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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.

That's not too common out of the teaching forum. Maybe you have been unlucky!

It is not the spelling really what I meant.Also not that I personally have many comments on how I try to make my story come together in English.More about that it is not as easy like it will be in my own language,natural ofcourse.I meant that it would be considerate to take this in mind,that stories from not native speakers come out different then they want,cause of vocubalary short comings,or something like that.Many posts I read are not nice comments from natives who try to correct all the time,to look intelligent,or whatsoever,it just sucks.....

tell the small-minded <deleted> to <deleted> off!

EDIT: Except Game4Shame - he is being as funny as Aberdonians get! I am from Peterhead, so I know what I'm talking about!

EDIT 2: Sorry, an Aberdonian is someone from Aberdeen and Peterhead is a sh1thole 35 miles north of Aberdeen! Hope that helps!

Edited by The Dan Sai Kid
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Also disturbing a little is that people (like me)who are not native english speakers get the hammer from different members who are native ,(sometimes but too many times),what I think is not too fair sometimes to get anoid by writing in this content.

That's not too common out of the teaching forum. Maybe you have been unlucky!

It is not the spelling really what I meant.Also not that I personally have many comments on how I try to make my story come together in English.More about that it is not as easy like it will be in my own language,natural ofcourse.I meant that it would be considerate to take this in mind,that stories from not native speakers come out different then they want,cause of vocubalary short comings,or something like that.Many posts I read are not nice comments from natives who try to correct all the time,to look intelligent,or whatsoever,it just sucks.....

tell the small-minded <deleted> to <deleted> off!

EDIT: Except Game4Shame - he is being as funny as Aberdonians get! I am from Peterhead, so I know what I'm talking about!

EDIT 2: Sorry, an Aberdonian is someone from Aberdeen and Peterhead is a sh1thole 35 miles north of Aberdeen! Hope that helps!

I will keep it i mind :o

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tell the small-minded <deleted> to <deleted> off!

EDIT: Except Game4Shame - he is being as funny as Aberdonians get! I am from Peterhead, so I know what I'm talking about!


EDIT 2: Sorry, an Aberdonian is someone from Aberdeen and Peterhead is a sh1thole 35 miles north of Aberdeen! Hope that helps!

no arguments here. :D:o:D

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I'm starting to agree with the original post, after putting up my own thread about my experiences with working within Thailand (or rather, being part of a registered company in Thailand) I got flamed, because, A, I don't speak Thai, which yes, I know that is something I need to address, and B, because farang can not run a construction company, (which is wrong), I am a MD of a Thai company, we can do whatever our company applies for, and I am in possession of a work permit for my appointment to our company. Yet some members, for what ever reason decided to flame the fact that my company (I call it mine because I set it up) is doing good business, yet they felt that my company had no right doing business within the construction industry. Need I point out that although I am the MD, I am not in fact the company, and as such our company can pursue any contract we fell fit (within our company outline). My point is that because certain members felt undermined/threatened/or purely annoyed, flamed another. Sometimes I feel sad being part of this forum, because at times its full of condescension

Edited by solent01
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I'm starting to agree with the original post, after putting up my own thread about my experiences with working within Thailand (or rather, being part of a registered company in Thailand) I got flamed, because, A, I don't speak Thai, which yes, I know that is something I need to address, and B, because farang can not run a construction company, (which is wrong), I am a MD of a Thai company, we can do whatever our company applies for, and I am in possession of a work permit for my appointment to our company. Yet some members, for what ever reason decided to flame the fact that my company (I call it mine because I set it up) is doing good business, yet they felt that my company had no right doing business within the construction industry. Need I point out that although I am the MD, I am not in fact the company, and as such our company can pursue any contract we fell fit (within our company outline). My point is that because certain members felt undermined/threatened/or purely annoyed, flamed another. Sometimes I feel sad being part of this forum, because at times its full of condescension

Solent, you go for it and brush off the riff raff. You do an honest job, likely have many Thai employees and contribute to the economy. Many farang residents who want something built like to have another farang to explain their ideas to. Learning another language while you are working is extremely difficult (time factor). Just pick up what you can. If you can keep your staff and your biz going, and you are content, I'd say you are doing a dam fine job. Kudos to you. :o

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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

Senior Member


Group: Members

Posts: 414

Joined: 2005-11-24

From: Bali, Indonesia

Member No.: 24,381

Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

If I was banned, and returned to post, it wouldn't show up on my account history. I would have needed to create a new identity.

My previous identity had the same personality and posted on the same topics. I talked about viewing cultural differences through the lense of developmental psychology, was acused of being a professor masquerading as a high school graduate in order to influence public opinion with dangerous memes, and was permanently banned.

As you are admitting to the fact that you are indeed a former member who has came back under a different user name it will be interesting to see if you get banned now.

If the mods and admin are serious about implementing the forum rules evenly and with consistency then you clearly will be.

I'm watching this with great interest.

The rules are implimented fairly and all members are subject to them. jamman wont be posting again.

The correct way to come back, should you ever get banned from thaivisa.com is to approach an administrator, stating your case and asking for your account status to be reevaluated.

I hope that helps clarify the matter.

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And there goes another interesting poster. Wish we could ban some of the spammers. RIP

Spammers get banned as soon as we find them, if we miss anyone please use the report function to bring it to our attention


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marshbags, that was Jammans quote, not mine :D

I did give credit to Jamman for the Quote, but i also wanted to acknowledge your reply:-

QUOTE(samran @ 2007-03-10 20:08:37)

Do I question, hel_l yes, and all the time. But there are ways of doing it and not doing it. I have and do get my way with Thai burecracy, but I know my rights and I know enough not to be stupid to be on the wrong side of law to begin with. Anything from tax, getting an ID card, passport, getting in and out of the country as a Dual national, dealing with police, and working with the civil service. Been there, done that and still doing it.

Hence my reference to yourself:-

" I also think Samran knows the way to go, when and how to obey........Especially in Thailand. "

This is for me, a common sense approach and one all visitors should use for guidance, i follow a similar code when i,m here and always advise anyone asking that this is the best way to go.

Coupled with civility and a smile you usually achieve your objective in most situations if your paper work is in order.

By the way i think conform is a nicer way of putting it as against my obey reference, in the 21st century.

Credit were it,s due then, to both comments as they seem o.k. to me.

marshbags :o

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When i say the thread doesn,t reflect the our members true sentiment i wasn,t knocking the O.P.

It,s like the mods thread that was posted, not long ago.

The minute anyone says what they would truly like to and it isn,t complimentary to someone, then the outcome is a one sided affair and in debate this is NOT what it,s all about.

We are talking fair comment here and like for like, within reason.

If a mod has a go at someone on line then surely the person they are having a go at has right to give a reply and not be censored / penalised for it.

If anyone posts a comment in a debate / thread then they should be prepared to get and accept a reciprocation in the context of what they post, irrespective of their status.

If not then they should not enter the debate.

This does not include warnings ect. of course and they should be discussed via the P.M. facility.

Every so often as in this thread NEWBIES have been commented on and in many cases, in other threads especially, undermined and belittled.

This does not encourage fresh imput and a more interesting expansion of thoughts.

We are ALL members of T.Visa and have the same rights. so perhaps to improve things we need to get away from the clique situation when it,s derogatory among certain members and at the present time

" fashionable " to support them.

Judgement should only be made on the content of the post members submit, not because they haven,t posted before or only submitted a few observations.

If someone disagrees then fair comment, but to gang up to support them is unacceptable. IMHO.

For the record i will always accept and debate a difference of opinion, so long as it,s reasonable.

To say we all go through it does not make it o.k. and it doesn,t encourage new blood and imput.

Encouragement is what they should receive if their contribution / comment is not valid one and they are not one of the trolls we get from time to time.

Sponsors i,m sure expect non censorship and an open forum.

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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marshbags, your last post was very well put and to the point of this thread, it upset me when I posted about my experience doing what I do, yet because it didn't fit with certain members I had the experience of being belittled. We are all in this together as a community, its about time some of our members remembered this fact.

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I think that new posters should remember that this practice has happened to almost all posters. I remember when I first started on TV I asked a perfectly legitimate question in a certain forum and my post was disected, analyzed, and criticized by 2 long-term posters.

I took a long time before I posted in that sub-forum and even now I spend more time proof-reading my posts for that forum, than any other.

It happens to everyone, people just have to deal with it and realise not everyone here is an anal pedant...

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I'm starting to agree with the original post, after putting up my own thread about my experiences with working within Thailand (or rather, being part of a registered company in Thailand) I got flamed, because, A, I don't speak Thai, which yes, I know that is something I need to address, and B, because farang can not run a construction company, (which is wrong), I am a MD of a Thai company, we can do whatever our company applies for, and I am in possession of a work permit for my appointment to our company. Yet some members, for what ever reason decided to flame the fact that my company (I call it mine because I set it up) is doing good business, yet they felt that my company had no right doing business within the construction industry. Need I point out that although I am the MD, I am not in fact the company, and as such our company can pursue any contract we fell fit (within our company outline). My point is that because certain members felt undermined/threatened/or purely annoyed, flamed another. Sometimes I feel sad being part of this forum, because at times its full of condescension

Solent, you go for it and brush off the riff raff. You do an honest job, likely have many Thai employees and contribute to the economy. Many farang residents who want something built like to have another farang to explain their ideas to. Learning another language while you are working is extremely difficult (time factor). Just pick up what you can. If you can keep your staff and your biz going, and you are content, I'd say you are doing a dam fine job. Kudos to you. :o

Actually Jet, he doesn't do an honest job. He does a job that's neck deep in corrupt/dishonest activity. He's well aware of that and was posting that the bite was getting bigger and bigger. What he took for condescension were posts that were more warnings than anything else. A farang in that milieu is gonna get ripped off. killed, or be set up as a patsy for others corrupt actions. Public works projects in Thailand are a dirty, corrupt, "mafia" oriented business. It's a dangerous undertaking for someone who isn't Thai and especially someone that doesn't speak Thai. I'm sorry if he took it as condescension, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the intent.

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I think that new posters should remember that this practice has happened to almost all posters. I remember when I first started on TV I asked a perfectly legitimate question in a certain forum and my post was disected, analyzed, and criticized by 2 long-term posters.

I took a long time before I posted in that sub-forum and even now I spend more time proof-reading my posts for that forum, than any other.

It happens to everyone, people just have to deal with it and realise not everyone here is an anal pedant...

Nothing personal Dan Sai,

While someone may be a new member, it doesn,t follow that they are new to Thailand for one, it also doesn,t mean they that just because they are new, they are not experienced junior members of life and don,t know what they are on about, but in any case everyone has an opinion.

It,s just the putting across bit that is difficult and with advice and encouragement this can and will improve while giving confidence to continue posting ect. instead of packing in.

This sort of victimisation / bias, is outdated and in my humble opinion out of place on a Forum of T.Visa,s standing around the globe.

You make the point splendily when you say you were criticised ect. by senior members for asking a legitimate question.

If the question was hard to follow then the way to go is to ask for more information or whatever to make it clearer.

It already happens on most forums ( T.Visa,s that is ) encouraged by the relevant mods.

For example, the amount of work the visa section do in this area is brilliant and also we, the majority of members do the same for one another.

Bedlam for one is a different situation and most things are tolerated and accepted in this section of a reasonable nature.

Enjoy participation, that,s if you can stand the heat and come back you,ll get. :D:o

We all know of the people who just find fault for the sake of it and ignore the content to pathetically highlight yet another point you rightly commented on.

" Spelling and grammar mistakes, accidently typing in capitals or because they don,t know better, ect. "

( does it really matter...NO!!! )

A request or explanation is polite and far more beneficial and encouraging, don,t you think.

Not everyone is aware of computer etiquette, so this is also something to consider.

Personally you can type in any style without upsetting me and that,s for sure.

I was once had a go at because i put a comma at the bottom and they said i " you don,t even know that it should be at the top, " never mind what you are posting ?????????????

We come from all over the world and have different teachings, on top of this many have a different native tongue and think in diferent terminolgy while having to translate it into English.

On top of that starting with the U.K., you then have U.S., Aust., N. Zeal. ect., versions of English to take into the equation.

T.Visa is the best there is with a reputation to match and deservedly so, as we as members already know and we don,t want small minded individuals undermining it, just for the sake of scoring points or whatever they do it for.

Admin have built this up from scratch and we all need to support their efforts and strive to continue the good work.

IMHO of course.

I also like to think that this thread is a positive one and assists getting the petty stuff out in the open without it being seen as an excuse to have a moan, just for the sake of moaning, because that is clearly not it,s objective.

marshbags :D

Edited by marshbags
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Actually Jet, he doesn't do an honest job. He does a job that's neck deep in corrupt/dishonest activity. He's well aware of that and was posting that the bite was getting bigger and bigger. What he took for condescension were posts that were more warnings than anything else. A farang in that milieu is gonna get ripped off. killed, or be set up as a patsy for others corrupt actions. Public works projects in Thailand are a dirty, corrupt, "mafia" oriented business. It's a dangerous undertaking for someone who isn't Thai and especially someone that doesn't speak Thai. I'm sorry if he took it as condescension, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the intent.

Yikes. OK, I'll leave these topics to you guys in the know. Not my genre. See you in the food forum. Thanks, Lannarebirth.

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While the new posters are warned, rightly so, by the mods about responding negatively to inane, off track comments, I wonder if they they PM the provocateurs with a suggestion that they should set a better example. Some posters, not only newbies, misunderstand these cheap shots and rightly or wrongly respond in kind, thinking it must be permissible. I have a feeling that the barbs of the old guard are tolerated, perhaps through custom or personal acquaintance. We should all remember that without knowing other posters personally there is a risk of inciting unnecessary animosity through anonymous jibes. As has already been demonstrated in this thread, my notion of humour is not appreciated by some of the old guard and should be more carefully considered in future. By old guard I mean a clique of long time posters who may well be upright persons in real life but who come across as no more than unwelcome interference in cyberspace with their unfortunate comments. Last but not least, there is a PM facility if anyone must bad mouth, why not use it for that and leave the threads on track?

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are we still deteriorrating? Sic?

Alirght, I'm gonna read a bit of marshbags stuff here.... seems he wrote a lot :D

Thanks for demonstrating you took in at least one of the important points i.ve tried to put across, Kayo.

Stay coooooooooooooooooooool

marshbags :D:o:D

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Shame about Jamman, he tripped himself up there, I hope he gets a fair chance to appeal, he is a real individual and one of the least offensive and most open minded posters I have ever come across. :o

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The rules are implimented fairly and all members are subject to them. jamman wont be posting again.

The correct way to come back, should you ever get banned from thaivisa.com is to approach an administrator, stating your case and asking for your account status to be reevaluated.

I hope that helps clarify the matter.

From reading some of the posts on this board it would appear that the correct way to return is to arm yourself with a new handle, avatar, and persona, and then troll with the sort of vengeance that only the unjustly treated can muster....

We reap what we sow....

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o

Now who's being arrogant and judgemental

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It seems that jamman got himself covered in the back allready with several idendities at once,or aren't you?

I do not think that anyone can notice,so long he not tells,so maybe tv has a couple of hundred less members or more multiple identities...... :o

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The rules are implimented fairly and all members are subject to them. jamman wont be posting again.

The correct way to come back, should you ever get banned from thaivisa.com is to approach an administrator, stating your case and asking for your account status to be reevaluated.

I hope that helps clarify the matter.

From reading some of the posts on this board it would appear that the correct way to return is to arm yourself with a new handle, avatar, and persona, and then troll with the sort of vengeance that only the unjustly treated can muster....

We reap what we sow....

Welcome Captain.

I'm sure that we will enjoy the 10 minutes that you will be allowed to post! :o

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From reading some of the posts on this board it would appear that the correct way to return is to arm yourself with a new handle, avatar, and persona, and then troll with the sort of vengeance that only the unjustly treated can muster....

There's a lot of them around... :o

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While the new posters are warned, rightly so, by the mods about responding negatively to inane, off track comments, I wonder if they they PM the provocateurs with a suggestion that they should set a better example. Some posters, not only newbies, misunderstand these cheap shots and rightly or wrongly respond in kind, thinking it must be permissible. I have a feeling that the barbs of the old guard are tolerated, perhaps through custom or personal acquaintance. We should all remember that without knowing other posters personally there is a risk of inciting unnecessary animosity through anonymous jibes. As has already been demonstrated in this thread, my notion of humour is not appreciated by some of the old guard and should be more carefully considered in future. By old guard I mean a clique of long time posters who may well be upright persons in real life but who come across as no more than unwelcome interference in cyberspace with their unfortunate comments. Last but not least, there is a PM facility if anyone must bad mouth, why not use it for that and leave the threads on track?


Again I must agree with qwertz's view, at the risk of one of the members recommending we "get a room." What a lewd and crude comment. That offends and prokes me to a certain degree.

I just have to laugh and shake my head knowing that it comes from a degenerate thought process. Apparantly this kind of talk is OK with the mods though.

I just happen to think in a similar way and I think he is very well spoken on this topic. Is it OK to agree with someone?

Really there is no sexual attraction to qwertz as he's way to old for me. :o

There is strength in numbers. It's just my opinion that the collective consciousness of the board should be supportive.

If someone wants to trivialize another's feelings or opinion, mock scorn or ridicule,that should be saved for the bar where this is the standard. Fight to follow.

I've allways thought Thaivisa was a special and valuable commodity.

My point is the same, There are those that push the envelope of being banned and continue to be tolerated.

You love Thailand? Why not be more kind-hearted, compassionate, patient and gentle.

Real men are not defined buy their pseudo-macho jobs or there bullying, thoughtless


A real man protects those that are weaker or not able to protect themselves. Not ridicule them.

This board is great it can even be better if the harshness and nonsense of a few could be more closely strained out.

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