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Central Bank Further Eases Capital Controls


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Central bank further eases capital controls

BANGKOK: -- The Bank of Thailand has further eased its capital control rules issued to stem the baht speculation by exempting foreign investment in fully hedged debt securities and unit trusts.

BoT Assistant Governor Nitaya Pibulratanakit said the central bank had formally notified financial institutions of its decision to revise the 30 per cent reserve requirement, effective on March 15.

Under the revised rules, non-resident holders of government bonds, fiscal bills of exchange and BoT-issued bonds are allowed to sell them immediately without having to wait for three months as earlier set on December 4, 2006.

As well, foreign investors are allowed to bring their money to invest in bonds, fiscal bills of exchange, bills of exchange, promissory notes, and unit trusts of mutual funds if they fully hedged their investments against future currency fluctuations.

However, their investments must be placed with the special non-resident baht account for debt securities and unit trusts.

Mrs. Nitaya said the revision of the rules was aimed to give foreign investors more choices to exchange baht for investment in debt securities and unit trusts.

Also, it would facilitate investment since non-resident holders of government bonds, fiscal bills of exchange, and BoT-issued bonds for no more than three months are able to sell the debt securities in the market if they wanted to hold other kinds of debt securities.

Still, foreign currencies brought to invest must be left in the country for at least three months under the exiting rules, she said.

--TNA 2007-03-02

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Hummmmmm , OK then ,

what happens if I push THIS button ?

thankfully that's not the case as the Boffins in charge know exactly what their doing ................... :o

Thankfully (for them) there is no accountability for incompetence.

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  • 1 month later...

WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs. the new Law on Enterprises released by the National Assembly does not descriminate anymore between local busineses and foreign joint ventures. the people here are young, polite, eager to learn, and very energetic. the world is not standing still while Thailand moves backwards, its forging ahead, so if and when Thailand finally wakes up, they have to run double fast to catch up. seeing the industrious and motivated people here in Vietnam, i have serious concerns if that will ever happen. i wished i could bring some of my thai staff here to see the incredible work rate at my vietnam office, even the secretary is a dynamo, she literally runs from task to task in the office, always on top of matters, i feel tired just looking at her work. it seems the world has already forgotten about thailand as they all descend on this city, its all buzzing with action here. hotels are 100% occupied and turning away people, offices are crammed with no space left for expansion. i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :o

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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

Gee , what a surprise ,

relax ,

they will be along soon to tell us ,

a) it's all ok , and

b ) it happens everywhere .................... :o

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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs. the new Law on Enterprises released by the National Assembly does not descriminate anymore between local busineses and foreign joint ventures. the people here are young, polite, eager to learn, and very energetic. the world is not standing still while Thailand moves backwards, its forging ahead, so if and when Thailand finally wakes up, they have to run double fast to catch up. seeing the industrious and motivated people here in Vietnam, i have serious concerns if that will ever happen. i wished i could bring some of my thai staff here to see the incredible work rate at my vietnam office, even the secretary is a dynamo, she literally runs from task to task in the office, always on top of matters, i feel tired just looking at her work. it seems the world has already forgotten about thailand as they all descend on this city, its all buzzing with action here. hotels are 100% occupied and turning away people, offices are crammed with no space left for expansion. i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :o

This is an acurate appraisal of the situation!

No money to be earned here in Thailand and we only stay for the lifestyle and semi-retirment. Next time i want to earn some money, it will be in Vietnam. The workrate and attitude there defies belief and you wouldn't think it was on the same planet as here.

Once the nightlife picks up a bit more over there, Thailands dust. The old tiger economy eaten by the new tigers on the block. Leaner, hungrier, better organised, astute, forward thinking, hard working.

Its only to be hoped that people are happy remaining poor here for the next two generations, as thats what they have set in motion now.

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As a bit of a test that substantiates this. I live in a small modist apartment in Thong-lo and my monthly rent runs between 12000 and 14500 depending on electric usage. I will have been here 2 years the end of May. When I first moved in this was a new building and the tenants we moving in as a upgrade from their previous rent. For the last 3 months the tenants have been moving in from a downgrade from their previous rent.

I just got my notice of renewal options and it looks to be the same rent with no increase. Last year it was about 6% rent increase with renewal. There was a very obvious change in available apartments in this building around the start of the year, mostly due to the new 90/180 visa regulations. They had gone from 95% full to 70% full for about a 2 months. At this moment they are at 90% full again. I think a lot of has to do with the proximity to the Skytrain, one could not find a rent much closer making this a popular apartment building. That is the major factor why I like this location.

To measure trends and I certainly know thedude is much more expert than I on this, you need to look at several points in the economy, housing is one of them. It appear to be like people getting ready for a storm. Some are moving away, and others are hunkering down. However the duration of the storm at this point us unknown.

I feel Thaksin has taken Thailand to a higher playing field that the present government has experience to handle. It all becomes a very complex formula of trial and error without losing face of trying to stay at that level. Much if not all of this is reactive to Shin, but not every business is driven by corruption, and certainly a much lower percentage of western companies. To over compensate and adust back is a simple approach, however in doing so much of the momentum is lost.

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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs. the new Law on Enterprises released by the National Assembly does not descriminate anymore between local busineses and foreign joint ventures. the people here are young, polite, eager to learn, and very energetic. the world is not standing still while Thailand moves backwards, its forging ahead, so if and when Thailand finally wakes up, they have to run double fast to catch up. seeing the industrious and motivated people here in Vietnam, i have serious concerns if that will ever happen. i wished i could bring some of my thai staff here to see the incredible work rate at my vietnam office, even the secretary is a dynamo, she literally runs from task to task in the office, always on top of matters, i feel tired just looking at her work. it seems the world has already forgotten about thailand as they all descend on this city, its all buzzing with action here. hotels are 100% occupied and turning away people, offices are crammed with no space left for expansion. i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :D

Good post Dude.

The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs.

i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :D

Well said and above all, the truth and reality.

The same counts for China; it might still be a one-party controlled government, but at least they know what business is and how to make money.

The 'Top' in Thailand has no idea what's going on outside their own doorsteps. (sorry for changing your words: "at their doorsteps" :o )

But, all in all, the economical situation in Thailand is far worse than most Thai realize.....yet.

What's more: if the present 'military' and their interim government dont take DRASTIC steps and reform their stupid laws, it will become even worse. And that includes a devaluation of the Thai Baht.

Anybody on this forum who disagrees with me may remind me in one year if I'm wrong and I'll buy you a couple of beers... :D

In Thailand -at the 'Top'- it's all about power, power and power and 'losing face' or not. They don't give a <deleted> about their own people.


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WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

- The Nation

I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs. the new Law on Enterprises released by the National Assembly does not descriminate anymore between local busineses and foreign joint ventures. the people here are young, polite, eager to learn, and very energetic. the world is not standing still while Thailand moves backwards, its forging ahead, so if and when Thailand finally wakes up, they have to run double fast to catch up. seeing the industrious and motivated people here in Vietnam, i have serious concerns if that will ever happen. i wished i could bring some of my thai staff here to see the incredible work rate at my vietnam office, even the secretary is a dynamo, she literally runs from task to task in the office, always on top of matters, i feel tired just looking at her work. it seems the world has already forgotten about thailand as they all descend on this city, its all buzzing with action here. hotels are 100% occupied and turning away people, offices are crammed with no space left for expansion. i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :D

Good post Dude.

The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

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It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

This topic is about:

Central bank further eases capital controls :o Can't you read ?


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What's the point of discussing it? Thais take deliberate actions they did not really think over, and when it turns bad, they blame it on the foreigners. It is fully on-topic when I blame some ###### who wants foreigners out of Thailand.

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Anybody on this forum who disagrees with me may remind me in one year if I'm wrong and I'll buy you a couple of beers... :o


I'll wager a couple of hundred dollars that in two years (or even next year), the GDP growth will be higher than what it is right now (around 4%). Deal? Any mod can give you my personal email. We can arrange a wire transfer as well if you agree to the deal.

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Anybody on this forum who disagrees with me may remind me in one year if I'm wrong and I'll buy you a couple of beers... :o


I'll wager a couple of hundred dollars that in two years (or even next year), the GDP growth will be higher than what it is right now (around 4%). Deal? Any mod can give you my personal email. We can arrange a wire transfer as well if you agree to the deal.

:bah: Nice to see you're on the betting table but I don't want you to lose money; I was talking "a couple of beers".

I said: "...the economical situation in Thailand is far worse than most Thai realize.....yet."


" ...if the present 'military' and their interim government don't take DRASTIC steps and reform their stupid laws, it will become even worse. And that includes a devaluation of the Thai Baht.

But I would be delighted if you can show me some prosperous signs of a growing economy in % of more than 4 to 5% in Thailand in the next 1 or 2 years, instead a declining one, that would make me change my mind.

I'm most interested in your economical future predictions in % for 2007 + 2008. The present view in growth of the Worldbank is 4.3% but I have seen already signs (like yourself) that it will more like 4%... :D

"The revision puts the Thai economy among the worst performers in the region, trailing the expected 8.0 per cent growth in Vietnam, 9.6 per cent in China, 6.3 per cent in Indonesia, and 10.5 per cent in Cambodia."

Quote Worldbank from:


The same report says export growth is down to 6%/2007 in comparison with 9%/2006 and exports counts for 2/3 of the Thai economy....WHY WOULD THAT BE? :D

I wouldn't be so sure of your bet if I were you; but I'm not you :D

Apart from that, I wasn't talking about "leaving Farang".....who did ? :D


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Anybody on this forum who disagrees with me may remind me in one year if I'm wrong and I'll buy you a couple of beers... :o


I'll wager a couple of hundred dollars that in two years (or even next year), the GDP growth will be higher than what it is right now (around 4%). Deal? Any mod can give you my personal email. We can arrange a wire transfer as well if you agree to the deal.


Don't you know yet that gambling is illegal in Thailand. :D :D :D :D :bah:

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putting ANY money in thailand is gambling, so you don't have to be in a shiny casino on the Lao border to have fun, just deposit your euros/dollars/yen in a thai bank and itis just like playing las vegas slots, at least in las vegas you can walk away without a 30% penalty

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Lao Po, those 2007 numbers look nice. But I was talking about what's gonna happen in a year or two (i.e. not 2007), and I believe that it will be better than what it is this year. The fundamentals of Thai economy are still strong. The only things that are shaking the economy right now are the political instability and a couple of dodgy policies issued by the previous finance minister. These two factors can all be gone by the end of this year. Chalongphob will at least steady the ship and hence improve the economy climate. The new (very influential) FTA with Japan will become effective in August. That's why, unlike you, I'm confident enough to make a bet with you for a couple of hundred dollars not a couple of beers.

The way you are trying to show how bad this year's number is gonna be is really funny actually. Did it not somehow dawn on you that the worse this year's number is, the better chance of me making an easy cpouple of hundred of dollars will be. Huh?

Edited by ThaiGoon
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Good post Dude.

The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

PattayaTony, hehehe. That's like calling yourself MiserableFailure. Uh, I'll be blocked for this again.

Well Falux2 - is that the sum total of you literary efforts?

Where do you get off making these filthy and totally unsubstantiated insinuations ?

Does it make you feel good?

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Lao Po, those 2007 numbers look nice. Do they? :o

But I was talking about what's gonna happen in a year or two (i.e. not 2007), and I believe that it will be better than what it is this year. I certainly hope you will be right

The fundamentals of Thai economy are still strong. Really ? Tell me which fundamentals please

The only things that are shaking the economy right now are the political instability and a couple of dodgy policies issued by the previous finance minister. These two factors can all be gone by the end of this year. You're forgetting the investors who have no trust or faith in the 'instability and dodgy policies' anymore and have put theirs cards and money elsewhere; what's more: it will take years before they will trust Thailand again!

Chalongphob will at least steady the ship and hence improve the economy climate. I hope so and admire your faith

The new (very influential) FTA with Japan will become effective in August. That's a positive sign but it will not be enough to reboost confidence completely and turn around the economy. Do NOT over-estimate the agreement with the Japanese.....

That's why, unlike you, I'm confident enough to make a bet with you for a couple of hundred dollars not a couple of beers. It's silly to bet over money

The way you are trying to show how bad this year's number is gonna be is really funny actually. I am not the one trying to show how bad things are. The facts show that; not me.

Did it not somehow dawn on you that the worse this year's number is, the better chance of me making an easy cpouple of hundred of dollars will be. Huh? No comment on a sentence like this because I certainly hope, for the sake of Thailand and it's people, that you will be right....but I am a realist and a pragmatist not a betting guy about such a serious matter regarding the future of Thailand


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Tell me which fundamentals please

Infrastructure. Public debt to GDP ratio. Public savings. etc.

You're forgetting the investors who have no trust or faith in the 'instability and dodgy policies' anymore and have put theirs cards and money elsewhere; what's more: it will take years before they will trust Thailand again!
And you are forgetting the investors who aren't fickle and look at things long term.
That's a positive sign but it will not be enough to reboost confidence completely and turn around the economy. Do NOT over-estimate the agreement with the Japanese.....

This might shock you farangs. But it's the Japanese, not you, who have been Thailand's biggest trade partners and investors. So yeah, the FTA with Japan is a big deal.

No comment on a sentence like this because I certainly hope, for the sake of Thailand and it's people, that you will be right....but I am a realist and a pragmatist not a betting guy about such a serious matter regarding the future of Thailand

I think I should have just written a couple hundred dollars. (Too many of's.) :o Anyway, I'm a realist too and it will take me more than just a hiccup to subscribe to all the doom and gloom predictions on here. Plus I've seen Thailand go through a lot worse crisis (the 97 one) and still manage to come back stronger than before. That's why I'm confident.

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Good post Dude.

The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

PattayaTony, hehehe. That's like calling yourself MiserableFailure. Uh, I'll be blocked for this again.
Well Falux2 - is that the sum total of you literary efforts?

Where do you get off making these filthy and totally unsubstantiated insinuations ?

Does it make you feel good?

I carry 3 work permits.

I am bothered each and every day with Thais thinking that I'm no more than an ATM

I see falangs like you on a daily basis, let's get out! (But I stay here)

Thais do create a real mess, with the loosing face and all, but the fact that hundreds of thousands of us, westerners, and another hundreds of thousands of japs come here for an obvious reason, deny it or not, will run this economy.

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We have all heard the phrase “Thai Mentality,” this almost suggests that it is incompatible with understanding business on a global scale. Can anyone find and post the growth rates starting with the numbers pre Thaksin, say around 1995?

My concern is this will very soon become a leverage point for Thaksin to negociate with.

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Good post Dude.

The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

PattayaTony, hehehe. That's like calling yourself MiserableFailure. Uh, I'll be blocked for this again.
Well Falux2 - is that the sum total of you literary efforts?

Where do you get off making these filthy and totally unsubstantiated insinuations ?

Does it make you feel good?

I carry 3 work permits.

I am bothered each and every day with Thais thinking that I'm no more than an ATM

I see falangs like you on a daily basis, let's get out! (But I stay here)

Thais do create a real mess, with the loosing face and all, but the fact that hundreds of thousands of us, westerners, and another hundreds of thousands of japs come here for an obvious reason, deny it or not, will run this economy.

So, if I understand you correctly, holding 3 work permits gives you the right to hurl abuse at people you never met?

When did I ever say I was getting out?

If we're in to the 'who's held the most work permits?' malarky, I held several back in the seventies - no doubt before Thailand was even a gleam in your child like eyes.

Why don't you discuss the topic, instead of picking unnecessary fights with folk making positive contributions?

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just deposit your euros/dollars/yen in a thai bank and itis just like playing las vegas slots, at least in las vegas you can walk away without a 30% penalty

some people never get it right. are they too lazy to read and inform themselves? perhaps a malfunction of their grey cells? or just too much Chang and Lao Khao?

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this is the 5 year GDP growth projection for Thailand from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

4.5% 4.8% 4.4% 4.3% 4.2%

Dude, Do you have the actual numbers for the past 10 or more years?

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