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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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4 hours ago, Forethat said:
4 hours ago, Spidey said:

May played that card by constantly threatening the no deal Brexit. As Britain had far more to lose than the EU, they called her bluff. You can only play that card once.

What makes you think UK have far more to lose? 

I think you need to put it to prospective are you talking  Billions of Euros or % of GDP?


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1 hour ago, Forethat said:

A good thing to keep in mind when discussing Brexit:

EU-Exports are 13% of the UK economy.




Let that sink in.



  • "The EU, taken as a whole is the UK’s largest trading partner. In 2017, UK exports to the EU were £274 billion (44% of all UK exports). UK imports from the EU were £341 billion (53% of all UK imports)."

That's 44% of exports (not 13%). Let that sink in.

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7 hours ago, billd766 said:

Thank you very much for calling me and over 17 million other people gullible and stupid.


A typical Remainer situation where if you don't like a post or don't get your own way you simply insult people. I used to do that but as I left junior school I grew out of it.


If you are so set on Brexit being cancelled why didn't more than the 16 million of you get off your <deleted> and vote against it.


I live in Thailand and before the referendum I made sure that I was entitled to vote (I still am) and registered my vote with my proxy voter. It took time and effort on my part and that of the electoral officer and it worked.


Please don't blame those who voted FOR Brexit, but blame the 13 odd million voters who simply didn't vote.




Just less than 28% of registered Brits did not vote in the June EU referendum -- that is about 13 million people.

Leave's margin of victory was 1,269,501 votes. It sounds a lot. But when you consider 13 million potential voters, for whatever reason, did not participate, you realise just how significant an increased turnout could have been.


If you extrapolate that out and say 50/50 votes added to each side the winning margin would have been even larger.

Oh Please do not say the referendum was fair and without fraud...


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10 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

As this thread is about the march that happened last weekend, we have established a few things. Firstly that the ridiculous amount of over a million reported by many news papers is fake news. It is simply a lie.


We have also established that the so called petition that remainers seem to believe, gives some sort of credibility for a new referendum result, which is flawed in many ways, as it is so easy for anyone to sign the petition. multiple times.


The more I look at footage as it emerges on the internet and also the pictures, I would like to question just how many are actually British citizens on the march. With signs like we love EU, EU best and Breixt bad, really questions the fact, either there are lots of non British, second language learners or that those who marched, are indeed quite illiterate.  I would suggest it is the first one.

Utter hogwash.


And all this ‘how many where actually British citizens’.


Here’s a question that can be answered.


How’s your Brexit going?

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Their problem perhaps is giving us a massive reason to do so..by the way..one of my best mates over here is a german..hates merkel and loves the anti immigration party..afb or afd..not sure of the title[emoji6]

No, I'm sure they won't, but that fact won't stop them from resisting any minor pressure from the UK. They've never forgiven us for flattening Hamburg, a fact that I can attest to. But that's a long story for another thread.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 minutes ago, Peasandmash said:

this is the way of the left. keep voting till you get your way and silence all opposition through hate inspired rhetoric. sounds more like totalitarianism than democracy. i don't really care one way or the other, I won't be visiting the Islamic capital of England any time soon.

It’s the Tories running the show.


Since when did the Tory party become ‘the left’!

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s the Tories running the show.


Since when did the Tory party become ‘the left’!

I disagree with the first para. - as IMO it's the remainer MP's running the show.


Agree with your second para. insofar as it annoys me intensely when I read these 'left/right wing labels' describing either brexiteers or remainers.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

There are no bit part players in Parliament, everyone has a part to play. And surely can be said that whatever the deal was to be voted on, the likes of Labour, SNP and others would not support it, they are playing politics instead of putting the country first. The Labour Party are playing the fiddle whilst the UK burns. No two MPs can agree on anything, it's become a contest of who can score the most points.

Please do tell me.


Which members of the Labour Party were in attendance amongst the UK's negotiating team?

Which member of the Labour Party took part in formulating the UK's negotiating strategy, setting the UK's requirements or any of the UK's 'red lines'?


Tory Brexit, Tory mess.

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6 hours ago, Forethat said:

Did I say 13% of exports or 13% of UK economy..? I bet that won't ever sink in...

Well obviously a large part of any economy is what people make and sell to one another within that country. However since the effect of Brexit will be overwhelmingly on exports and imports I would have thought it was a pretty pointless to compare those with overall GDP in the context of this debate. What do we want with all those fancy Continental foods anyway, we can eat a magnificent array of tasty home grown root vegetables!

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Easy answer..the german tax payer becomes the atm for brussels

Or, we can go on exactly like before and eat peppers and strawberries grown in Kent, and other "fancy continental foods" if and when we like. Which is the most likely outcome even if UK crashes out of the EU. There will be fancy continental food available even after Brexit. If you have read something else in the Guardian you've been scammed.
We run a trade deficit with a majority of EU-countries. In round figures, the deficit with the EU is £67 Billion (2017). That's one incentive for the EU to get a trade deal in place faster than Guy Verhoftwat can say "The European Federation of States". And their incentive is £67 billion bigger than ours. So the question we should ask ourselves is: "would Germany and France rather export their wine and fancy cars to the UK or are they going to watch as USA and Japan put trade deals in place to sell their wine and cars at a more competitive rates...?" (French farmers would LOVE that...).
However, as I said before, I think the financial aspects of Brexit are negligible. The biggest stake here is what happens to the EU if the UK leaves successfully - without going bankrupt. 

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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38 minutes ago, Forethat said:

Or, we can go on exactly like before and eat peppers and strawberries grown in Kent, and other "fancy continental foods" if and when we like. Which is the most likely outcome even if UK crashes out of the EU. There will be fancy continental food available even after Brexit. If you have read something else in the Guardian you've been scammed.


We run a trade deficit with a majority of EU-countries. In round figures, the deficit with the EU is £67 Billion (2017). That's one incentive for the EU to get a trade deal in place faster than Guy Verhoftwat can say "The European Federation of States". And their incentive is £67 billion bigger than ours. So the question we should ask ourselves is: "would Germany and France rather export their wine and fancy cars to the UK or are they going to watch as USA and Japan put trade deals in place to sell their wine and cars at a more competitive rates...?" (French farmers would LOVE that...).


However, as I said before, I think the financial aspects of Brexit are negligible. The biggest stake here is what happens to the EU if the UK leaves successfully - without going bankrupt. 

"However, as I said before, I think the financial aspects of Brexit are negligible."


I have to disagree, as I think 'the money' is the most important point for the eu......

Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 hour ago, vogie said:

In all fairness Dianne Abbott was asked, but she got the dates mixed up.


But what would have been the point in involving Labour when they are the remain party, Brexit was about leaving.

In all fairness it is the Brexiteers who got their dates mixed up.


What’s the latest date you are shouting ‘Out means Out!’ at?

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Just now, billd766 said:

Well all these politicians promised that the UK would leave the EU by 11:00 pm (GMT) yesterday. Today we are STILL in the EU.


What went wrong?


Did parliament and the PM somehow forgot what date 29th March was?


Did they forget their objective in carrying out the wishes of the people?


Do they believe that they are superior to the common people who can be completely ignored?


I really believe that at the next election there WILL be a clearout of the current group of MPs on all sides of the house.


Dear PM now is the time to listen to the people who elected you and all the other MPs and do the job you are paid to do.


Then you can quit being the PM and hopefully quit being an MP.

As said you can't vote the earth to be flat - Brexit just can't happen.

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