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2 minutes ago, blazes said:


So you're not a Commie then?

Naw dude, Im so right wing that Atilla the Hun would be a leftist. My philosophical idea of Government is a fossilized, backwards looking libertarian Oligarchy where its survival of the capitalist fittest . I hate commies even though I am a Lumpenproletarian and should be loyal to my own class interests instead of to the bloodsucking jackbooted bourgeoise thugs of Capitalism. And by the way, thats the other problem here, lots of Commie fellow travelers, just sycophantic leftobabblers mind you, Marxist dialectics go right over their heads....you try to force the issue of their economic anomie by comparing the Burkeian idea of limited government in a traditional, evolutionary sense vis a vis the continuous revolution theory of that posturing, derivative prima donna, Bronshtein and all you get back is some slogans. Frustrating mind you. Im constantly at intellectual war with unarmed opponents. And then they always turn the conversation to boobs and hookers. Frightful.

4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw dude, Im so right wing that Atilla the Hun would be a leftist. My philosophical idea of Government is a fossilized, backwards looking libertarian Oligarchy where its survival of the capitalist fittest . I hate commies even though I am a Lumpenproletarian and should be loyal to my own class interests instead of to the bloodsucking jackbooted bourgeoise thugs of Capitalism. And by the way, thats the other problem here, lots of Commie fellow travelers, just sycophantic leftobabblers mind you, Marxist dialectics go right over their heads....you try to force the issue of their economic anomie by comparing the Burkeian idea of limited government in a traditional, evolutionary sense vis a vis the continuous revolution theory of that posturing, derivative prima donna, Bronshtein and all you get back is some slogans. Frustrating mind you. Im constantly at intellectual war with unarmed opponents. And then they always turn the conversation to boobs and hookers. Frightful.

I think they'd be shocked out of their tank tops if you told them (the liberal lefties like OAC and the whole tribe) that they were "fellow travellers".

Mind you, I've been a Marxist my whole adult life, especially now that I am a right-wing radical (where Marx would have been today).  And Lenin was second only to Marx in seeing that "Who Whom" was the question to ask to figure out how a society operated.  Who is screwing whom?


But I think you do a great disservice to the name of that arrogant but brilliant revolutionary, Bronstein.

2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw dude, Im so right wing that Atilla the Hun would be a leftist. My philosophical idea of Government is a fossilized, backwards looking libertarian Oligarchy where its survival of the capitalist fittest . I hate commies even though I am a Lumpenproletarian and should be loyal to my own class interests instead of to the bloodsucking jackbooted bourgeoise thugs of Capitalism. And by the way, thats the other problem here, lots of Commie fellow travelers, just sycophantic leftobabblers mind you, Marxist dialectics go right over their heads....you try to force the issue of their economic anomie by comparing the Burkeian idea of limited government in a traditional, evolutionary sense vis a vis the continuous revolution theory oIf f that posturing, derivative prima donna, Bronshtein and all you get back is some slogans. Frustrating mind you. Im constantly at intellectual war with unarmed opponents. And then they always turn the conversation to boobs and hookers. Frightful.

If you can't talk about boobs and hookers then maybe the problem is your conversational skills.  We all have to start somewhere on the road to common discourse.





On 3/10/2019 at 4:34 AM, BritManToo said:

I sit at home, employ a gf, do a bit of gardening and cooking, play with my children, watch tv, occasionally go hiking or cycling with a group.

Last time I was in a bar was about 6 weeks back (Loi Krow) when a pal from the UK visited and wanted to see hookers and gogo bars. I prefer to drink alone, where I have no transport problems, and nobody is pestering me for free drinks.



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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 9:28 PM, Essex Reject said:

It's because 99% of TV 'members' are houllier than thou. No-one drinks, smokes, take drugs etc, they visit temples and night markets and roadside eateries for their 'social lifes'. They read, write and eat noodles everyday, usually with chopsticks. All their visa's are intact and their wife's are trainee lawyers. They are way ott with their politeness towards Thai's (we're just guest here remember) and they wai up to a hundred times a day.


The average 'member' on here is so straight and dull, I thank my lucky stars they never frequent bars in their white socks, speedo shorts, bum bags and 10 year old sandles.


You know who you are.

They are also very rich and don't understand why anyone that doesn't have loadsacash would even want to stay in LOS, let alone live cheaply. If we can't dine at The Dukes every night and don't live in a penthouse suite, we are "nuttin" to them, just scum to be deported ASAP.

I did notice that even in the tourist devoid town where I lived, the very few expats that also lived there went out of their way to avoid acknowledging my existence when we passed in the street.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

We all have to start somewhere on the road to common discourse.

Well Im not allowed to talk about Footie because Im a Yank.

4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I did notice that even in the tourist devoid town where I lived, the very few expats that also lived there went out of their way to avoid acknowledging my existence when we passed in the street.

That happens to me too, even in the USA....I just shave, bathe, wash my hair and change out of the soiled loincloth, midriff T-shirt and platform sandals into a clean polo and a set of chinos..... folks just smile and nod as I pass

1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

Well Im not allowed to talk about Footie because Im a Yank.

I'm a Brit and a Man U supporter which means I'm not allowed to talk about football on this forum. Every time I do it ends up with a barrel full of haters piling in and my posts getting deleted.


Good move to declare yourself as a Millwall supporter on this forum.

1 minute ago, Spidey said:

I'm a Brit and a Man U supporter which means I'm not allowed to talk about football on this forum. Every time I do it ends up with a barrel full of haters piling in and my posts getting deleted.


Good move to declare yourself as a Millwall supporter on this forum.

Im really a Man U guy. I have a Man U ball cap and the Thais love it since everyone here is a Man U fan. 


Serious Western football fans can be repulsive human beings. I tried asking a simple question over on the football forums and was told to f*c* off. Like jeeze dudes, I like the game, why do you get so worked up.


Then I went to watch Port play over at the stadium down near the Klong Toey market. 99% of the Thais were wearing Port jerseys (one chick was wearing one as a dress, yum), 50% were beered up, the other 50% were either dressed in fright wigs (there was a Elvis walking around too) or busy stuffing enormous quantities of sickly coloured fried hot dogs and chicken wings and gigantic shu mais into their gobs, and I sat (stood) on the Thai side not the covered white man stands and everybody was just partying and screaming and happy and the best is the famous asian "ooooo" sound when something happens. And no fights.


So here is another reason to hate Euro football freak expats, they are insulting, mean and violent, particularly those low forms of what can barely be classified as life that are Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, West Hamm and Man City, Id like to tell them to b**ger off and maybe slap them in their grinning, snaggle tooth grinning gobs, especially those Scousers that havent won anything  and think they are so great, maybe at stealing hubcaps....


Thats why American football loving expats are better, we dont get all worked up.

  • Haha 1
On 3/10/2019 at 8:03 PM, robblok said:

I think its just normal that you like gym rats, you like working out they do too so you connect. I know I am helpful in the gym and like it when there are like minded people.


I have the same experience when I go fishing with Thais and foreigners, but its often so that like minded people help each-other. I am not much of a bar person so I would not make my friends there as that is just not my way to enjoy myself. Does not mean I look down on people who love drinking.

Fellow drinkers can provide good companionship. But, maybe, doing something healthy promotes a healthy mind?

1 minute ago, elgenon said:

Fellow drinkers can provide good companionship. But, maybe, doing something healthy promotes a healthy mind?

Not sure, but i do know that if you surround yourself by people who like to do healthy things your more likely to do them yourself too.

2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not sure, but i do know that if you surround yourself by people who like to do healthy things your more likely to do them yourself too.

Sounds good to me. So does the "humping and pumping". I am a firm (pun intended) believer in both. You need your pipes cleaned on a regular basis. Also, all muscles need to be exercised. Use it or lose it comes (oh goodness) to mind.

1 minute ago, elgenon said:

Sounds good to me. So does the "humping and pumping". I am a firm (pun intended) believer in both. You need your pipes cleaned on a regular basis. Also, all muscles need to be exercised. Use it or lose it comes (oh goodness) to mind.

I agree.. use it or lose it.


I try to find some people on the forum who like going to gyms. So i can talk about it a bit at times. Discuss it and talk about progress ect. It keeps me wanting to train and keeps me on my toes. Too bad the gym part of the forum is mainly dead. Will be working out this afternoon (or evening) again.


Humping not a problem happens enough. 

On 3/10/2019 at 3:31 PM, Spaniel said:

Let me guess.   You spend most of your time in bars?    Because the type of people you described are exactly the type of losers that you will  find in those areas.    My suggestion is to find a different source for meeting people.

I disagree. I have found more real people in bars than a church or charity club or golf course or political office or any of the places where hypocrisy or elitism thrives. But to each his own and thank goodness we all are different and don’t label each other and you avoid the bars. ????

2 minutes ago, robblok said:

I agree.. use it or lose it.


I try to find some people on the forum who like going to gyms. So i can talk about it a bit at times. Discuss it and talk about progress ect. It keeps me wanting to train and keeps me on my toes. Too bad the gym part of the forum is mainly dead. Will be working out this afternoon (or evening) again.


Humping not a problem happens enough. 

If I haven't exercised in a while I start feeling ansty and less well. There are those who say it is a waste of time as it might add a year or two to your life. But it is the improved mental and physical quality of life right now. Does that help motivate?

Met a working girl in Pattaya who goes to the gym and runs marathon. Happy girl w a great personality and good looking. An all-in-one combo could be beneficial for you.

8 minutes ago, elgenon said:

If I haven't exercised in a while I start feeling ansty and less well. There are those who say it is a waste of time as it might add a year or two to your life. But it is the improved mental and physical quality of life right now. Does that help motivate?

Met a working girl in Pattaya who goes to the gym and runs marathon. Happy girl w a great personality and good looking. An all-in-one combo could be beneficial for you.

I don't do it to add years to my life, i do it to feel well now and look better as I would otherwise would.  To see the benefits I just look at my dad and mom. Dad can do a lot more because he stayed active. Mom.. not so much anymore.


My wife and I both love exercising.  The gym makes me feel terrific and that is all the motivation I need.  I don't really spend any time talking about it with anyone, I just go to the gym and workout.  


My wife has run several 10 km races and just finished her first half marathon.  I have been feeling guilty that I couldn't help her train because of some screws in my ankle so I started rehabbing my ankle in the weight room.  


I was feeling good this morning so accompanied her on an early morning 8 km run up to our local dam to see how my leg would hold up.  I didn't slow her down much and I feel great with no injury so maybe I can start joining her when she signs up for all these charity runs.????

1 hour ago, Spidey said:

I'm a Brit and a Man U supporter which means I'm not allowed to talk about football on this forum. Every time I do it ends up with a barrel full of haters piling in and my posts getting deleted.


Good move to declare yourself as a Millwall supporter on this forum.


NOT a good move to declare yourself a Manure fan, though.  You deserve all the opprobrium that is flung your way.

3 minutes ago, villagefarang said:

My wife and I both love exercising.  The gym makes me feel terrific and that is all the motivation I need.  I don't really spend any time talking about it with anyone.  


My wife has run several 10 km races and just finished her first half marathon.  I have been feeling guilty that I couldn't help her train because of some screws in my ankle so I started rehabbing my ankle in the weight room.  


I was feeling good this morning so accompanied her on an early morning 8 km run up to our local dam to see how my leg would hold up.  I didn't slow her down much and I feel great with no injury so maybe I can start joining her when she signs up for all these charity runs.????

:thumbsup:  Just remember, everyone is different. i respect anyone doing good things in their life even if his/her route is not the same as mine.

4 minutes ago, elgenon said:

:thumbsup:  Just remember, everyone is different. i respect anyone doing good things in their life even if his/her route is not the same as mine.

That is an understatement for sure as I am reminded everyday.  I am in pretty good shape for my age but my wife is twenty years younger so I can't help but notice the difference.  We both like the gym and hiking while I like cycling and she prefers running.  We really like doing things together so me not being able to run has been a bit of a bummer.  Hopefully my ankle will hold up as starting to run at 64 is hard enough without injuries.????


All this going-to-the-gym stuff seems to have wandered quite a distance from the OP's original question.

Mind you, while I do go to the gym for half an hour a  day for a stationary bike ride while I read a book, I have to confess that I am always put off by the "keen" types who have little note-books to tell themselves how they are doing -  er, why do they do that?  To stay an extra month or two in the old people's home?

Did I say note-books?  How yesterday.  No, no, it's all those bleeding fitbit warriors who frost my t!ts......

On 3/10/2019 at 7:50 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

That is one of the few things I miss from "home".

I picked strawberries last time maybe in 1985. I guess I eat at least double of what I put in my basket.

Deep red and delicious - I guess that is why I was never exited about (half) white strawberries in Thailand.

Next winter you may like to do a ride or drive through the mountain regions of Uttaradit, Phitsanalok, Petchabun and further north. The locals from the hills all grow their strwberries and sell them on the side of the road. Some places let you pick your own. It is a nice simple pleasure, to be sure.

31 minutes ago, villagefarang said:

That is an understatement for sure as I am reminded everyday.  I am in pretty good shape for my age but my wife is twenty years younger so I can't help but notice the difference.  We both like the gym and hiking while I like cycling and she prefers running.  We really like doing things together so me not being able to run has been a bit of a bummer.  Hopefully my ankle will hold up as starting to run at 64 is hard enough without injuries.????

Do what you can but take the progression slowly.


On the original topic, I think the Dunning Krueger effect plays a large part in the disharmony in TV.


It also seems there are distinct reasons for people to come here and the different ends of the spectrum rarely meet.


You get the guys who just want to pay for play for the rest of their lives, the drinkers who just want to live their days through an amber bottle, the guys who for whatever reason couldn't or didn't want to get a partner in their home countries and came here to order a bride and looked at the bar scene or similar for his princess. The bar scene is the community they know best. This is one category.  let;'s call it Cat 1.


I then see the guys who don't P4P, aren't big booze hounds, but for whatever reason have reasoned they will have a better lifestyle in retirement in a place like Thailand. They come, engage with the locals at large, find a woman and settle down and grows old happily. This is another category. Let's call it Cat 2.


There is also the guy who worked here as an expat, engaged in the community, married and decided to have a long term residence in the country. Others are here for work but have a plan to get out after some goals are reached and may or may not be open to marriage but have no plans to settle down. Others still are retirees who are well off and take up in the mountains, the city or the beaches depending on what aspect of life they plan to enjoy. These people live in houses or gated communities or beach and city condos. They generally have planned out their life to a high degree. Let's call it Cat 3.


Each of these group mix in different circles. There will always be guys from cat 3 and 2 who P4P or hit the bars on occasions, but in the whole they probably don't have their social life revolving around beer bars and chrome poles. Likewise people from Cat 1 might hit the golf course, the country club or wood and metal working shops, or other hobby areas on occasions but they probably don't have a large circle of friends there.


Cat 2 may mix with both Cat 1 and 2 but all three Cats have different outlooks on life, different perspectives and different backgrounds. Unless people from other Cats share a common passion, it is unlikely they will strike up a lasting relationship that develops more than casual acquaintance.


These are all stereotypes of course and life is a melting pot so read the above in that light. But I think a majority of TV users could fall somewhere into one of these three categories if we considered it.







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In our village, there is 3 other expats, and those 3 is drunk before afternoon every day. They and their wifes makes drama, and the whole village following, and se what happens next. 


I would die if I put all my money there, and become a village hostage. 



6 hours ago, villagefarang said:

I was feeling good this morning so accompanied her on an early morning 8 km run up to our local dam to see how my leg would hold up.  I didn't slow her down much and I feel great with no injury so maybe I can start joining her when she signs up for all these charity runs.????

Well, you could always use your bike to accompany her. Might feel a bit odd at first but might be the right thing for your ankle.

  • Thanks 1

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