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Bimola do a nice open face with drop down visor. More old school looking than that though. No peak unfortunately. I bought mine from a big Yamaha dealer. 2000 baht and has USA / Euro safety specs. Very comfortable well made helmet. Have a look on their website





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The Real Venger Kazar is similar to your picture, but has a chin guard.

2700-3000 baht.

I think you will be hard pushed to find a "decent" open faced helmet with a peak.

I did see something like your picture on Ali-express shipping from China for about 600 Baht.



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I recently bought not that expensive full face helmet, no chin guard, although it fits very well and snug, I still feel a lot of wind and sound noise, quite a bit, at over 100+km...

I think these full face ones are not very aerodynamic at high speed,  I think next time I try to see if I can test ride one at high speed before buying, maybe those with chin guard are better, although feel so claustrophobic... I wonder if there is a big difference...!!!? Also check the weight, I think mine is a bit heavy,  well, not sure , but it feels like that....

Just rode from phuket to koh samui with it, it was not that good at high speed, then again I have no experience with anything better, so maybe they are all the same... !

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4 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Example - Schuberth C3 Pro - 461.55 pounds - 3 Star

LS2 FF324 Metro - 134.01 pounds - 3 Star (I own one, it is great)

Both modular - both latches score 97%

Big difference

The main difference (after a certain price point) is not in how good they protect, but weight, noise and quality of the materials.

Currently i have an HJC Rpha 90, but imho the higher price is not worth it and if this helmet is done my next helmet will be a cheaper model.



Imho this style looks quite ugly, but if it's what you like... if you search for "open face helmet peak" in Google image search various helmets with this design show up, some of them are probably also available in Thailand


1 hour ago, Agusts said:

I wonder if there is a big difference

One big difference between a full face helmet and an open face helmet is, that with a full face helmet you still have a jaw if you happen to land on this part ????

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7 hours ago, jackdd said:


One big difference between a full face helmet and an open face helmet is, that with a full face helmet you still have a jaw if you happen to land on this part ????

I meant a big difference between those types regarding wind drag and noise and these things...


Obviously a chin protection is good, but chances are in a terrible accident you could break a neck or spine, that chin protection will be not much help, how many bikers land on their chin... !? Helmets are mainly very useful for not getting a knock on your head, most common , after that not sure, well, we are not pro bikers or GP competitors..., at least not me ! lol

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1 hour ago, Agusts said:

we are not pro bikers or GP competitors..., at least not me ! lol

It has nothing to do with how (fast) you ride. You can break any part of your head including your jaw going 30kph.


True, most injuries on the head wont be the jaw but it's also not such a rare thing that I'd take the risk. I'd like to keep my jaw, it kinda grew on me ????


A full face helmet has other advantages that alone are reason enough for me not to consider anything else anymore:

- You don't get any wind disturbances inside your helmet which always irritates my eyes.

- No bugs

- Filters out most of the exhaust crap since the air passes a piece of cloth, no more itchy eyes and I'm sure my lungs will thank me as well


And of course on top it's also much quieter which lets you concentrate on what's happening around you. An open helmet, provides maybe 30% of the things I want in a helmet on the roads here.


When I initially switched to full face helmets, I got dizzy and felt that my field of view was inhibited. But after a while I got used to it and now don't want to ride without one any more.

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1 hour ago, Agusts said:

I meant a big difference between those types regarding wind drag and noise and these things...


Obviously a chin protection is good, but chances are in a terrible accident you could break a neck or spine, that chin protection will be not much help, how many bikers land on their chin... !? Helmets are mainly very useful for not getting a knock on your head, most common , after that not sure, well, we are not pro bikers or GP competitors..., at least not me ! lol



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Interesting photos, and I guess you have some stats to go with that, chin/jaw injuries saved by full helmets, as opposed to full face not...also survival rate of poor victims, well, those actually needing their jaws afterwards...! ?


I'm in no doubt full face helmet is better than open face, but I'm also pretty sure you are safer driving an armoured vehicle or a tank than Toyota Yaris, but do you want to and all things considered in this hot weather, I think it's marginal for run of the mill bikers, using either, I also don't use SPF50 sun tan lotion on my nose, and my friend think I'm crazy...lol , well , my helmet has a dual visor...!


I probably end up buying a full face helmet at some point,  but it won't be for saving my chin or pollution, visibility or comfort, maybe for wind and sound noise or if in cold country ...

Thanks for the feedback.

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23 hours ago, ballpoint said:



There's also MAJOR criteria to consider that people for somehow tend to forget, the field of view :


Where is the OP going to ride ? Bangkok ? Another big city / mainly downtown ? or countryside ?

Bangkok : i threw away my full face helmet very fast, reason is simple : 

It's all about the field of view in Bangkok / big cities, and you get a much MUCH wider field of view with a Jet helmet  vs full face, and that is a game changer in Bangkok.

That field of view is gonna save your ars LOTS of time in a crowded city like BKK, it's passive vs active protection, from time to time i use my full face helmet and it scares the hell out of me in BKK because you can't see sh*** of what's coming on the sides and that's where most of the danger is waiting for you, you get an extra 1 or 2 to react with that Jet helmet wider field of view.


Also, a full face helmet will / should save your life "more often", however that idea is based on the fact that if and when you crash you will be fully geared, jacket, pants, boots, gloves, if get involved in an accident without gears but where a full face helmet is gonna save your life vs a Jet helmet, then you'll probably die of body injuries anyways.


And who here is wearing boots, gloves, jackets and pants and a strong backpack for a 10-20 KM downtown ride ?.

The small "daily routines" rides is actually when you crash and die (i think it's like 75% death for daily rides vs 25% death for longer rides).

Now that field of view point of view is for city riding, for long countryside trips it's another story, I'd go for a modular helmet so you can enhance your field of view downtown and close it when you ride a bit faster in the countryside.

Sure it's a bit heavier / uncomfortable + ugly when it's opened but it's a good compromise.

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The only helmet I could find is the Nolan N40. Unfortunately this model isn't brought into Thailand. I've worn a full face helmet here before. I like this better. There's more airflow and the beak keeps my nose from frying.

Maybe I'll try and order one from Europe.



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1 hour ago, drift said:

The only helmet I could find is the Nolan N40. Unfortunately this model isn't brought into Thailand. I've worn a full face helmet here before. I like this better. There's more airflow and the beak keeps my nose from frying.

Maybe I'll try and order one from Europe.



I don't know about that beak, I was looking for something similar but I was told by a few guys that something like that,  sun protector beak, will create quite a wind drag and noise at 100+km/h speeds, I don't know if it really does, we need someone's feedback who has one,  but it make sense that it would I guess...


So I went for one without it, the good news is that the second sun visor is actually very good at protecting your face from the sun, unless the sun is way down, in which case that beak won't help either...


Just came back from a trip to koh samui and back to Phuket,  on a quiet highway 44 managed to do 139km/h on my Forza, for a minute or so, about 8200rpm, but I guess max speed depends on many things and the road is not flat or smooth long enough, and of course there's  other vehicles, I don't take too much risk... but on top of that the wind drag and noise on body and helmet is so much that it's really uncomfortable, even for a minute,  not sure how guys do those speeds for a long time and cruising, must have good clothes and helmet, and bikes with shields I guess...

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On 2/26/2019 at 6:58 AM, canthai55 said:

My LS2 has the same field of view as my HJC Jet 3/4 helmet

I put off buying a full face because of this, until I found the LS2


Yep there's some full face helmet with decent field of view now, but otherwise 99% of them will still lose vs a Jet helmet.


Which model of LS2 is that by the way ? 


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