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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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wll then Jamman,

you have your experiences, and I have mine.

Do I question, hel_l yes, and all the time. But there are ways of doing it and not doing it. I have and do get my way with Thai burecracy, but I know my rights and I know enough not to be stupid to be on the wrong side of law to begin with. Anything from tax, getting an ID card, passport, getting in and out of the country as a Dual national, dealing with police, and working with the civil service. Been there, done that and still doing it.

Well then, perhaps we agree. Work the system as it is, so that it doesn't smack you down. If we have a difference of attitude, it would be our respect and trust for rules. I agree that we have to work with the system. I don't agree that it therefore deserves respect and trust.

Respect and trust can only be earned... not demanded.

To obey is to react to a rule, it doesn,t mean you respect it.

Go with the flow for an easy life....simple as that .

If i may re quote the last part of Jammam,s post which is a very good observation and one i go along with 100%:-


I agree that we have to work with the system. " I don't agree that it therefore deserves respect and trust. "

Very relevant in all authority related areas, although i admit in debates I sometimes have a little go back if it warrants it.

I also think Samran knows the way to go, when and how to obey........Especially in Thailand

Doesn,t matter what you think so long as you go through the motions.

Smile and give em silent insubordination.


Rules are for the GUIDANCE of wise people and require a common sense interpretation. IMHO

You must take each case on it,s merits and consider if the intentions are serious enough to act on if you ever hope to gain respect.


Edited by marshbags
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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

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From: Bali, Indonesia

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Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

If I was banned, and returned to post, it wouldn't show up on my account history. I would have needed to create a new identity.

My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

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My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

Ever heard of "Don't ask; don't tell?

You are not supposed to admit this s__t! :o

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :D

Agreed, 3 foot tall idiots with no c99k using 'Bully Boy Tactics' should be made a crime, some good people i know have been slagged down for their opinions... We laugh about those "Bully Boy" idiots, Sticks and stones etc........... :o

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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

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Group: Members

Posts: 414

Joined: 2005-11-24

From: Bali, Indonesia

Member No.: 24,381

Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

If I was banned, and returned to post, it wouldn't show up on my account history. I would have needed to create a new identity.

My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

As you are admitting to the fact that you are indeed a former member who has came back under a different user name it will be interesting to see if you get banned now.

If the mods and admin are serious about implementing the forum rules evenly and with consistency then you clearly will be.

I'm watching this with great interest.

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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

Senior Member


Group: Members

Posts: 414

Joined: 2005-11-24

From: Bali, Indonesia

Member No.: 24,381

Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

If I was banned, and returned to post, it wouldn't show up on my account history. I would have needed to create a new identity.

My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

As you are admitting to the fact that you are indeed a former member who has came back under a different user name it will be interesting to see if you get banned now.

If the mods and admin are serious about implementing the forum rules evenly and with consistency then you clearly will be.

I'm watching this with great interest.

I never broke any forum rules, and was never accused of breaking any forum rules.

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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

Senior Member


Group: Members

Posts: 414

Joined: 2005-11-24

From: Bali, Indonesia

Member No.: 24,381

Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

If I was banned, and returned to post, it wouldn't show up on my account history. I would have needed to create a new identity.

My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

As you are admitting to the fact that you are indeed a former member who has came back under a different user name it will be interesting to see if you get banned now.

If the mods and admin are serious about implementing the forum rules evenly and with consistency then you clearly will be.

I'm watching this with great interest.

I reckon you're going for a mod job, a few more posts, who knows? :o

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My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

Ever heard of "Don't ask; don't tell?

You are not supposed to admit this s__t! :o

As I just mentioned, I've never broken forum rules, and was not accused of breaking forum rules. I was banned for "pretending" to be a high school graduate, when "clearly" I was actually a professor, and for talking about cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology. I'd like to think the whole thing was a sad mistake.

I'd like to think that my posts speak for themselves, and that it is obvious that I'm not a troll.

And as for don't ask, don't tell, I don't see that I have anything to hide.

To stay on topic, this is one reason I don't see that the forum has changed much. There are still the same factions that dislike controversial viewpoints and want to silence discussion on certain topics by labelling people as complainers and whiners and malcontents. There are still the say nothing jocks who can summarize all their posts into emoticons. And there are still people capable of engaging in discussion, and the rare few with unique and interesting voices.

Edited by jamman
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My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

Ever heard of "Don't ask; don't tell?

You are not supposed to admit this s__t! :D

As I just mentioned, I've never broken forum rules, and was not accused of breaking forum rules. I was banned for "pretending" to be a high school graduate, when "clearly" I was actually a professor, and for talking about cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology. I'd like to think the whole thing was a sad mistake.

I'd like to think that my posts speak for themself, and that it is obvious that I'm not a troll.

And as for don't ask, don't tell, I don't see that I have anything to hide.

14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.


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My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

Ever heard of "Don't ask; don't tell?

You are not supposed to admit this s__t! :D

As I just mentioned, I've never broken forum rules, and was not accused of breaking forum rules. I was banned for "pretending" to be a high school graduate, when "clearly" I was actually a professor, and for talking about cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology. I'd like to think the whole thing was a sad mistake.

I'd like to think that my posts speak for themself, and that it is obvious that I'm not a troll.

And as for don't ask, don't tell, I don't see that I have anything to hide.

14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.


This comes right down again to the rule/role mentality. You can see the rule, but that is all you can see.

There is a reason for rules. It is the reason that matters, not the rule. If you can't see that, you deserve all the slavery you impose upon yourself.

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perhaps they can ban him then unban his old identity if he was "unjustly banned".

I wonder what his banned id is, are you going to tell us jamman?

I don't even remember. That was a few years ago. Why do you ask? Is what I have to say interesting enough that you'd want to read my old posts?

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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

I did not follow this post until I just started reading it,quite interesting to read about how many members feel disturbt.I think Old croc here really points it out very straight and to the point,but still moderate.I also like thaivisa,and think also that there are certain members,(not that they are really disturbing me),like to clique and just post chat alike posts fully with emoticons alike, to get there postlevel number up(proberly).It's allright though but for me it makes the interaction level a bit downward.Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.I think maybe some native speakers should consider themselves being corrected when trying to speak and write on a thaiforum with Thaipeople.Sounds not fair is it(to get corrected when you try to cope)? Many members contribute a lot more too this forum then they can imagine.After all we are all expats alltogether in a different country!!!

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perhaps they can ban him then unban his old identity if he was "unjustly banned".

I wonder what his banned id is, are you going to tell us jamman?

I don't even remember. That was a few years ago. Why do you ask? Is what I have to say interesting enough that you'd want to read my old posts?

Just interested to see what got you banned.

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don't tell us your id, just tell us your old post count.

Was it high or low?

I'm not sure. Maybe similar to now. Let's stay on topic now please.

People use language differently. Some post here in chat style. A few years ago some posters were very fond of the word "<deleted>", and would post just that single word, over and over, as a reply. If there was a barking dog emoticon, all their emotions and intelligence would be summarized for easy display.

Others use language to engage in ideas - to alter their own perceptions.

It is similar to those who lie to save face, and those who are honest in order to be able to change who they are. I don't imagine that the riff raff will grow up - some people don't talk in order to grow up.

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Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.

nice spelling. :o

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I'm not sure. Maybe similar to now. Let's stay on topic now please.

You are the new topic jamman. :o

Certainly the topic for the past couple of pages, I don't think that you can drop a bombshell in admitting you were banned previously and expect the gathering mob not to be intrigued!

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Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.

That's not too common out of the teaching forum. Maybe you have been unlucky!

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Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.

That's not too common out of the teaching forum. Maybe you have been unlucky!

It is not the spelling really what I meant.Also not that I personally have many comments on how I try to make my story come together in English.More about that it is not as easy like it will be in my own language,natural ofcourse.I meant that it would be considerate to take this in mind,that stories from not native speakers come out different then they want,cause of vocubalary short comings,or something like that.Many posts I read are not nice comments from natives who try to correct all the time,to look intelligent,or whatsoever,it just sucks.....

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