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Thai police seek to prosecute leader of anti-junta party popular with young

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Way to go Prayut, world wide recognition at last.

As what,a little Dictator who can't take a bit of criticism,has done zero in reforming the ROYAL Thai police,public officials,and the daily road carnage, and imprisonment of the poor not the wealthy,spending more tax payers money on the army, and 100% guilty of Treason.

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1 hour ago, poohy said:

The junta is running scared

I guess they realise  they cannot win a fair election and people really do hate them.


Realistically things are going to change here and certainly not for the better I suspect civil unrest will become more popular plus its controls and probable counter coups


And we are worried about visas 

On the other hand that should take care of the Bahts heady rise.

3 hours ago, pattayadgw said:

the place is never going to be the same again. 


It is the "New Era".


It did not begin in 2014.




I understand that that particular song was not played in the camps before, and it is ordered to be played 3 times a day now to supposedly snap or keep the soldiers inline.. There might seem to be some inner divide going on, and if this is true like some of the rumors, then something huge will hit the fan sooner or later. Just like the retired General who was on the other side of the fence who just resigned for undisclosed reasons from the Phue Thai party. There has to be a lot more of his kind in the military.

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Oh Thailand..."Land of the Free"...as long as you are rich and connected enough, have the right parents or friends, don't pull at your chains or shackles...


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Here is what will happen;


This guy will be found guilty and won’t be able to run.


Thai Raksa party will be dissolved (with many Jiong Prayuts party under threat of less majeste).


And the Thais will do absolutely nothing about it and will not care a single jot about it. 85% will not even know it is happening (much less what it means).


They have trained them well (lobotomized them for all intents and purposes), and they know it.

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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

And they have 60 days to "count"  duplicate, replicate, reproduce, crib, plagiarize, adulterate, doctor, fudge, juggle, manipulate, tamper (with), concoct, cook (up), fabricate, re-invent the votes to a true and correct outcome.

If i understand the above correctly  you are inferring  the "honorable peace loving ,understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious  junta is both a cheating and dishonest bunch of thugs????

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  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, poohy said:

If i understand the above correctly  you are inferring  the "honorable peace loving ,understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious  junta is both a cheating and dishonest bunch of thugs????

  "  ...junta is both a cheating and dishonest bunch of thugs"  how could you be so mistaken ????


I don't know much about this guy and never herd of him until a couple of weeks ago Thai politics is never much mentioned in my house then about 10 days ago my Mrs started telling me his story and how she all her family friends facebook are all going to vote for him surprised as she has never voted for anything in the 10 years we have been together I jokingly said this will end badly for him and it looks like it will hopefully the jumped up junta will back down if not the shooting may well start ????

3 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

I disagree.

If this party is banned,

if the election comes out as a complete farce and fraud,

i think it will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Thailand & Cambodia are just too historically different, economically, diplomatically, etc etc.

Hun Sen will remain in power until the Khmer people rise up, Mr P will either be on a plane out of the country or hanging from a public lamp post.

It will get messy.

As my previous post said, Enough is Enough.

Watch this space.

Depends if the relevant person or persons comes out and supports it. If we look at the factions and where everyone sits then I think the people will just continue with everyday life regardless of what happens. 

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3 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Now I possibly know why "they" recently purchased 14 new Chinese tanks (cf. Tiananmen Square)

The new tanks, and modern APCs, and the rest of the new kit are not for a Tiananmen Square rerun. They are to give one faction of the military more modern and effective kit than the 40+ years old US Vietnam surplus kit the rest have.

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

The new tanks, and modern APCs, and the rest of the new kit are not for a Tiananmen Square rerun. They are to give one faction of the military more modern and effective kit than the 40+ years old US Vietnam surplus kit the rest have.

Watermelon anybody?

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3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Making a martyr of an opposition leadership dedicated to change and giving youth a chance is a typically brainless strategy from yesterday's men.


Considering The Lil' Dictator has tremendous issues dealing with the fact that someone else than him or his cronies might be more popular than them, I have this lingering thought of a certain lady who was kindly given the choice to either sit in jail for decades or conveniently slip out of the country "undetected". I actually wouldn't really be that surprised if they tried to pull the same s*** on Thanathorn; yet if this would happen, I really hope he has the backbone to go through it the "hard way" as that would truly make him a martyr. Though certainly there's the risk of a sudden unexpected fatal illness while behind bars.. lot of diseased vermin in the thai jails that (I hear) get particularly bitey if you happen to fancy red garments or don't consider green as your favourite color.

10 hours ago, BuckBee said:

Thank god for people like this and students, worrying thing is why this guy not got more support .

Buck Banana and his army of democracy assassins need the will of the people to kick them to an election death.
Unfortunately the elite of the land are insane and only care for wealthy and lavish lifestyle .

Uncle Bucks fat sidekick needs a rolex kick right up his arse so far you can see the time when he opens his lying scum mouth ...


 Lets not forget the students  protesting in China. 

Developing World , free of democracy .



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Give it a break, to prosecute will only field ridicule from the international community, what you should be doing is getting a real life, a special name is made to describe particular people , morons comes to mind.  

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, JAG said:

Maybe they have assumed that they will win it, and emerge firmly on top for the foreseeable future. 

Maybe, but the minds and hearts of their underlings must be in it for it for a full blown event. 

6 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Hilarious. The poor old dinosaurs thrashing about in their death throes, while the primitive, low-tech environment which enabled them to flourish collapses around them.


Making a martyr of an opposition leadership dedicated to change and giving youth a chance is a typically brainless strategy from yesterday's men.


The sooner the generals quick-march back to the barracks and stop meddling in matters beyond their ken the better.

Dinosaurs, not rated very highly on the list of intelligence didn't have the smarts to see the end approaching and had no control over it anyway.

A few transformed into a different species but the majority vanished in a very short period. Can see the same happening again. 

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1 hour ago, chrisyork said:

Thoughtful and plausible.

But remember that the boys in blue are historically aligned with the politicians, particularly the Shinawatras.

Boys in blue proved be very much green during bangkok shutdown, green as is $$$

Shins couldn't get them clean up silom and Uncle Bucks lacky boy Suthep paid police off on last day of clean up deadline and police presence not seen again for weeks ...

For sure still a few favour Shins but they not fully loyal as like majority thais the true budhha is 100 dollar bills .

You call a thai taxi driver a buffalo and he club you to death, take away his freedom to vote, his livelihood on the line and keep him and his family in poverty and he sits on his arse and does sweet fa .

Unfortunate truth is huge majority to ignorant or easily influenced for 20bucks they never going do the right thing .


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For sure he can play the game, the good thing is between all the legal assault on other parties and army outburst they really shown what they are and created bigger chance of street conflict than ever before and peace was the supposed reason for the coup even though anyone with a brain knew the suthep protest was planned and paid by the coup makers ...

The military scum has to go, if it doesn't you retired guys best plan a relocation as between unrest and ever increasing visa/extension rules you going struggle like never before.

The elite hate the poor but the despise farang more than anything, Buck Banana absolutely detests farang, just read some of the military papers he done, the guy is an insane halfwit ...

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42 minutes ago, Benroon said:

What do you base that on ? Have you actually asked any thais what they think about this ?


You haven't have you just more generalised condescending <deleted> - every thai I know is completely <deleted> off with this but are powerless to stop it barring civil unrest - and don't bet against that !

I'll bet against civil unrest. There has to be a leader or leaders and sadly they're absent. 

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