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Register Bunsiness Address

Peter Aherne

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Hi All,


I already have a company set up and registered at a services office in BKK, since I primarily work from home and travel I'm rarely in the office and I'm the only employee so it's a bit of a waste. I understand that some condo's allow businesses to be registered and some do not. Is this the same case with houses in moo ban's? I'll be moving shortly and thinking of a house, and if I could also register my business there then it would save me having to pick up mail in the office! No customers, manufacturing, stock or anything like that which would have any impact on the moo ban or the house itself.



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Im sorry but, the way you spelled business is funny not because of the spelling error. But because it's almost how Thai people say the word. hahaha


The the moo baan managers dont have any say in your paperwork. I would think anyway.


Good luck!

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