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May fights for control as lawmakers aim to seize Brexit process


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40 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You mean the majority that voted to leave?


But I apologise, we've been round and round in circles on this point ☹️.

Well let's start by declaring the referendum Null in void due to malpractice by the leave camp...


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Or malpractise by remain..cameron and co should be charged with gross misuse of public funds..sending basically eu propoganda to every household prior to the referendum by method of taxpayers money[emoji6]

Well let's start by declaring the referendum Null in void due to malpractice by the leave camp...

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19 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Or malpractise by remain..cameron and co should be charged with gross misuse of public funds..sending basically eu propoganda to every household prior to the referendum by method of taxpayers moneyemoji6.png


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


What ver side of the fence you are on you have to admit there were lies and the public was mislead, and therefore I go back to my statement calling for the Referendum to be declared "Null In Void".

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12 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I know you won't like it but the new brexit party will be a great choice.

It will be a vote splitter that leads to an even more divided parliament ... but bear in mind you need policies other than just leave ... and Brexit is not clubbable ... as supporters tend to be extreme left and right. How do you reconcile that?


But if you believe that a Brexit party will be swept into power you’ll be very disappointed.

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54 minutes ago, aright said:

If you want to see lies address the 80+% of MP's who endorsed Article 50 to effect our leaving the EU and the manifesto promise of the Conservative and Labour governments at the last election to take us out of the EU.

What was said is now water under the bridge and those recalcitrant MP's/Political Parties will get their come uppance at the next GE. Hopefully there are still enough good people around to deliver what they promised.  


Unicorns don’t exist. The only thing you can stand on is a no deal Brexit, a losing proposition that no established party will call for.

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5 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Unicorns don’t exist. The only thing you can stand on is a no deal Brexit, a losing proposition that no established party will call for.

That's a dichotomy. In spite of the MP's A50 vote and the manifesto commitments no established party has managed to muster enough votes to get us out of the EU either. I wonder why that is?

I would agree in one respect unicorns and honest politicians are fictional characters. 

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4 minutes ago, aright said:

That's a dichotomy. In spite of the MP's A50 vote and the manifesto commitments no established party has managed to muster enough votes to get us out of the EU either. I wonder why that is?

I would agree in one respect unicorns and honest politicians are fictional characters. 

It's because it wasn't possible. The EU would never offer us a deal akin to the one promised by the leave campaign. The real pink unicorn. Those Brits with half a brain saw that and voted remain. The pink unicorn chasers voted leave.

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My 2pence worth..if there is a GE..tories would have slight edge..but would have to go csp in hand to DUP snd new BREXIT PARTY[emoji6]

It will be a vote splitter that leads to an even more divided parliament ... but bear in mind you need policies other than just leave ... and Brexit is not clubbable ... as supporters tend to be extreme left and right. How do you reconcile that?
But if you believe that a Brexit party will be swept into power you’ll be very disappointed.

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24 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

My 2pence worth..if there is a GE..tories would have slight edge..but would have to go csp in hand to DUP snd new BREXIT PARTYemoji6.png


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All a new Brexit party will do is lower the number of Tory MP's, not because they'll win, but because they will help other parties get over the line. Exactly why Cameron attempted to quell UKIP for a generation by offering a referendum.


I could see a Labour, SNP and Liberal coalition with the condition that any Brexit deal is subject to a referendum against a remain option. And I believe that Brexit is then dead in the water. 


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40 minutes ago, Spidey said:

It's because it wasn't possible. The EU would never offer us a deal akin to the one promised by the leave campaign. The real pink unicorn. Those Brits with half a brain saw that and voted remain. The pink unicorn chasers voted leave.

I don't recall any significant movement saying it wasn't possible at the time and some people regard hindsight as foresight and you might well be right......it wasn't possible, but in my case I wasn't voting for a deal just a straight forward "leave" and since you feel I have less than half a brain there seems no point in developing my post leave ambitions. 

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1 minute ago, aright said:

I don't recall any significant movement saying it wasn't possible at the time and some people regard hindsight as foresight and you might well be right......it wasn't possible, but in my case I wasn't voting for a deal just a straight forward "leave" and since you feel I have less than half a brain there seems no point in developing my post leave ambitions. 

Well you obviously didn't listen to me pre referendum. You, like 17 million others, probably had Brexit fever and filtered out anything that went against your pink unicorn dream.


If, as you seem to indicate, you would be satisfied with a no deal Brexit then you are correct, there is no point in developing your post Brexit ambitions (pink unicorn dreams) as you will clearly have your Brexit filters switched on when the worlds leading economists speak and would prefer to listen to Numpty Nigel.

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Yep, keep voting down the deal. Then we can have a general election where the Tories will lose seats, and be ousted by a Labour and SNP coalition ... followed by a second referendum ... followed by no Brexit ... no Brexit ever, because time is not your friend.


Yep, the Spartans of the ERG snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. History lesson ... the Spartans lost, whatever happened to Sparta?


As far as plans go even Baldrick would have some doubts about the soundness of that strategy.

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3 hours ago, aright said:


I'm a little confused. Can you clarify whether holding a vote on the exact same thing over and over again until the "correct" result is obtained is (1) perfectly reasonable and fine, or is (2) a monstrous affront to democracy and wholly unacceptable?


A people's vote is the solution to this Brexit fiasco. If Theresa May can have three votes, so can the people.

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49 minutes ago, aright said:

Calls for a people's vote come mainly from Remainers who see it as an opportunity to stop Brexit.

It's an exercise in pantomime democracy.

And calls to not have one come from Brexiteers who spout "will of the people" in full knowledge that their will has changed. They fear that democracy that they spout about.



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On 3/30/2019 at 1:07 PM, Basil B said:

Brexit is dead...


It has been for a long time now, it is a decaying, maggot infested, putrefying, stinking mess.


please bury or cremate it now.

Of course it’s dead. You can only uphold a lie for so long. Eventually the house of cards will fold. 


58 minutes ago, aright said:

Calls for a people's vote come mainly from Remainers who see it as an opportunity to stop Brexit.

At least Brexiteers finally admit that a people’s vote would stop Brexit. 


4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There is no need for another referendum, just need to ask Alexrich what everyone thinks

There was no need for a referendum in the first place. 

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On 3/30/2019 at 12:52 PM, malagateddy said:

Or malpractise by remain..cameron and co should be charged with gross misuse of public funds..sending basically eu propoganda to every household prior to the referendum by method of taxpayers moneyemoji6.png


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Brexit mentality, 2 wrongs make it right.

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