonfeeding you. Do you own research. Or just leave your head in the sand, where it probably belongs. Up to you.

Ok thanks, I’ll do that (the Burying of ones Head in the sand bit that is). 

I was just curious whether you had an original thought or whether it was the usual, widely debunked nonsense most of you guys spout.

I guess we will never know now.

SAD FACE emoji. 


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10 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Good to see Trump keeping his word. He will not back down on this, and nor should he. In the end, Obama and his teleprompter said it best. “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.”


Get it built Trump, nice and high and long. It is not an exaggeration to say the survival of the USA depends on it. 

Well if your hyperbole is to be taken seriously , seems the US will not survive. I guess nobody realised that when Trump said he would drain the swamp , he meant he would pull the plug !

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