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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No, its is quite straight forward . 

Leave the E.U.

That is what voters wanted 

Leave the E.U.

It was a short , simple , straight forward question and people answered that question .

They want to leave the E.U



Only the UK doesn't recognize the absolutism of national referendums as anything but advisory.


The government have tried and failed to implement the advice in such a way as the sovereign body, parliament, approves. If parliament rejects leaving with "no deal" as is likely, then what would you suggest?


The obvious deadlock breaker would seem another referendum to give parliament and the government more advice; or perhaps a general election where parties could spell out their proposed solutions?



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1 minute ago, Prissana Pescud said:

My quote was about a mass debate. And that is what they are, a bunch of mass debaters. Winkers in other words

Some Brexiteers reverting to throwing their rattles out of the prams. Not so keen having no-deal voted on today.

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43 minutes ago, Loiner said:

16 days and counting. There isn’t enough time left for them to complete all their trickery to avoid Leaving on the 29th.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Is that a line from “the ballad of wishful thinking”? Your no deal wet dream is over today.

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:

The Labour Party has had several opportunities to put an alternative case and has failed every time, mostly due to its own internal civil war but don't let that stop Brexiteers shoveling up yet more bogus Conspiracy Theory nonsense.

The Labour Party and multitudes of others have offered alternatives.

But they never had any submission allowed, never mind debated in any rational way.

No, this Brexit option is demanded by Ms May and the debate is closed to anyone else.

The whole episode is cynical politics at best and total abandonment of democracy at worse.

 I hope the public can see this and cream every lousy member at the next election. 

Total ignoring the vote of the public. Total lack of democracy. 

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Corbyn prattles on about how Labor would get a better deal, including staying in the EU customs union, which would mean EU control. 


I've never seen Labors actual detail of what their "better deal" would look like, nor how they expect to get it from the EU. Have you?

Here’s a clue.


This mess has nothing to do with Corbyn.

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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

No-deal Brexit still around 9/2

Going the right way then, Donald Tusk himself as stated last nights defeat increases the chance of a no deal. But who in their right mind can predict an outcome of the mess, I'm guessing not even you.

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:

Nice to see the Hard Brexiteers march through the same voting lobby as Jeremy Corbyn last night. 

Have you thought that Jezza was marching through the same voting lobby as the Hard Brexiteers.:glare:


Either way I believe he has no chance of ever becoming PM.

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46 minutes ago, mickymouse1 said:

Despite failure to uphold democratic process and inability to get the Brexit deal through,the Government is refusing to resign or call an early election.

This is worse than R.Mugabe or the fugitive Takhsin. 



Do you understand what a representative democracy is; how it works; that parliament is sovereign; that referendums are only advisory; ?



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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

No-deal Brexit still around 9/2


6 minutes ago, vogie said:

Going the right way then, Donald Tusk himself as stated last nights defeat increases the chance of a no deal. But who in their right mind can predict an outcome of the mess, I'm guessing not even you.

Unfortunately the odds on no-deal not happening end of the month is 1/7

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7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Have you thought that Jezza was marching through the same voting lobby as the Hard Brexiteers.:glare:


Either way I believe he has no chance of ever becoming PM.

Erm, it’s not about Corbyn.


Painful as it is to face the reality of your failing Brexit, for your own good I urge you to do so.

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Just now, brewsterbudgen said:

Yes.  Corbyn met with EU leaders and they were receptive to Labour's Brexit plan of remaining in the Customs Union and Single Market.


Personally. I'd prefer a People's vote so that remain can be an option, but Labour's plan would be a 2nd best alternative.  Unless of course you want to wreck the country, which is what the extreme Brexiteers seem to want!


Remaining in the Customs Union and Single Market would cost us a lot of money, subject us to EU rules and controls, and mean we have no say in the making of those rules.


Much better to have the people's vote again, now many are better informed. Having said that, I know a lot of people who still swallow all the hard Brexit bull shit and think all these current problems are the EU's fault!

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

The mess has a lot to do with Corbyn, if you get the chance to watch a repeat of last nights 'Newsnight', Emily Maitland grilled MPs from every persuasion, she was magnificent and one thing that was said was, "Prime Minister May has lost her voice and the leader of the opposition has nothing to say. 

Corbyn is playing politics and not bothered one ha'pence about the nation. What a shambles the lot of them.

Have to agree.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:

I hope your're right on your last sentence. But too many young people I know 18-35 find his visions attractive. They believe him when he promises lots of freebies, a fairer society etc. They get caught up in the Momentum bull shit; and are all too young to remember the damaging Labor governments manipulated by communists, hard left socialists and union militants of the past. 

Agree wholeheartedly.

2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

followed by Corbyn winning a general election.

I can't see it ever happening.


2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Worst scenario is UK out on a hard Brexit

Disagree totally on this.



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