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Trump stance on Muslims, Fox host in spotlight after mosque shootings


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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...The president is not a white supremacist. I'm not sure how many times we have to say that..."


The problem is I don't believe that; I think most people believe that Trump is both a racist and a white-supremacist. And, I would point out that the public white-supremacists (David Duke and the like) certainly think that he is one of them.


I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.



As for Fox, is it little wonder that this organisation is banned in many çivilised countries? People want to hear news not right wing propaganda. 

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2 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Call it whatever you want but FOX is the highest rated and most viewed news program nationally (by a long-shot) and one of the primary reasons the left tries so hard to have them silenced, even though it constantly backfires. 



Not nearly as much as our heads are bursting right now at the New Lefts open anti-Semitic and communist rhetoric and the cover the lefty media gives them. 



Fake News. Trump never said that. 

Fake rebuttal, Quando said it and wasn’t quoting Trump.

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40 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Search results are algorithmed... your results are unique to your browsing history. How is it you don't know this?


43 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

I got the exact same result as bristolboy got.  The discrepancy must be your google search history.

How could you both miss the clear statement I make in the post that you're replying to where I stated that I barely even use this computer? 


And of course you could prove it with a screen shot, but you both choose not to. 

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10 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

As for Fox, is it little wonder that this organisation is banned in many çivilised countries? People want to hear news not right wing propaganda. 


Where is fox news banned? 


Are you implying that the USA is not a civilized country? 

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2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


How could you both miss the clear statement I make in the post that you're replying to where I stated that I barely even use this computer? 


And of course you could prove it with a screen shot, but you both choose not to. 

In other words we should be providing screen shots but not you? You made the claim. It's incumbent upon you to provide the proof. You do it and and then I will show the first 5 pages I get from my google search.

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2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


How could you both miss the clear statement I make in the post that you're replying to where I stated that I barely even use this computer? 


And of course you could prove it with a screen shot, but you both choose not to. 

No one missed it. Unless Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari have NEVER been used on that computer there IS a browsing history and the search algorithms are based on it.


Your barely used computer is like a barely used vagina...

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51 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

No, that's not communism at all, that's called taxation and happens in all capitalist countries, and to be honest I can't believe I am actually bothering to talk to someone who thinks that tax is communism.


FYI, the only thing that separates communism and capitalism is who owns the property, who owns the property in the Green New Deal?


If the government entitles itself to every bit of everyone income (the ONLY way the GND could happen and even then would bankrupt the US economy and sent the worlds economy into turmoil) in an effort to do as they wish, then the government owns the means of production, and is in fact, communism. You can sugar coat it all you want but that doesn't change the fact that its communism, even if the people can own land and property in name only. 


Here is a child's definition for you, so you can understand:



Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.


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1 minute ago, Thainesss said:


If the government entitles itself to every bit of everyone income (the ONLY way the GND could happen and even then would bankrupt the US economy and sent the worlds economy into turmoil) in an effort to do as they wish, then the government owns the means of production, and is in fact, communism. You can sugar coat it all you want but that doesn't change the fact that its communism, even if the people can own land and property in name only. 


Here is a child's definition for you, so you can understand:




No, that would not mean that the government own the means of production, your belief that it is affordable does nothing to change the fact that these are private equities at stake. 


Now, stop conflating what you don't want to see your taxes spent on with communism, its making you look like an uneducated, Fox news watching, MAGA supporting, tool.

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

No, that would not mean that the government own the means of production, your belief that it is affordable does nothing to change the fact that these are private equities at stake. 


Now, stop conflating what you don't want to see your taxes spent on with communism, its making you look like an uneducated, Fox news watching, MAGA supporting, tool.


Found the keyboard warrior. 


You can get in a huff and start name calling but it doesn't change the facts. You're the one defending the GND as "economic stimulus" when you know thats not what it is. Its a means to enforce shared wealth and control. If I own a business on paper but all of its income/revenue goes to the government for redistribution, and I am provided a "stimulus package" for doing what they want, who actually owns the business? Certainly isnt me. And this is the only way the GND could even find a small fraction of the money needed to be implemented. 


Fact: over 90 Trillion dollars. 


You can get all upset because Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow told you otherwise but that certainly isn't my fault. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Supporting and following are not the same.

What you quote is hardly a call to go out and kill people. 

Many would beg to differ.  There's quite a large body of evidence that suggests Trump encourages violence.  For him to run his mouth the way he does, and then cower in some corner when one of these nutbags actually do what he encourages is just plain....cowardice.  I'd have more respect for him if he'd just admit it.  


[It Isn’t Complicated: Trump Encourages Violence]

[The man with the world’s largest bully pulpit keeps encouraging violence and white nationalism. Lo and behold, white-nationalist violence is on the rise. You have to work pretty hard to persuade yourself that’s just a big coincidence. ]






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15 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Where is fox news banned? 


Are you implying that the USA is not a civilized country? 


Not sure about any bans but they have been censored in the UK, you can't present political propaganda as if it were news in the UK, its against the law.


The only country with a higher rate of its civilians in jail is North Korea.

Detroit and New Orleans have murder rates higher than all but one Central and South American country. 

There are counties in the US with a lower life expectancy than Bangladesh.

The US is the only developed country in the world where people die due to lack of access to healthcare.

The US is one of three countries in the world without guaranteed maternity pay.

The US still has states where water is provided via wooded pipes.

45% of Americans do not have access to public transport.


The US is civilized?  What exactly does that mean to you?

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3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

For him to run his mouth the way he does, and then cower in some corner when one of these nutbags actually do what he encourages is just plain....cowardice.


When the hell has Trump ever encouraged anyone to shoot up a mosque. Or anywhere for that matter. 

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5 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Found the keyboard warrior. 


You can get in a huff and start name calling but it doesn't change the facts. You're the one defending the GND as "economic stimulus" when you know thats not what it is. Its a means to enforce shared wealth and control. If I own a business on paper but all of its income/revenue goes to the government for redistribution, and I am provided a "stimulus package" for doing what they want, who actually owns the business? Certainly isnt me. And this is the only way the GND could even find a small fraction of the money needed to be implemented. 


Fact: over 90 Trillion dollars. 


You can get all upset because Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow told you otherwise but that certainly isn't my fault. 


"If I own a business on paper but all of its income/revenue goes to the government for redistribution, and I am provided a "stimulus package" for doing what they want, who actually owns the business? Certainly isnt me"


A simple test, can you sell it?  If the answer is yes then you don't live in a communist state.

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20 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

Yet here it is - a search for Fox News on Google with the top articles EXACTLY as I described....



Weird right? 


This is what I get. Waiting with baited breath for the libs in here to furiously delete their browsing history and cookies in an effort to obscure the topic. 



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president trump said the correct things about muslims, well spoken donald. what an idotic statement to link trump statements or chelsea clinton statements as cause for the new zealand muslim shootings only mentally sick dems and left wing activist can come up with such verbal dross. the oz shooter was a left wing terrorist as his manifesto reveals.


dems muslim tlaib and omar are proven anti-semites to be unseated and prosecuted for their anti-semite hate speech.




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2 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

president trump said the correct things about muslims, well spoken donald. what an idotic statement to link trump statements or chelsea clinton statements as cause for the new zealand muslim shootings only mentally sick dems and left wing activist can come up with such verbal dross. the oz shooter was a left wing terrorist as his manifesto reveals.


dems muslim tlaib and omar are proven anti-semites to be unseated and prosecuted for their anti-semite hate speech.




Please help me understand "the oz shooter was a left wing terrorist" 

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2 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Supported by every single democrat running for president:





Yes, several times. 

I'm sure you can point to communist / socialist ideology embedded in the Green New Deal. However, before you do so look up the accepted universal definitions, not the anything to the left of 'right of centre' inclusion'.


Yes he did wind back his commentary concerning neo nazis and white supremacists, but only after several days of intense political pressure. Let's not forget trump was a disciple of Bannon for many years. Bannon is now busily advocating for and training far right activists.

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Please help me understand "the oz shooter was a left wing terrorist" 

his manifesto reveals 1. fan of chinese communism/socialism 2. fan of ecological climate change ideology like the new green rubbish deal. he was radicalised by those idea which made him imo a lunatic left wing terrorist




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2 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Supported by every single democrat running for president:





Yes, several times. 

THis link does not provide any connections to US support for communism or socialism in mainstream politics, which is supposedly why you posted it.


the healthcare and welfare portions are not even overtly discussed, if that was supposed to be your point.... in any case, all fully democratic countries (democratic countries by known and benchmarked standards) have healthcare and welfare.... this does not make them either communist or socialist, but rather, progressive world leading nations


Admittedly, I did start to skim through the tedium and repetition of the article, so I could have missed the link you sort to establish

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13 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Original transcript. What are those words written in the first sentence of the second red box? Read them aloud to yourself. Then read them again. Then stop posting fake news.


"They didn't put themselves down as neo Nazis" - You support this guy - LOL. However, again only after intense political pressure. The trump quote is from a news conference on 15/08. Charlesville was on 11/12 08.

Edited by simple1
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31 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Weird right? 


This is what I get. Waiting with baited breath for the libs in here to furiously delete their browsing history and cookies in an effort to obscure the topic. 




Oh, the top news stories, I thought you said the top google search results, of course fox will feature more in news stories than seeing their own stories featured, their escapades are newsworthy while their stories are not, simple stuff.

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20 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

his manifesto reveals 1. fan of chinese communism/socialism 2. fan of ecological climate change ideology like the new green rubbish deal. he was radicalised by those idea which made him imo a lunatic left wing terrorist




Can you provide a link to the manifesto, as your words seem at odds with current reporting.... i was unable to find a copy, and assume you might be more familiar with the topic and able to find it easier, given your post

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50 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Weird right? 


This is what I get. Waiting with baited breath for the libs in here to furiously delete their browsing history and cookies in an effort to obscure the topic. 



Jeezus you guys don't even know how Google works. 

The reason these appear top is because they are currently the 'Top Stories' (as clearly marked at the top). They don't effect the natural rankings of Fox News but are the current, top trending stories about the subject you are asking about.

For example, if I type in 'New Zealand', guess what comes up;-



Obviously the attacks get top billing because they are the Top Stories.

I think you guys need to take an 'Introduction to the Internet ' class.

Edited by johnnybangkok
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29 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

his manifesto reveals 1. fan of chinese communism/socialism 2. fan of ecological climate change ideology like the new green rubbish deal. he was radicalised by those idea which made him imo a lunatic left wing terrorist





What?  This racial warmonger is now left wing because he showed some appreciation for China's institutionalized racism and also cares about the environment???  Get real, he's as right wing as they come!

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3 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

The reason these appear top is because they are currently the 'Top Stories' (as clearly marked at the top). They don't effect the natural rankings of Fox News but are the current, top trending stories about the subject you are asking about.


3 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

I think you guys need to take an 'Introduction to the Internet ' class.


Right, and google doesn't have algorithms or anything. Its all just a generic, click-based, and wholly user generated outcome. 

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Pirro, a supporter of the president, was rebuked by Fox News last Sunday over comments she made questioning whether a Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, was more loyal to Islamic sharia law than the U.S. Constitution.


If she were, she would not be alone.




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