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Pattaya YouTuber with cancer: Thanks Go Fund Me appeals, says he's cutting down cigarettes and putting off marriage


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1 hour ago, Time Traveller said:


 I don't think the guy was heartless. Just curious as to why he's making a private health matter public and promoting his gofundme accounts for donations despite telling people he has money to pay the bills.  

Most people don't act like that. Seems like a reasonable suspicion.

More like a truth. 

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6 hours ago, Greenriver said:

Be carefully. Kevin Is a constantly E-beggar who goes from girl to another girl and from beer to beer. I dont think the GoFundMe money will go for threatment, but for fun in bars i Bangkok and to barfines.



He choose not to have insurance. He also choose a private hospital instead of a public hospital. Why is He so much better that ordinary thais?


A friend og me got cancer in Bangkok and went to a public hospital. He has carachter and honor and paid 30 000 B for his own money. No begging.


Kevin really  dont know how poor thai-people really have it.

He is a rich man Who recently sold his house in Spain, He has nice car, and alot of money in bank.


I will also say that the bloke Who creted the GoFundMe account is Worse. He is e-beggar number one and use all his time to chase hookers in Phuket.


These vloggs beggers on YouTube is Worse then cancer. No respect.

Looks like they are using any chance to be "important"...


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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

he intends to cut down cigarettes

Man has cancer and is going to cut down on cigarettes.  Amazing how someone with cancer will still smoke but I have seen pictures of people on oxygen taking puffs between their oxygen breaths

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Esophageal cancer is the sixth most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Incidence rates vary within different geographic locations. In some regions, higher rates of esophageal cancer cases may be attributed to tobacco and alcohol use or particular nutritional habits and obesity.



The above from the Mayo Clinic website.

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hey Kevin you big liar if you sold a business and are selling a house in Spain why are  you begging for money? is it to pay for more cigarette or bar fines or hooker? PLEASE just leave Thailand forever we do not need your kind here

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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

The part about his esophagus cancer was not smoking related was laughable. But I wish him luck with the cancer.

Exactly. They figured that if they admitted that it was smoking related, GoFundMe donors might not be so charitable.

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6 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

You seem to have it in for Kevin. Two posts on two different threads saying the same thing. I don't know Kevin and I also think anyone who travels without insurance is an idiot but give him a break. He hasn't asked for any funding and allegedly didn't know anything about it.

Don't be so pig headed, I'm 70 with diabetes 2 and hypertension just try and get insurance, I keep enough money in the bank to cover any emergencies!

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1 hour ago, fisherd3 said:

Funnily enough smoking is not the number one cause of Oesophegal cancer , which my father died of, and smoked and drank, reading the internet lack of green vegetables in the diet is the number 1 culprit. 

Can you provide a link saying that eating is worse than smoking, I don't believe it.

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I am of the opinion that a smoker should not receive treatment for a condition that is smoking related, or if they do get treatment it should be an uninsurable event. If some poor bugger can come off a motorbike and be denied insurance why would a self-inflicted illness deserve coverage. And yes, I do realise that this man does not have insurance but the premise of no treatment would still apply. 

The nut jobs I have seen in wheelchairs after amputations from smoking related operations continuing to smoke. One was even smoking through a tube in his neck because of throat cancers as well! Complete waste of health resources treating people like that.

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10 minutes ago, WM1 said:

Could be that he got the cancer from HPV - human papilloma virus from oral contact with an infected portion of a partner's body... the original infection could have taken place long before the diagnosis of cancer.

Yep you simply the world over never ever indulge in that practice with ladies of the night.

Hopefully he pulls through not keen on his style of videoes but have had cancer myself and its unpleasant. If he genuinely didnt have any connection to the go fund me accounts than he can donate them to the Pattaya Orphanage no problem


Am watching this carefully for any similarities to a certain Pattaya multiple bar owner who claimed illnesses from top to bottom but suddenly was cured of all in a miraculous recovery after achieving his aim of a huge following

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1 hour ago, fisherd3 said:

Funnily enough smoking is not the number one cause of Oesophegal cancer , which my father died of, and smoked and drank, reading the internet lack of green vegetables in the diet is the number 1 culprit. 

Considering the amount of pesticides they use in Thailand, I'm not sure that is the reason.

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2 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

This jerk is a real scam artist.

Read his story. He's laughing his head off. His friends seem to be in on the scam.


as an Englishman he can return to England and use the National Health ..Unless he 'fogot' to keep up NHS payments...No beer bars in England though....

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1 hour ago, randy723 said:

hey Kevin you big liar if you sold a business and are selling a house in Spain why are  you begging for money? is it to pay for more cigarette or bar fines or hooker? PLEASE just leave Thailand forever we do not need your kind here

Who Thailand needs here is a matter for the Thai people,  not you. 

What qualities do you bring such that Thailand is a better place because of you being here.

Maybe I read a different OP to you.  The one I read clearly stated that someone else started the GFM appeal, not Kev. I guess Kev must be feeling the same as a farang having the boot put into him by ten Thais,  except this time there are no Thais involved just other farang. 

I don't know Kev and I have no time for you tube wannabe ' influencers' but I do wish him well in what may turn into the fight for his life. 

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16 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Or possibly shemale, always featured ladyboys in his vlogs and has a new partner that shies away from being filmed. I see him around a lot but never see him with a woman.

Who knows but I have little respect for these guys running around filming people without permission in bars, etc. 

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7 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

The part about his esophagus cancer was not smoking related was laughable. But I wish him luck with the cancer.

Somtamnication, thank you for your expert medical opinion. Having had another recent friend experience esophageal cancer I can tell you there are other causes. Lung is vastly more common for smoking related. 

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