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The Donz Got Hitched


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Last wednesday a very very lucky girl has got hitched with the Donz.

She loves it so much I will be comming to Thailand for a really big wedding (again)

I accept all your congratulations in advanced.

If your lucky photo's might come soon.

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Last wednesday a very very lucky girl has got hitched with the Donz.

She loves it so much I will be comming to Thailand for a really big wedding (again)

I accept all your congratulations in advanced.

If your lucky photo's might come soon.

Congratulations to you both &

My condolences to the bride

(Only joking, wish you both all the best) :D



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arrrr, from the least expected. Well thanks (even if i feel weird saying this to you)

One thing i need to know, whats the differenc with Oz weddings and Thai's?

Is it simular, just eat and get pissed? maybe a few chants with monks thrown in?

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One thing i need to know, whats the differenc with Oz weddings and Thai's?

Is it simular, just eat and get pissed? maybe a few chants with monks thrown in?

The big difference is that at a Thai wedding the guests eat, drink and then sod off home, all within the space of about 2 hours.

I've been at Thai weddings when tables of guests have been making for the door, having eaten and drank their fill, before other tables have even got their food yet.

Think of it like a plague of locust decending and then moving on.

Don't expect a party that goes on until day break, and if any Thais do stay drinking after the crowd has left.... give them a wide berth.

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Congrats Donz, that's real good news, I wish you both all the best. There is a romanian wishing for this kind of events but translated in english it might sound silly, anyway, here it goes... "I wish you a house of stone..."


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Congratulations DOnz.

Don't worry too much about Guesthouse's comment; some weddings are like that, the better ones i've been to of late have had guests staying a lot longer; all depends on what is served, whether you have enterainment, who you invite,, etc etc. You can get people to stay until very late if planned right and that is what you want....


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Congratulations Donz! :o

All the best of luck with your marriage.

In my experience, Gueshouse is pretty much right about weddings - I've been to 5-6 so far, 2 of which were Bangkok media profiles with a number of local celebrities present, and the rest of them village and middle class affairs in Northern Thailand.

Your close friends may stay longer, but a lot of the others will probably just show up, as that is all that is expected. In some ways this is not a bad thing - a number of the people you are supposed to invite will not be people you feel you have much in common with.

Also, not sure if you will, but if you have people making speeches as is the custom in Western weddings... If my experience counts for something, there is bound to be a fair amount of people who keep on talking amongst themselves during the speech, not even pretending to pay attention. :D

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