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Trump overrides advisers, backs funding for Special Olympics after uproar


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10 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

The olympics in general are a tremendous waste of money. I don't see how this is any different. All of these little pet projects are exactly why the USA is $22 trillion in debt growing everyday. It would take somebody going through the budget with no emotion and cutting every single thing that is not essential to fix this.


We all need to sacrifice something we cherish if we expect to be able to fund social security and medicare past the best decade. However any cuts made should not be reallocated they need to go directly to the debt. 


I guess I am at risk of being unpopular on this issue. lol 

How about go fund me to fund "little pet project" of border wall? I guess you are fine with trillion dollar tax cut for rich and corporations (who weren't carrying their share of the load and far exceeding any increase in wealth for average person) leading to cuts in programs such as special olympics and ballooning deficit. I taught special education students and this program was great for the kids. 17 million is .07% of 22 trillion.

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On 3/30/2019 at 1:44 AM, Emdog said:

How about go fund me to fund "little pet project" of border wall? I guess you are fine with trillion dollar tax cut for rich and corporations (who weren't carrying their share of the load and far exceeding any increase in wealth for average person) leading to cuts in programs such as special olympics and ballooning deficit. I taught special education students and this program was great for the kids. 17 million is .07% of 22 trillion.


As I said everybody wants their own pet projects. Every single time they bring up the percentage and usually it is a minuscule number and that's exactly how nothing changes. It's a poverty mentality to have. I am broke anyway so let's spend more on our credit cards and we can justify it as a small percent and pay interest on it. 


The wall debate doesn't belong in this thread, so I won't even respond to that part. 

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