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War on smokers: Smoking outside condos, public buildings officially BANNED


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9 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Yesterday for lunch I was at an outdoor Thai restaurant when a filthy Chinese lit up in the restaurant and proceeded to walk out. A few of the patrons caught the vapours of his filthy habit including myself and the missus. 


No-one should be subject to the disgusting habits of others. 


This is excellent news and hope it is actually enforced solidly. 


Well done Thailand.

check out your avatar

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Same old arguments that do not hold up. Driving is not the same as smoking. If you cannot see the difference I cannot say anything to convince you. I will say you would not be able to get a bottle of water in about a week with no cars. 


Cigs are being banned in public spaces all over the world. Cars, not really. Gee, I wonder why that is. What a mystery. 

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9 hours ago, sup3r1or said:

Really? You know burning anything is banned since January but all my neighbors are doing it. MY mother in law called police 3 days in the row, eventually they showed up. Talked to the guy and left, after 5 mins he started a new fire right near my house. 

Sure rules are enforced. 

But my friend 

“this is Thailand” 

a common word 


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Smokers will smoke.


Just set up some bloody public ashtrays every 50 or so metres in convenient, controlled spots.  Hilarious how places like Terminal 21 removed the smoking areas and now has a random ring of butts around the perimeter instead.


The cost of just 1 of the recently bought Chinese APCs could probably fund public ashtrays across the country!  Maybe salaries for additional street cleaners too!


Would automatically reduce cigarette butt waste and control their disposal.  Such wishful thinking.

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Just now, elephant45 said:

I don't' smoke and i hate it being a long term quit smoker. I am certain that every smoker hates themselves for still doing it.

At least have a downwind smoking spot for the addicts, I really don't know why smoking is not considered a serious drug addiction.

"Downwind" from where ?

Or non smokers all stand together in a group and the smokers stand 10 steps away downwind and have a smoke  there , keeping an eye on the wind direction and soon as the wind direction changes , the smokers run over to the other side , to make sure that they are down wind ?

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its not really a "war" though is it , especially considering that the "war" will make the victims live longer 

IN which case they should ban them from driving/riding

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15 hours ago, Hupaponics said:


Pardon my poor English, but is a private restaurant included in this?

I really hope so. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants are basically a smoking convention now and pretty much impossible to use if you're a non smoker.

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22 hours ago, GarryP said:

This new attack on smoking is part of the plans for reduction of air pollution. It is hilarious. Just how effective will this effort be? Instead of going after the chief causes they are going after smokers - an easy target. And no, I am not a smoker.  

Just what i wanted to say.

The ridiculous point with this world war on smokers is that nothing is done against the real big problems :

- air pollution by bad cars and trucks (and tuck-tuck) and old motorcycle : and you smell the heavy pollution when you encounter them ! Deadly.

- air pollution by fires, like the outdoor cooking (sellers), trash burning, land burning : this one is HUGE, daily, and NOTHING IS DONE HERE

- Not to mention chemical pollution, everywhere...


Smokers are scapegoat, easy targets, racketed for money on any level (tax, fines...).

And NOTHING done about the BIG pollution problems.

RIDICULOUS. Not only in Thailand, they just copy the wrong world nonsense here.

Same with pollution, not one civilised country does anything serious.

Piss me off : i need a cigarette ????  

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16 hours ago, Myran said:

Great, now they just have to deal with all the morons burning waste and fields.


And for that it looks like they are not able to.

So smokers much easy targets. Nothing that will improve air pollution though, the difference being huge.

I kind of wonder if all the complainers about smoking (witch i must say is legit when it's not ridiculously exagerated) do even talk about the real problems of pollution. So much talk, money, energy, put in the war against smokers. It's a smokescreen i would say (i'm french so not sure the joke is good :)).

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12 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Same old arguments that do not hold up. Driving is not the same as smoking. If you cannot see the difference I cannot say anything to convince you. I will say you would not be able to get a bottle of water in about a week with no cars. 


Cigs are being banned in public spaces all over the world. Cars, not really. Gee, I wonder why that is. What a mystery. 


Limit driving to necessary parts, like public transport or delivery, eg. professional driving.

Ban all private cars!


You can be unreasonable- so can I!

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"Smokers will not be able to light up within five meters of entrances or exits of virtually any public buildings.

It refers to buildings in both the public and private sector and includes offices, schools and hospitals.

In addition all parks, markets and bus stops are smoke free zones." "


5 metres?  I suspect this will leave us smokers standing in the middle of the road to have a fag ????!


I'm a 'considerate' smoker who always moves away from others when having a fag in public, even if they're only walking by, and I wouldn't dream of smoking in a non-smokers' house - but Thailand has moved towards the overly PC laws in the Western countries we moved from, to escape! :sad:

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23 hours ago, sup3r1or said:

Really? You know burning anything is banned since January but all my neighbors are doing it. MY mother in law called police 3 days in the row, eventually they showed up. Talked to the guy and left, after 5 mins he started a new fire right near my house. 

Sure rules are enforced. 

If you are in Thailand or anywhere cursed by mosquitoes burning a car tyre and some timber soaked in old sump oil is one of the most effective mosquito repellents available. Practically free and very effective.


Even in the UK we are plagued by the little sods during the summer months and the travelling communities adopt this method all the time with their camp fires. It also helps keep their sites and the surrounding countryside clean and free of litter.

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23 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

They truly don't care about there people. if they did they would do something, that has a real effect on the problems here.

Also the parents don't care about there retirement funds,

they just make more, if they lose one or two.


Carry on smoking , boys and girls.

can't see you all dying of cancer in Thailand.

something else will get you way before that.  :giggle:




A Thai doctor that I had to visit in Pattaya told me that booze is by far the biggest killer of falangs and ex pats in that town. Smoking wasn't even on the radar.

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3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

A Thai doctor that I had to visit in Pattaya told me that booze is by far the biggest killer of falangs and ex pats in that town. Smoking wasn't even on the radar.

Brilliant, where was his radar pointed? Surely not in the respiratory wing of the hospital.

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On 2/4/2019 at 10:58 AM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Yesterday for lunch I was at an outdoor Thai restaurant when a filthy Chinese lit up in the restaurant and proceeded to walk out. A few of the patrons caught the vapours of his filthy habit including myself and the missus. 


No-one should be subject to the disgusting habits of others. 


This is excellent news and hope it is actually enforced solidly. 


Well done Thailand.

I bet the cook sneezed in your soup. And your taxi tomorrow runs a red light. And you lose sight of the next smoker you wave your arms at because of the smog.

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On 2/4/2019 at 11:17 PM, elephant45 said:

I don't' smoke and i hate it being a long term quit smoker. I am certain that every smoker hates themselves for still doing it.

At least have a downwind smoking spot for the addicts, I really don't know why smoking is not considered a serious drug addiction.

Because Governments get enormous tax revenues. In the UK over 90% of the price for a pack of 20 is tax.

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Better hope Thailand doesn't do like Hawaii (USA) and raise the smoking age....to 100!


[The new bill, HB 1509, suggests that the smoking age should go up to 30 in 2020, 40 in 2021, 50 in 2022, and 60 in 2023 - until finally, in 2024, people would need to be 100 years old to buy cigarettes.]




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