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Attacks On Tourists Are Seldom


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The above words on todays Bangkok Post, What planet are they on.

without providing us with a link to the whole article, it is a bit hard to comment. But the total number of tourists (millions) who visit Thailand every year, as a % the number who are attacked, i would imagine to be less than 0.01%.


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Yep got to keep one's perspective.

One attack is too many. However, I am reliably informed it takes a brave man to walk on a Spanish beach at 0300. The world is not a nice place, still believe LOS to be one of the better corners of it.

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What would be interesting is to see the number of tourists killed, suicicded, robbed, bashed etc in Thailand compared to other tourist destinations.

I believe that Thailand would be much higher than many other tourist destinations for crimes of violence.

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The crime against farangs in Thailand is increasing, I think, but is still quite low relative to the farang populations high entwinement with drugs, prostitution and extremely high alcohol consumption. If farangs behaved this way where I come from they would be dead long ago.

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Unfortunately tourists do present an easy target for the morally deprived in Thailand as much as they do elsewhere in the world.

What is equally unfortunate is the fact that Joe Soap and his family, happily returning home unscathed, after a couple of weeks idyllic sojourn on some far off sun baked Kho Whatever is far less newsworthy than if they had been mugged/robbed/raped in the same place.

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Unfortunately tourists do present an easy target for the morally deprived in Thailand as much as they do elsewhere in the world.

What is equally unfortunate is the fact that Joe Soap and his family, happily returning home unscathed, after a couple of weeks idyllic sojourn on some far off sun baked Kho Whatever is far less newsworthy than if they had been mugged/robbed/raped in the same place.

that's right. when was the last time CNN, Fox, BBC, et al reported "Earlier today in Iraq, 146,092 coalition soldiers were not killed." Doesn't quite have the same cache does it? bad news sells and that's what grabs the attention and sticks in the mind.

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What would be interesting is to see the number of tourists killed, suicicded, robbed, bashed etc in Thailand compared to other tourist destinations.

I believe that Thailand would be much higher than many other tourist destinations for crimes of violence.

To be fair though - it would only be relevant to compare apples with apples.

IE. How many desperate single males in the over 60 age group visit beach resorts in other parts of the world and what is the suicide rate amongst an identical group?

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What would be interesting is to see the number of tourists killed, suicicded, robbed, bashed etc in Thailand compared to other tourist destinations.

I believe that Thailand would be much higher than many other tourist destinations for crimes of violence.

To be fair though - it would only be relevant to compare apples with apples.

IE. How many desperate single males in the over 60 age group visit beach resorts in other parts of the world and what is the suicide rate amongst an identical group?

Firstly does being over 60 and looking for a bit of totty mean that you deserve or are m ore likely to die or be murdered etc? weird logic

Secondly,strange comment given that a few of the more publicised crimes of late involve western women and young ones at that being raped and/or murdered.

How many tourists to you hear of being murdered in the UK or other European countries where they have very high numbers of tourists?

Sure things happen everywhere but they seem to be happening a lot more frequently in LOS.

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I was attacked this evening at about 10pm while eating at the Kiss Restaurant on Pattaya 2

opposite Mike shopping mall. I am 61 years old.

My assailant took exception to my refusal to buy or look at his goods.

I was hungry and I wanted to eat.

Is that not why one goes to a restaurant?

There were an exceptionally large number of hawkers

drifting around the tables selling as usual everything

including laser pointers and torches.

When I stood up and asked him to stop,

another took a swing at me, giving me a glancing blow with his fist to my head,

and then he lost his balance and fell over backwards into the table of food and glasses.

Being the farang I was of course wrong and expected the worst

but my assailant declined to call the police as I suggested he should.

The restaurant even told me that I would not have to pay for the glass.

So all ended well fortunately.

It does just show that you must be very careful what you do in Thailand.

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The crime against farangs in Thailand is increasing, I think, but is still quite low relative to the farang populations high entwinement with drugs, prostitution and extremely high alcohol consumption. If farangs behaved this way where I come from they would be dead long ago.

I could not agree more the problems have risen exponentially with the arrival of non thai criminals, the relaxing of entry requirements and the attitude of visitors that any form of behaviour is acceptable.

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With a doubt thailand is a relatively soft destination....personal experience of an attack is irrelevant when it comes to the whole picture.

Even the % frequency here is probably not on the increase....if the numbers of tourists increase it is mathematically inevitable that more will experience some form of crime but the percentage remains the same.....or lower even.

Where would you rather be alone late at night?




New York



Costa Rica





come on! get real!

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With a doubt thailand is a relatively soft destination....personal experience of an attack is irrelevant when it comes to the whole picture.

Even the % frequency here is probably not on the increase....if the numbers of tourists increase it is mathematically inevitable that more will experience some form of crime but the percentage remains the same.....or lower even.

Where would you rather be alone late at night?




New York



Costa Rica





come on! get real!

Obviously Lodon - can't find any crime statistics for Lodon.

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