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Where Is You Thai Kids Father?


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My wife has five children by her previous partner A Thai man -- He is dead and she had to seek some means of providing for the Family -- Me -- and it was the best thing that ever happened to me

One of the better posts I have read on TV.

I am glad a sad situation turned out so well for you and your wife and kids.

Well said Lingyai, there's a lot of guys around like that. I brought up another man's kids in Australia and they still call me Dad. There's no shame in being a step father regardless of what country it's in and gratitude makes it all the sweeter.

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i have been looking after my singaporean wifes daughter since she was 4 (the daughter not my wife, i only met she who must be obeyed when she was 30). The step-daughter is now 16

The father is British, apparently a millionaire and has not been heard of since I married the mother of his child).

He was last seen heading for the Philippines or somewhere else an old man can get sex from young women.

So JOHN CUMMINGS - i hope you are proud of yourself. I dont expect money but surely your daughter at least deserves a call on her birthday or Christmas you ######

Edited by goldenmile
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My thai kids father is at work, came home for lunch same as every day & said hello to his wife (me) & patted my belly to say hi to our thai kid :D OK, serious answer. My husband is a thai man & I know of at least 3 of his friends who have been left "holding the baby" when mama decides that mother hood isn't for her so runs off to the bar or another mans arms. Inevitably these kids end up with a grandparent but hubbies best mate has spent a lot of money & 4 years trying to gain access to his son (from his thai wife) after they split & she run off to CM with the boy. They aint all bad & they aint all good. But of the ones I know, they all send money & see their kids as often as possible ( not easy when you work in another province)

Oh & prior to our meeting hubby had an older thai gf who had a diabled daughter, they were together for several years & the daughter still visitis hubbies mum & we always have dinner with the ex when we are in town, she is a top women who raised her daughter so well the girl is at uni now all without the help of the girls father who is a true wonker, the guy decided he couldn't have a diabled kid so run off shortly after the birth :o Theres is good & bad all over the place.

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My kid's father is a scouser and a well known comedian on British television. True! I knew the git when he had nothing.


this one deserves it's own thread where we guess who the father is.

my guess is Lily Savage :o

HE HE, no, although I believe he had a brief fling with Lil, Lil is a better man. Incidentally, my daughter is a sweet kid and doesn't want to know him! This is true, the git! Keep guessing!

P.S. Not Craig Charles either, I said a comedian, not a real man!

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Stan Boardman?

mind you if it was him i guess you would have described him as a Focker

Bingo sir! I told you I knew him when he had nowt. He was an ignorant brickie then (no offence to the nice brickies of the world, may you go on laying for ever) and hasn't changed for the better. And as a comedian, he should have kept his day job. Why is he a git? He ran out on his girl when he found she was pregnant. I married her later, for my sins, and when she cracked up I adopted the daughter. No regrets, she's a nice kid, but that <deleted> could have helped a little when I had to bring her up alone. Never even sent her a card or visited once and M/Cs not a world away from Liverpool. Git!

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qwertz how did you get to be such a pal with the comedians?

what do you reckon to that guy Ricky Gervais?

i rate him just below Ernie Wise in my table of comedian's likeability

My mother had a club catering businesss. I worked in many M/C clubs and knew most of them when they had nowt. Worked for Manning too, that's how I know Lil and many more. Boardman once did a guest spot at the Embassy club with Manning in the audience and started off with "It's not easy being a comedian" and Manning shouted from the back "How the f+ck would you know?". Morecambe and Wise were already well up the ladder then and I only saw them twice at charity do's. Eric Morecambe (R.I.P) was as funny in real life and a great guy. I'm out of touch now, don't know Gervais, and German comedians are sh1t.

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I'm not sure it's appropriate to 'out' people as dodgy fathers like this, particularly when they don't have a comeback. It's these kind of posts that attract unwanted legal actions.

Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

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Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

A thai teacher friend of my wife runs an English school .Her hubby ran off 4 years ago with another bird.Her son is now 5.never heard from him since he left.She also made the comment to me that this type of thing happens only too often in Thailand.Her words,not mine.

she was probably making an ignorant assertion too.....

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I'm not sure it's appropriate to 'out' people as dodgy fathers like this, particularly when they don't have a comeback. It's these kind of posts that attract unwanted legal actions.

Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

Too true!.....and in which the OP believes in the “law of small numbers” sampling, then exaggerated confidence in the validity of conclusions based on small samples.


May be this is the case of using “judgment sampling” method, where the OP had interviewed a panel of individuals known to be expert in a field :o

As a thai, I have to disagree with the OP statement

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I have a colleague, quite a bright guy usually, who has a wife and kid. The wife has been seeing her ex while the hubby is at work since day 1. All the neighbors reported this and it was pretty open knowledge. The Hubby decided that everyone was saying bad things about his Mrs. and no one "understood" them.

He had paid hundreds of thousands of baht to get custody or adopt or something the kid. Then the hubby moved to a different part of the city, far, far away. Well, the Mrs. decides they all have to move to that same distant part of the city, even though it's an extremely long commute for the hubby. Her reasoning is because of all the "untrue" gossip about here where they were living.

Next, (or so the rumor has it), the ex moved back up to the village in Issan. Well, low and behold, the Mrs. and kid have to move up there too because the kid can't go to school in the city.

Now, she comes down about once a month (around pay day), gets her money and gives all the sad stories about how she wishes she could be with him etc. etc. etc.

Oh, and by the way to live with her "family" in the village and send the kid to school costs in the neighborhood of 40,000 baht per month!

A lot of us sure feel sorry for the dude, but he just won't look at reality.

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There are deadbeat dads wherever our sadsack species inhabits. However, there should be a special prize given to Thai deadbeat dads for being exceptionally irresponsible. I make that statement from having conversed with hundreds of young Thai women over the past 27 years. Nearly all are single moms and NONE OF 'EM GET ANY SUPPORT from the guys that knocked them up. Zip, Zero, Nada. The guys are adept at seducing, but completely irresponsible beyond the sluicy in and out.

The saddest part is that; Thai society supports that warped attitude - or at most, it gives it a great big mai pen ria with a yawn. If there are any Thai laws to compel deadbeat dads to contribute to their offspring, the laws are about as ironclad at wet toilet paper.

Most of the little girls those deadbeat dads sire will get knocked up by some nimble fingered seducer before they're 17, and most of the little boys will grow up to be whiskey-sucking irresponsible brats like their dads. How's it gonna change? There's no willingness among elders or bureaucracy to assist the abandoned kids.

Do you know the whereabouts of your Thai wife/gfs childrens father?

What does he do for a living and does he contribute to the childs upbringing?

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she was probably making an ignorant assertion too.....

Of course not. She was talking about a specific personal instance.

The ignorant assertion i was referring to was that Thai men contribute nothing to their kids, and they all do this when, patently, all Thai men don't.

Extrapolating individual examples of behaviour (no matter how common or isolated) to ###### a whole nation's men is as nonsense as me referring to the Thai guy i met in Korat at the weekend who is happily looking after the daughter from his wife's first marriage as if it was his own child, and saying all Thai men are saints.

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Do you know the whereabouts of your Thai wife/gfs childrens father?

What does he do for a living and does he contribute to the childs upbringing?

Could be an interesting thread if the contributors stuck to the OP’s guideline:-

12 years ago TW and her family operated 2 restaurants in Sumat Sakon, she was traditionally married to a BiB. He ran off with another woman when their daughter was 3 months old, although there was minimal contact in the early days he has not been seen or heard of since. We did try to locate him 5 years ago so as to get his authorisation for the daughters passport, this failed and we had to go through a lengthy legal and court procedure to get TW sole parent status, which succeeded and a passport issued.

I’m guessing the reason he made himself scarce is that shortly after he left TW’s father was seriously injured in a car accident. At the end of the day the father died but not before he accrued very large hospital bills which eventually cost the family their businesses and forced them to return to their roots in Ban Dung. They also lost a substantial amount of farm land and hocked the family home. It looks to me like the BiB did not want to be a part of this financial calamity.

Edited by bdenner
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I'm not sure it's appropriate to 'out' people as dodgy fathers like this, particularly when they don't have a comeback. It's these kind of posts that attract unwanted legal actions.

Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

My company donates alms to several orphanages around the Maptaphut and Rayong area. Its simply heartbreaking to see the enormous number of kids in these institutions. I've talked to the directors and the kids at these places and their parents are usually not deceased; just errant. The kids have just been dumped like stray dogs, because the parents have found new partners / run away from bad debt, etc.

There is seemingly a growing culture of neglect and irresponsibility in Thailand, that your average joe might describe as "freedom". :o Migration of labour is a big contributary factor as well.

Btw, these places are only partly govt. funded, and need donations from private sources to survive.

Depressingly, the education given is only rudimentary, and according to the director; the majority of the kids only go onto poorly paid jobs and prostitution.

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I'm not sure it's appropriate to 'out' people as dodgy fathers like this, particularly when they don't have a comeback. It's these kind of posts that attract unwanted legal actions.

Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

Too true!.....and in which the OP believes in the "law of small numbers" sampling, then exaggerated confidence in the validity of conclusions based on small samples.


May be this is the case of using "judgment sampling" method, where the OP had interviewed a panel of individuals known to be expert in a field :o

As a thai, I have to disagree with the OP statement

Uh? No statement, just a simple question.

Typical of the way you do-gooders like to twist words around to come up with answers that suit your own personal agenda.

My original question was a simple one, read it again. No need to add your spin.

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The poor chap is dead, he liked driving his car whilst drunk, one night he paid the ultimate price, his family sends money to my mother in-law, which although doesn't amount to much, the thought is there.

Same with my GF except replace car with motorcycle. My GF wasn't too upset about it as he used to get drunk and try to beat her up. I guess she got pretty good at thowing the kitchen chairs and other furniture at him trying to defend herself. She is only 149cm and 36Kg. Don't know if his family sends money or not though.

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Stan Boardman?

mind you if it was him i guess you would have described him as a Focker

Bingo sir! I told you I knew him when he had nowt. He was an ignorant brickie then (no offence to the nice brickies of the world, may you go on laying for ever) and hasn't changed for the better. And as a comedian, he should have kept his day job. Why is he a git? He ran out on his girl when he found she was pregnant. I married her later, for my sins, and when she cracked up I adopted the daughter. No regrets, she's a nice kid, but that <deleted> could have helped a little when I had to bring her up alone. Never even sent her a card or visited once and M/Cs not a world away from Liverpool. Git!

So what about Andrea, has she met your daughter?

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long as this answer may be, i cant really see where this answers the OP's question.

There are a few others that don't answer the OP's question.

Would you like to tackle them too?

not necessary, at least they concisely off topic.

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I'm not sure it's appropriate to 'out' people as dodgy fathers like this, particularly when they don't have a comeback. It's these kind of posts that attract unwanted legal actions.

Back to the OP or, more particularly, the underlying notion (expressed elsewhere) that Thai men contibute nothing to their kids - what an ignorant assertion, based on observing a miniscule proportion of the population rather than Thailand as a whole. It says more about the people making those assertions, to be honest.

Too true!.....and in which the OP believes in the "law of small numbers" sampling, then exaggerated confidence in the validity of conclusions based on small samples.


May be this is the case of using "judgment sampling" method, where the OP had interviewed a panel of individuals known to be expert in a field :o

As a thai, I have to disagree with the OP statement

Uh? No statement, just a simple question.

Typical of the way you do-gooders like to twist words around to come up with answers that suit your own personal agenda.

My original question was a simple one, read it again. No need to add your spin.

Ok it’s not a statement then, but by using your crafty written curiosity questions to stereotyping/implying that “their ex-husband, or ex-boyfriend” are all deadbeat father is just plain ignorant and I believe your questions comes close to your personal point of view on them. If I’m wrong, then please except my apology.

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I think it takes courage and determination to be a step parent. However the satisfaction from helping a child mature into a healthy productive member of society is worth it. Many of these kids would have little chance for a bright future in Thai society, I truly respect people who raise step children.

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