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Visa For Stay With My Baby?

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Is there any chance for me to get a visa based on the fact that i am living here with my thai gf, and i have a baby with her.

We are not married, because i am getting a divorce from my former wife in my home country.

We (me and my x-wife) have been seperated for one year, so the papers will soon be ready.

I know the laws to get a ''marriage visa'', but what goes for visa for stay, and support my baby?

Anybody have any reasonible answer to this?

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Think that only reasonable answer is that you can try. I would take fiancée and child with you and paperwork/money as for for marriage but instead of marriage certificate have birth certificate with your name on it. If no-go you will have experience for the marriage visa when that is possible.

It is definitely work taking the chance to talk with immigration officer. Good luck.

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The baby is not born yet, but i will be on the birth certificate, yes.

I will have money transferred from my home country, into a thai account......just too bad the baby is born in sept. and not in june, then i just might had a chance with the 200k, but the money issue will not be a problem.

I do not have to apply for that kind of visa outside thail.?

I can apply at the immigration, right?

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Hello Gentlemen

I am in a similar circumstance in that I wish to extend my stay based on supporting a thai child, however I have encountered a number of obstacles

Please note that as rules vary from district to district I can only vouch for this being factual at Chiang Mai Immigration

When I applied for my extension I had with me the following

- My passport with a Non Immigration O visa issued in the U.S.A.

-Proof of sufficient funds in a Thai bank as well as proof of a pension exceeding the minimum reqiurements

-mothers ID and house registration

-Childs birth certificate with me listed as the father

me the mother and child all went to immigration together as a family Albiet not a married family

However I am at present unable to obtain the REQUIRED "tabien rap rong boot" or document from the Ampur Muang that states I support the child.

-For a legally married couple it is straight forward just show birth certicicate, ID or Passport of the parents and marriage documents and it is issued.

In the past it was equally as straight forward for an unmarried couple, however now they can no longer issue it to you unless you the alien have obtained custody of the child by sueing for it at "Sala Glang" (City Hall).

I am in the process of enquiring about ways to avoid a lengthy and costly court issue to obtain the document of child support.

I have a couple of Question for the wise and experienced men and women of this forum:

1) Is this Child Support document required in every district to get a visa extension based on supporting the child ?please note that the birth certificate and mothers info is all that was required by me to get the initial visa

2) Is an award of the childs custody required to obtain the Child Support document in every district in Thailand

My issue was addressed in a thread that I initiated before, however since that time and prior to this post I revisited Immigration, Ampur Muang and City hall with the family and clarified everything as best that I could.

Thanks in advance for all useful advise on this issue

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