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Actor Jussie Smollett indicted on 16 counts of lying to Chicago police


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Well, they say that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Looks like he is ham and swiss with mustard and mayo on rye. He is too stupid to get away with it paying by check. 

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4 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Would that depend on the percent they are black or is it just a little brown or dark tan color is the same as a really black person.  What if the Chinese kid was part HIspanic?  Which gene would win the violence battle in his mind?  If I see a Chinese kid walking down the street with a gun drawn should I assume he is hunting rats? 

No, you should assume that he is a triad/mafia member from whatever ethnicity he is, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese. If you were in Toronto it would be Vietnamese fist guess Chinese next. In Vancouver, it would be Chinese but if it is Asian in the fullest sense they would be of Indian ethnicity. :tongue:

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He has an interesting conundrum because he will almost certainly be offered a plea deal that includes no jail time but the future viability of his acting career may hinge on him stubbornly maintaining his innocence. I don't know. His people seem to be testing out the notion that he has a substance abuse problem so maybe that will be the excuse he uses to justify his actions. 

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4 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Would that depend on the percent they are black or is it just a little brown or dark tan color is the same as a really black person.  What if the Chinese kid was part HIspanic?  Which gene would win the violence battle in his mind?  If I see a Chinese kid walking down the street with a gun drawn should I assume he is hunting rats? 

Granted, if you dress and talk like a gang banger it doesn't matter what race you are (the courts know that also of course!).

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Actually these things happen more often than you would think, but they're usually smart enough to not get the authorities involved.  Even Saint Oprah pulled a stunt of this sort a few years ago setting up a girl who worked in a shop in Switzerland as the foil.  The media reported it but didn't give it much attention, I would guess social media (which I avoid, except for TVF) had a field day with it.  The incident happened 2 weeks before a movie with her in it came out.   Anyone remember the "beer summit"? 

And that's the way it usually works: they pull it just before a movie/book/tv special etc of theirs is coming out.  I think this is low and "crying WOLF!" trivializes real racist acts. Dumb arsed move IMO. 

Well, for this guy it worked, I didn't know who he was before this, and now he's a household name, not famous but infamous.



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  • 3 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


Certainly an interesting development that. 


Next few days will be interesting - I wonder if he'll be out there claiming to be vindicated...


I don't think I found him guilty in any of my posts, but I'm sure I commented on the appearance of guilt and maybe his mental state. For that I'm sorry. Particularly in light of my feelings with regard to due process.

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Just now, lannarebirth said:


I don't think I found him guilty in any of my posts, but I'm sure I commented on the appearance of guilt and maybe his mental state. For that I'm sorry. Particularly in light of my feelings with regard to due process.

I wouldn't be sorry.


He definitely did it. They dropped the charges, they did not find him innocent.

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Just now, pedro01 said:

I wouldn't be sorry.


He definitely did it. They dropped the charges, they did not find him innocent.


Accused people should be given the presumption of innocence. Even James Clapper, who perjured himself on national TV should get his day in court, except he was never charged.

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9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Accused people should be given the presumption of innocence. Even James Clapper, who perjured himself on national TV should get his day in court, except he was never charged.


You are more than welcome to presume him innocent. 


A person is presumed innocent in a court of law. That does not mean the thought police prevent anyone from having an opinion on his innocence and voicing it outside of the courts.


I propose you stop reading this thread if you cannot handle other people's opinions.  

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53 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


You are more than welcome to presume him innocent. 


A person is presumed innocent in a court of law. That does not mean the thought police prevent anyone from having an opinion on his innocence and voicing it outside of the courts.


I propose you stop reading this thread if you cannot handle other people's opinions.  


I don't mind other peoples opinions, whatever thay are. It helps me know how to regard them. I'm all for free speech.


Anyhow, if the facts change in this case in the future maybe I'll change my mind again.

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  Certainly an interesting development that. 


Next few days will be interesting - I wonder if he'll be out there claiming to be vindicated...



Looks like he is already doing exactly that...and FOX which produces “Empire” has now spoken out in his defense.


He is being hailed a national hero by the black community.


“Somebody got some ‘splainin’ to do.” In the words of Desi Arnez.


Apparently all records are now sealed and 80% of the Chicago PD evidence can never be made public which has not been previously released.


The truth will never be known why this happened but might have to do with statements made by the Chicago PD tainting any jury.


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This will be interesting. Black guys usually get harsher sentences...even the affluent ones. Remember Wesley Snipes got 3 years for 3 misdemeanor charges, while Paul Manafort only got >4 years for 8 felony charges! Hardly seems equitable. 
Jussie's definitely gonna pay some fines and prob do some time. The interesting part will be how long his sentence will be. 

Oh, I didn’t realize Manafort & Snipes crimes were similar.

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Apparently they have dropped the charges on Smollet, possible interference by a former Michelle Obama staff member is being mentioned on the main stream media. There is still a possible Federal charge of mail fraud, hopefully they can prosecute federally for that, and false accusations, and put this guy in jail.


*Offensive remark edited out*

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What a total POS Jussie is.



 - Charges were not dropped because they thought he was innocent but that loss of $10k bond was not enough. They thought he was guilty but their priority is to prosecute violent crimes.


On the other hand, Jussie & his lawyer are taking the line that he was exonerated. No apologies from them, just doubling down basically.


“I want you to know that not for a moment was it in vain, I have been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one,”


Would love to see the Feds take this up - but no chance I guess.

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Some say this is the Cook County States Atty covering up something that would embarrass his office when it was exposed in court.


Its reported in these types of dismissals that the accused typically has to admit guilt as part of the agreement or that a single misdemeanor charge is agreed to.


Jussie is now getting hero status by many. It just turned into another black man unfairly victimized by the police.


I wonder how this affects the future popularity of the two Brothers in who admitted to the attack? Smollett has squarely framed them as liars.

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Its reported that the folders of evidence (case files) are all sealed and all details of the investigation that warranted the 16 felony counts have already been wiped off of all computers.


Many are saying this is without precedent. The Mayor is considering taking the States Atty to court.





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 Amazing. So it turns out that at 2am in the depths of a Chicago winter there really are redneck racists hanging around with a noose and bleach bottles just waiting for African American homosexual actors to walk past and take a beating. Sounds like a really terrible place.


 Next thing, Mr Smollett will waltz back into his Empire role with a massive pay rise. 

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 Amazing. So it turns out that at 2am in the depths of a Chicago winter there really are redneck racists hanging around with a noose and bleach bottles just waiting for African American homosexual actors to walk past and take a beating. Sounds like a really terrible place.    Next thing, Mr Smollett will waltz back into his Empire role with a massive pay rise. 



 Actually the States Atty agrees with the findings of investigators. He does not question any of the evidence submitted. That it was staged, the participation of the two brothers Smollett hired, etc.


His office simply decided not to pursue any of the 16 felony charges with no further explanation except to say 2 days of community service and forfeiture of $10,000 bond was sufficient.





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 Amazing. So it turns out that at 2am in the depths of a Chicago winter there really are redneck racists hanging around with a noose and bleach bottles just waiting for African American homosexual actors to walk past and take a beating. Sounds like a really terrible place.
 Next thing, Mr Smollett will waltz back into his Empire role with a massive pay rise. 

Redneck homophobic racists that watch Empire...Lol

I think Fox has already made it clear Smollett is getting his old role back. His entire fraud is working out better than even he ever dreamed possible.

BTW, did you see Al Sharpton maneuvered his way into this? The original photo bomber.
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I read somewhere yesterday that it was linked to the Avenetti / Geragos case. Some think Smollett made a deal so they could get the porn lawyer and the CNN lawyer up on charges. That was speculation of course, but Geragos was Smollet's lawyer at some point.

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I have always thought this is the kind of thing that goes on in Thailand, not the USA, connections, money and fame letting the guilty off Scott free. People should be equal before the law, not in this case.

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48 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:

 Actually the States Atty agrees with the findings of investigators. He does not question any of the evidence submitted. That it was staged, the participation of the two brothers Smollett hired, etc.


His office simply decided not to pursue any of the 16 felony charges with no further explanation except to say 2 days of community service and forfeiture of $10,000 bond was sufficient.





I had read that all criminal charges have been dropped. Presumably that would incude any misdemeanor charges in addition to felony charges. So why the bail forfeiture?

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I read somewhere yesterday that it was linked to the Avenetti / Geragos case. Some think Smollett made a deal so they could get the porn lawyer and the CNN lawyer up on charges. That was speculation of course, but Geragos was Smollet's lawyer at some point.

I don’t understand the connection.

Smollett had no cards to play for a deal.
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The implication was he had some information to grass up Geragos.


I don’t doubt some conspiracy theory is now floated in social media but this makes no sense. Are they suggesting Geragos confided something to Smollett out of the blue?


Why would he do this again?




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