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Trump signs executive 'free speech' order for U.S. colleges


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40 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Yes they are. Notice the screeching over a simple exec order that mandates adherence to one of the most precious rights of US citizens.


The word "hate speech" should be banned. There is no "hate speech". 


There is only Speech. 


The tide is turning indeed.

You are correct. This is really good news.

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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:

You are completely out of touch in regards to what goes on in American universities these days, More over what happens on social media such as Tv where news stories are stomped out that reflect conservatives in a favorable light.


Notice how around 50% of all news stories here are rages against Trump? Nothing about AOC diving in polls, dems losing popularity, the insanity of the new green deal.


It won't be long before websites are held to the same standards of newspapers if they hold their users to providing factual evidence. Right now this is used against conservative members that give opinions and the left leaning posts are left unless directly reported.


You can also notice the amount of attacks of a personal nature that aren't allowed by conservatives on somebody like Hillary. 



the second funniest thing I have heard today

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42 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Yes they are. Notice the screeching over a simple exec order that mandates adherence to one of the most precious rights of US citizens.


The word "hate speech" should be banned. There is no "hate speech". 


There is only Speech. 


The tide is turning indeed.

Extremist Islamic hate speech such as calling for Jihad, too? ????

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9 minutes ago, candide said:

Extremist Islamic hate speech such as calling for Jihad, too? ????

Speech is speech, whatever nonsense foks want to babble is fine. Better to let haters like Nazis, Hajis, Socialists, Anarchists, Farrakaners and Whiteboysarebest just spew their nonsense.

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7 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


LMAO - this is so blinkered.


This is not about hate-speech. A few days ago - Campus police blocked Ben Shapiro from entering an event



Regardless of your opinion of Ben Shapiro - he is far from a hate speaker. 


Of course, people on the left have called him a Nazi (yup - Jewish Nazi). 


The mantra of the left is "everyone right of center is a Nazi" - so just like you - they attempt to label everyone that doesn't agree with them a hate-speaker.


Utter nonsense

THAT is an absolute disgrace but I'm sort of sorry Ben didn't go in and be arrested then sue those pompous morons for wrongful arrest. I don't agree with some of Ben's comments but he's probably one of the greatest debaters in the world today. LET HIM SPEAK.  

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2 hours ago, BobBKK said:

ANY call to violence should be banned. Simple.

No. No.


I think that all *insert your favorite hate here* should be taken out and hung like dogs with their bellies slit open.


Thats OK.


Come on Comrades, drag that bourgeois bastard off the stage and beat him. 


Thats not if it happens.

Edited by Nyezhov
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This will get thrown out by the courts. 


State funded universities are not themselves impeding free speech and cannot impinge on the first amendment rights of their students should they wish to use their free speech rights in protest against others. 


See this for what it is, another invented crisis for Trump to wind up CULT45.



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4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

You are completely out of touch in regards to what goes on in American universities these days, More over what happens on social media such as Tv where news stories are stomped out that reflect conservatives in a favorable light.


Notice how around 50% of all news stories here are rages against Trump? Nothing about AOC diving in polls, dems losing popularity, the insanity of the new green deal.


It won't be long before websites are held to the same standards of newspapers if they hold their users to providing factual evidence. Right now this is used against conservative members that give opinions and the left leaning posts are left unless directly reported.


You can also notice the amount of attacks of a personal nature that aren't allowed by conservatives on somebody like Hillary. 



'Completely out of touch' was what you said?!

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7 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 He is doing this to finally protect the rights of conservative leaning students. There have been way too many violent attacks against students for as little as wearing a red hat. Now it is time for both sides of the debate to be heard, it has been totally one sided for decades now and the country has suffered because of this. Another historic move by Trump, great to see this finally happen. 



So sayeth a man who likely cheers when Trump urges his supporters to punch and throw out any protester at his rallies.

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2 minutes ago, Mac98 said:

So sayeth a man who likely cheers when Trump urges his supporters to punch and throw out any protester at his rallies.

What would make you direct an ad hominem like that without even knowing what the poster thinks.


Is is possible for any anti Trumper to ever address an argument vis a vis just attacking the poster?

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17 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Only it seems that a tactic of the left is to suppress free speech by any whose views they don't like, by violence if necessary whilst claiming any view they don't like as racist, fascist, or hate speech.


Then American constitution guarantees the right to free speech. It doesn't AFAIK, say that that speech must be approved by the PC liberals who detest opposing thoughts being spoken.


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15 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The left have long tried to drown out other opinions being expressed. They know it it helpful to their goal of a totalitarian state in which only one doctrine is allowed.

Even if your assertion were right, there is nothing in the Constitution that bans individuals from, how was it youput it, ‘drowning out’ the opinions of others, provided a) they do not do so in the capacity of a government employee, b) they do not do so with violence.


a) - Dealt with under the first amendment.

b) Dealt with by rafts of laws against violence.


#Bone tossed to CULT45.

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