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23 Chinese rescued from capsized speedboat off Samet


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5 hours ago, Benmart said:

The Chinese government would do well to ban their citizens from coming to LOS for six months. Then perhaps some improvement in safety would materialize. Unfortunately, once the cash cow returned, so would the greed, corruption and lax safety practices come back.

or mandatory swimming lessons

Edited by malibukid
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3 hours ago, moutamine said:

At least they won't ever bring people to Samet with that boat again!!  That boat is kapoot! 

No.. they'll salvage it and nail a patch over the hole - no one will ever know as it's below the water line.... (And I'm not joking, if you see the state of many of the boats when they're out of the water.) 

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Surely it must for all boat tourist operators to have checked the suitability of all tender boats with a certificate pertaining to the MAXIMUM people on board. If they do not adhere to all boating rules ,suitable life jackets with certification plus all rules which have been adopted in modern countries. I am 71 y.o now so I cannot see this transition happening. From an old rescue  boatie from days gone bye. Common sense and training  are a  huge factor in safe boating.

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Police said they’re investigating whether the boat owner, a company named Black Marlin, has a proper license, adding that the pilot had run away.

He was worried about any Chinese ghosts , they are more powerful than Thai ghosts. 


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"the pilot had run away." Now there's a surprise!


Seriously, do these speedboat owners not have to check the credentials of prospective employees, including addresses, and  details of who to contact in an emergency? If not - why not? 

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13 minutes ago, sambum said:

"the pilot had run away." Now there's a surprise!


Seriously, do these speedboat owners not have to check the credentials of prospective employees, including addresses, and  details of who to contact in an emergency? If not - why not? 

Because that's being proactive, it's only possible to act reactively here.

Edited by bluesofa
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Not good for Thailand. Yet again another boat accident involving 23 Chinese tourists, just thankful nobody seems to be seriously hurt this time. The problem is that it could have easily been worse with 23 people drowned. So, the question is how many accidents does there have to be before the Thai authorities actually take this seriously? Seems that they care about the image more then actually doing anything about it.


Thailand is not considered a poorer country anymore and the days of lack of proper regulation when it comes to tourist / public safety is inexcusable. 


Authorities need to take this very seriously and focus on strict regulation, no back handers and put the public safety first whether tourist or not.


I fear they are running out of time before the reputation of the country gets damaged beyond repair and then it will be generations away from recovery. 


If people are good enough to spend their money to visit Thailand they should be treated with respect and are entitled to expect they are made as safe as possible,,,

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On 2/8/2019 at 9:50 AM, owenm said:

Don't Thai boats have a "Maximum of xx Passengers" sign displayed with capacity depending on boat size? I thought was now regulated. 



Also the passengerboats in BKK still get overloaded and it has gone very wrong already some years ago..after that they set up rules and regulations but that seems to be forgotten now.


After the ferry to Koh Larn sunk ALL PASSENGERS had to wear lifevests before the ferry would depart....why were the chinese not wearing life vests before departing?

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