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Are we still offended by the F word


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On 2/26/2019 at 11:33 AM, vogie said:

The only time I swear is when I hit my thumb with an hammer, then I can be heard from miles around, but no, never swear. I just can't understand why people need to use 4 or 5 expletives in one sentence.


Maybe a lack of education.

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Maybe a lack of education.

I don't think so, I never had an education, secondary modern school, failed my 11+, infact everyone in my class failed it. But I had a mother that set very strict bounderies for me, having said that I don't want you to think she had the same principles as Monty Pythons Dinsdale Brothers.

I suppose I would have used expletives whilst serving my country, but in all fairness, if we had other soldiers wives on invite to our mess, we showed the utmost respect, and if one did slip out we were very apologetic.

What I have found is that foul and profane language can be very regional (UK), some parts of the UK(no names, no pack drill) can be worse in using foul language than others.

Maybe it's a case of birds of a feather, vis a vis if your friends use it, maybe someone would be more prone to use themselves.

Luckily my local watering hole here doesn't allow swearing or smoking, I know that wouldn't suit everybody, but I like it.????

Rant over.


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5 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

Offended. Am I f#*k. One of the best words to express many emotions 

If i an asked whether i am  offended? 

It's gonna be either a:

 - " c'noath mate!" 

Or, a: 

- " tifino! " ( if i am not quite sure yet)

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3 hours ago, CharlieH said:

As with many things, depends entirely on circumstances and the company your in.


indeed...how would it have been with bogie and Katherine Hepburn if he woulda called her  a 'f**kin' psalm singing skinny old maid' in the African Queen? no academy award for him then I'm sure...





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Meet the Dutch F****r... or wait.. Fokker !


A Shame , it's just a name, a word, should not be censored.

Never, ever, not in this teevee and not on the glassy teevee.
It is the way how you use the word, that could be censored.

in some case. And the same goes with the other F word, the

one some of us was thinking the OP was talking about, the

one used in Thailand, for pointing to us.




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