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U.S. steps up pressure on Maduro as Russia backs Venezuelan ally


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U.S. steps up pressure on Maduro as Russia backs Venezuelan ally

By Lesley Wroughton, Mayela Armas and Angus Berwick



A U.S. flag waves at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, January 25, 2019. REUTERS/Adriana Loureiro


WASHINGTON/CARACAS (Reuters) - The United States on Friday signalled it was ready to step up economic measures to try to drive Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro from power as some U.S. diplomats left the embassy in Caracas and Russia vowed to back its socialist South American ally.


The U.S. Treasury Department stopped short of announcing a freeze on Venezuela's U.S. assets and accounts, but said it would take steps to ensure commercial transactions were "consistent" with its recognition this week of opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's legitimate head of state.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday will urge members of the United Nations Security Council to recognise Guaido. Washington requested the meeting of the 15-member council after a string of countries threw their weight behind Guaido, who heads Venezuela's congress, and urged Maduro to step down.


Pompeo will be accompanied by former U.S. diplomat Elliott Abrams, who he named on Friday to lead U.S. efforts on Venezuela. Abrams is a neoconservative who has long advocated an activist U.S. role in the world.


Russia opposes the U.S. efforts and has accused Washington of backing a coup attempt, placing Venezuela at the heart of a growing geopolitical duel.


Private military contractors who carry out secret missions for Russia have flown into Venezuela in the past few days to beef up security for Maduro, sources said.


Maduro said he welcomed the U.N. debate. "Thanks, Mike," he said, tongue in cheek, during a Friday news conference. "We're going to tell the truth about the articles of the constitution, about the coup."


Maduro on Wednesday ordered U.S. diplomats out of the country within 72 hours. On Friday, some American diplomats left the U.S. embassy in Caracas in a convoy of vehicles with a police escort en route to the airport, according to a Reuters witness.


U.N. human rights boss Michelle Bachelet called on Friday for an investigation into alleged excessive use of force by Venezuelan security forces against anti-Maduro protesters in recent days, adding that she was "extremely concerned" that the situation could rapidly spiral out of control.




Guaido, who has galvanized Venezuela's opposition, proclaimed himself interim president on Wednesday during a march of hundreds of thousands in Caracas. He is considering making a request for funds from international institutions including the International Monetary Fund, sources said on Friday.


However, he still has no control over the Venezuelan state and the military, which has so far remained loyal to Maduro despite a deep economic and political crisis that has sparked mass emigration, with inflation forecast to rise to 10 million percent this year.


Guaido has promised future amnesties to military members if they disavow Maduro, asking soldiers on Friday to "put themselves on the side of the constitution."


Most Latin American nations have joined the United States in supporting Guaido's claim on the presidency, although Mexico's new leftist government has said it would not take sides. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Friday his administration would be willing to mediate.


Guaido said he would reject any negotiations that did not include Maduro's exit, the setting up of a transition government, and free elections to pick a new president.


"No one wants fake dialogue ... the only thing we want to negotiate is the end of the usurpation," he told a crowd clustered in a plaza in Caracas' Chacao district, an opposition stronghold.


To ratchet up pressure on Maduro, who began a second term on Jan. 10 following an election last year widely considered to be a fraud, the United States is seeking to cut off funds for his government and is considering introducing fresh sanctions, including on its vital oil sector.


Maduro warned off any attempt to take control of U.S. refiner Citgo, the country's primary offshore asset. "It is the property of the Venezuelan people, and we will defend it," he said.


The Maduro-appointed board of Citgo is preparing a legal strategy to defend itself against any attempts to divert its funds or change its board, sources said.


Oil prices edged higher on Friday as the political turmoil in the OPEC member threatened to tighten the global supply of crude. The U.S. has until now resisted significant oil sanctions because of the impact it would have on Venezuelan citizens already struggling with shortages.


"The oil situation has been an ethical moral dilemma for us," said U.S. Senator Richard Durbin, the no.2 Democrat in the Senate, in an interview. "Cutting off all trade in oil would be the last step. It would make it even worse for the average person."


The Trump administration is trying to make sure that any measures to restrict oil revenues to Maduro do not cause spikes in prices that would be felt by U.S. consumers, said Scott Modell, managing director of Rapidan Energy Group, who advises energy clients on geopolitical risks.


"How do they allow Venezuelan oil to continue to flow, while cutting off the flow of money back to Maduro and the government? That's the general playbook they have been using for Iran, and the one they are trying to adapt to Venezuela now," Modell said.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-01-26

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38 minutes ago, legend49 said:

They just cant keep there noses out of other countries administration.

And your country of origin please? Perhaps your flag has also meddled in foreign affairs at one time or another? Did any come to your country's rescue in the past?

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26 minutes ago, Benmart said:

And your country of origin please? Perhaps your flag has also meddled in foreign affairs at one time or another? Did any come to your country's rescue in the past?

Doesn't matter at all where he is from.


I must say I find this a very difficult situation, and difficult to have an opinion on.

Edited by stevenl
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The US should not get involved at all in this mess. The Venezuelans voted in Chavez and the dream of Socialism, now they are living the reality of the nightmare of Socialism. This will serve as an example to others who want to go down that path (AOC and Bernie's supporters). 

Let the Venezuelan people suffer some more, so when this is finally over the memory will be etched into their brains the next time someone tries to go down the Socialist pathway. Heartless I know, but they voted for this crap and now they have to see it through.


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53 minutes ago, phkauf said:

The US should not get involved at all in this mess. The Venezuelans voted in Chavez and the dream of Socialism, now they are living the reality of the nightmare of Socialism. This will serve as an example to others who want to go down that path (AOC and Bernie's supporters). 

Let the Venezuelan people suffer some more, so when this is finally over the memory will be etched into their brains the next time someone tries to go down the Socialist pathway. Heartless I know, but they voted for this crap and now they have to see it through.


Firstly, you're heartless.

Secondly, please inform to us, the uninformed, what is socialist about AOC/Bernie.

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5 hours ago, Benmart said:

And your country of origin please? Perhaps your flag has also meddled in foreign affairs at one time or another? Did any come to your country's rescue in the past?

Yeah what is the point of such a question?


I hope folks realize that the biggest meddler for over the past fifty years has been the American CIA. Via overt and covert means. Where? In multiple countries.  Including its own! (suck on that)


This place is rife with the most out of touch comments and responses mirroring tactics of the political mainstream. As if they are either watching way to much CNN/FOX or being paid to troll on ThaiVisa! Oh...and one more guess..or...alcoholics who are in denial.





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5 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

Yeah what is the point of such a question?


I hope folks realize that the biggest meddler for over the past fifty years has been the American CIA. Via overt and covert means. Where? In multiple countries.  Including its own! (suck on that)


This place is rife with the most out of touch comments and responses mirroring tactics of the political mainstream. As if they are either watching way to much CNN/FOX or being paid to troll on ThaiVisa! Oh...and one more guess..or...alcoholics who are in denial.





How do you define a non-mainstream source that you follow? Russia Today?

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Ron Paul and Chris Hedges.


Journalists and outspoken politicians along with comedians.


Yeah I do watch RTNews (not only them) as they have several shows including with Americans such as Larry King and Jessie Ventura.





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So to the just let Venezuela suffer brigade, have you considered this isn't only about Venezuela? It's already had a great impact on many parts of Latin America (refugees) and that could be the tip of the iceberg. It's an objective fact the majority of Venezuelans want a change from Maduro but as long as he controls the military, their prospects are restricted. Here's a number to consider -- 10 million percent annual inflation. Try to imagine that.


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7 hours ago, quandow said:

I'm SURE the fact that Venezuela has larger oil fields than the Saudis has NOTHING to do with all this attention from Murikkka.

Oil you say?

What's your cute put down name for Russia?

5 billion from Russia so that Maduro can keep his military happy.

Now from the U.S. for humanitarian aid through the new president recognized by much of the civilized world and legitimate based on their constitution, 20 million.

Who's interfering? 

Of course Maduro will probably stay in power with such a stacked deck.

Now the E.U. is demanding new elections in eight days and if not, they will recognize the new president. As if Maduro will listen to that.

Of course the U.N. can do nothing as Maduro backing human rights eschewing dictatorships of Russia and China will veto everything.

Predictable knee jerk fears about Yankee imperialism in Latin America from leftists such as Chomsky. Where are their complaints about Russkie imperialism? Have they noticed that the vast majority of Latin American leaders are on the same side as the USA and Canada, and soon the E.U. on this?





In Venezuela, Russia pockets key energy assets in exchange for cash bailouts

CARACAS — As allies go, Venezuela is a relatively cheap one for Russia. But the potential returns on Moscow’s investment there could be priceless.

In exchange for modest loans and bailouts over the past decade, Russia now owns significant parts of at least five oil fields in Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest reserves, along with 30 years’ worth of future output from two Caribbean natural-gas fields. 




Edited by Jingthing
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18 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Why be naive about it? If Venezuala did not have the oil reserves it does politically nobody would  bother so much.

I think the neighboring countries are a little more concerned about the million+ refugees fleeing Venezuela.   

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