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Saudi teen who fled family welcomed as 'brave new Canadian' in Toronto


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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

Inference by reference to another post.


Like this.


Don't sweat it.

Your inference was wrong.


Wasn't me who renounced Islam, it was the woman who is now safe in Canada. It was her who had reason to far, not me.

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46 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Thailand saw thru this scam. 

That any teenage girl from the turd world can fly someone, then post on social media how their life is in danger and they want refugee status (plus all of the taxpayer funded benefits) in the Western world is beyond a joke.

Trust me, if her family genuinely want he dead, they'll still find her in Canada, or Australia or wherever. 

In a year or 2 she'll be taking a vacation back to Saudi, probably sponsoring her family to immigrate to Canada. 

Refugees are the biggest scammers andthat threaten world peace.


there certainly are loads of fake asylum seekers usually economic refugees.  this saudi girl seems to come from a well to do family and would not need to emigrate to escape poverty/ economic hardship.  the un has experts that thoroughly vet such individuals. 


your reasoning about her family being able to kill her wherever she may be is akin to arguing any/all such persecuted, marked for death refugees should not be given asylum since the bad guys in their home countries will find them and kill them anyway.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

She reads, writes and speaks Arabic.  She speaks English.  She'll be fine.


you bet....I can already see a full time career working the women rights circuit for the United Nations with Malala Yousefzai.


Maybe joint women of the year

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4 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Good luck in Canada but reality will set in soon.  The family probably has cut off her credit cards and access to money in the bank.  Asylum doe not mean a luxurious lifestyle.  She might have to get a job.  At 18 I wonder what skills she can offer?  Will she live in public housing with other refugees in Canada?  Freedom is Not Free(literally).  

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose

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4 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Despite the past and current realities, a greater percentage of 'third worlders' still subscribe to living or realizing their dream in the US. I wouldn't discount that the common border was a significant influence in her sudden change of venue. Australia or Canada? Bit of a no-brainer there.


She's a Saudi, and ultimately she may prefer a more temperate climate. Once she has her Canadian citizenship and passport, San Diego is truly her oyster. DJT isn't a diamond either.


Personally, I would have opted for an EU country for the endless possibilities and opportunities. Both Australia and USA are geographically isolated if/when one feels the need for a change. Breakfast in Ireland, lunch in Austria, dinner in Greece.

I really dont think that you have any idea of the far superior lifestyle enjoyed in Australia compared with Europe which is very good for summer holidays. In Australia you can have it all from beautiful beaches year round to snowfields bigger than Switzerland.. Plus the presence of the massive muslim population of Europe who are always willing to kill her for having denounced Islam.


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29 minutes ago, jerojero said:
3 hours ago, HAKAPALITA said:
Yep, the Frog PM will be there to greet Her with a Big Spliff and Snowflakes Guide to Life in Canada.

Obviously you know nothing of Canada and Canadian values that permeate a great society for more than 150 years , regardless which political party happens to be in charge at the time. Perhaps you should join Trumps fold given your stupid comments. Sheesh!

Obviously you have not been in Canada for a long time or do not follow what is now going on in Canada with what our glorious POS Frog Jihad Justine Trudope has been doing since elected. Personally welcomed CONVICTED TERRORISTS with crocidile tears and 10 million dollar cheques because they had been abused even tho there was video evidence of terrorist activities . Not once but at least 4 times not including all his ILLEGAL border crossers raping our welfare system.

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And those poor Thai women who made the ill choice to figure that YOU were their salvation. I feel sorry for them as they choose someone to rid themselves of a poor life. Problem is the people who who present themselves to rid them of poor  whatever are not always in good favor. Whatever....men look....they filter...then they decide. No different from anywhere else. Except, some are poor and will readily attach to people willing to bring them out of their dilemma. So....not my business...do and experience whatever. Nonetheless, I hope that people make others' lives better. Respect Thai women...treat them properly...buy them this and that within reason. There are many Thai women who will respect people or partners- those who treat them well. Those who will remain faithful if you do do the same. Many who will appreciate kindness and once in a while flowers. And hopefully, Thai women will see nice people- Thais or non-Thais.  And hopefully, Thai women will smile - especially when others care for them.


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39 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

A number off off-topic, argumentative, and troll posts have been removed from this topic.


If it continues, formal warnings and posting suspensions will result.

Perhaps some of you missed my earlier public warning?


Enough of these type of posts thanks.


The next violation gets a holiday.

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5 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Good luck in Canada but reality will set in soon.  The family probably has cut off her credit cards and access to money in the bank.  Asylum doe not mean a luxurious lifestyle.  She might have to get a job.  At 18 I wonder what skills she can offer?  Will she live in public housing with other refugees in Canada?  Freedom is Not Free(literally).  

Reminds me of the scenario when the North Koreans found out that South Korea is not paved with gold everywhere... they still need to work for a living even after their arduous escape from North Korea. Nobody owed them a living. Problem is they are not equipped for better jobs than manual labor. 

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6 hours ago, tifino said:

more Canadian reprisal arrests in Saudi to come?

Possibly quiet likely that there will be some reprisal for the loss of face, but Saudi is being careful following the murdered journalist in their Turkish Embassy. They may not want further international incidents?



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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Canada seems to be the destination of choise for half of 3rd world population. I know three that have gotten a visa lately. Their open arms policy will backfire in an epic way.

 I think Canada is pulling back a little knowing they can’t be as eased ... or as said it could backfire

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5 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Good luck in Canada but reality will set in soon.  The family probably has cut off her credit cards and access to money in the bank.  Asylum doe not mean a luxurious lifestyle.  She might have to get a job.  At 18 I wonder what skills she can offer?  Will she live in public housing with other refugees in Canada?  Freedom is Not Free(literally).  

Who cares for credit cards when your life is at risk? People tend to take this issue lightly because they are not familiar with the mentality of many Muslims. When I lived in Germany, I have heard of young women who were killed by the family because of lost virginity. The family sees this killing as a way to clean the shame on the family. Yes, it's very sad but true. 

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Just now, Patriot1066 said:

Possibly quiet likely that there will be some reprisal for the loss of face, but Saudi is being careful following the murdered journalist in their Turkish Embassy. They may not want further international incidents?



 ... they just don't want to be caught! unless a martyrs...

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Bit shocked to see her bearing so much leg in the short media appearance, may be considered more anti social than expressing women's freedom by many liberal Saudis who may have supported her had she been a little more conservative in her choice of wardrobe.

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Speaking of countries that control people what’s happened to the Interpol Chinese man that got swept up when he landed in China? 

Not heard anymore about him or any news from his wife. Maybe the swept her up ...

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1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

I think Thais don't realise how poor and backward this made them look in front of the rest of the world. Just reading the press around the world it looks like Thailand were the bad guys for threatening to deport her. The parties responsible for the fiasco at Suvarnabhumi should be in court answering charges of damaging Thailand's reputation.

Dead right.  Big Joke's ( Thai immigration Chief) mob of fools thought that were on a good thing at first, by looking tough, but they were soon, to the detriment of all Thailand made to look village idiots. Losing face big time.

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5 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Personally, I would have opted for an EU country for the endless possibilities and opportunities. Both Australia and USA are geographically isolated if/when one feels the need for a change. Breakfast in Ireland, lunch in Austria, dinner in Greece.

And an after-dinner assassination by one of the many unsocialized (uncivilized?) Muslims in the various countries.

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3 hours ago, BigC said:

Under stealth Islam they are allowed to break all their own laws if the end result is an attack on the west 


do hate me for what I say it’s based on the past and their holly book which I didn’t write so don’t blame me blame the man who wrote their book 

it is possible.  sleeper agent installed.  no one will ever suspect her after this.  next step invite close family and relatives of the same thinking.   Possible sure but that is our weakness.. Compassion. 

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59 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

I really dont think that you have any idea of the far superior lifestyle enjoyed in Australia compared with Europe which is very good for summer holidays. In Australia you can have it all from beautiful beaches year round to snowfields bigger than Switzerland.. Plus the presence of the massive muslim population of Europe who are always willing to kill her for having denounced Islam.


Whoa..... zip it big boy... y’all dont want everyone to know!

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18 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Good luck in Canada but reality will set in soon.  The family probably has cut off her credit cards and access to money in the bank.  Asylum doe not mean a luxurious lifestyle.  She might have to get a job.  At 18 I wonder what skills she can offer?  Will she live in public housing with other refugees in Canada?  Freedom is Not Free(literally).  

You obviously know little about how Canada spoils muslim economic migrants. An international refugee poster child? Starting with the foreign minister meeting her at the airport...... she's won the lottery. 

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13 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

Dead right.  Big Joke's ( Thai immigration Chief) mob of fools thought that were on a good thing at first, by looking tough, but they were soon, to the detriment of all Thailand made to look village idiots. Losing face big time.

I believe he regained face by arresting 5 Africans and changing the name of the priority immigration lane at Swampy to the "Fast Track" lane. Something a little more in line with his intelect.

Also a pitiful attempt at diversion by scapegoating the Arab airline that brought the girl to Thailand. 

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