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Land purchase in Daughters name

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I am about to make a land purchase and intend to register title in my daughers ( age 10 ) name who is a Thai national.


A license to build the family home will then be sought, and house built.


Anyone done it this way ?

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Get a usufruct from the current owner in YOUR name for Lifetime before you gove it over to your daughter. Else you cannot do anything as everything that has to do with the land when your daughter ownes it has to be court approved afaik. 


You can do the usufruct and title reg on your daughter at the same time basically. 


First usufruct about 80 percent of the land price. Then pay the taxes at land office. Then chanote reg abiut the remaining 20 percent in ur daughters name. Pay rest of taxes. 



Don't skimp on this, do not threat the usufruct as a donation at zero cost. Donations in thailand xan be revoked. 

Edited by ThomasThBKK
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