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State of emergency urged as air pollution hits 'disastrous' levels in North


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1 hour ago, RabCNesbitt said:

Here's a Thai viewpoint with some very strong reasons for the disaster we are experiencing now:


It didn't mention the burning by farmers to clear fields, a practice all across Thailand. They also seem to burn dry grass areas, even along highways, which is a lot easier than cleaning it up manually, and then having to dispose of it.  


I didn't know about forest burning for future harvest of mushrooms, or that China has laws against burning.  Informative video, thanks for posting.

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3 hours ago, RabCNesbitt said:

Here's a Thai viewpoint with some very strong reasons for the disaster we are experiencing now:



Yes, so this video demonstrates very clearly why China isn't a third world backwards country and Thailand is.

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Not only mushrooms. The huge increase in monocrop agriculture across Thailand, Laos and Myanmar is largely driven by Chinese demand.

It demonstrates very clearly that the Chinese are willing to outsource the pollutants , burning and nasty stuff to their neighbours , in return for cheap labour and a higher profit in producing what their markets need. For example corn to produce animal feed, bananas and cassava.

To me this does not suggest they are better than a third world country.

The attitude is not too different to many Thais who don't care whether the streets are filthy, as long as their own place is clean.

This is the same attitude shown by the Chinese , just on a larger scale.

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It demonstrates very clearly that the Chinese are willing to outsource the pollutants , burning and nasty stuff to their neighbours , in return for cheap labour and a higher profit in producing what their markets need.


Well, China learned it from the best; USA has done exactly that to them for decades, just for different products with the same or worse environmental outcomes. Just recently they figured out that it’s not sustainable to be the world’s dumping ground of plastics waste.


Sadly, this doesn’t make you breathe any easier in the North of Thailand this day.


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On 3/30/2019 at 1:51 AM, teacherofwoe said:

1. Anyone lighting a forest or field gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

2. Anyone in possession of those grim black mushrooms gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

3. Any burn forest or field must lie fallow for 10 years.

4. Anyone found growing crops on burnt land within a 10 year period gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

5. Any company, including all directors of the board, that utilize burnt land shall have their business assets seized to pay for harm caused, and all parties shall have their personal assets frozen for 10 years and 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

6. Any politician found receiving donations or accepting a lobbying appeal from a company, or representative of a company, which has been prosecuted and found guilty of any of parts 1 to 5, shall have their personal assets seized to pay for harm caused, and gets 20 years mandatory without appeal or parole.


Problem solved if someone up there only had the balls.

Aye Carumba.  You are a tyrant!

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I'm a Thailand-based freelance   environmental consultant with a certificate in waste management for developing countries and former experience as researching on trash burning issues with Greenpeace in Bangkok. I would be happy to help solve this problem for free. Who can I contact in the government specifically about this issue? Email please? 

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2 hours ago, redbull707 said:

I'm a Thailand-based freelance   environmental consultant with a certificate in waste management for developing countries and former experience as researching on trash burning issues with Greenpeace in Bangkok. I would be happy to help solve this problem for free. Who can I contact in the government specifically about this issue? Email please? 


They have no interest in "solving" the problem, nor are they even remotely interested in taking advice from anyone outside their own circle...  If you've been here. you should be well aware of that reality.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 hours ago, redbull707 said:

I'm a Thailand-based freelance   environmental consultant with a certificate in waste management for developing countries and former experience as researching on trash burning issues with Greenpeace in Bangkok. I would be happy to help solve this problem for free. Who can I contact in the government specifically about this issue? Email please? 

If you try that you will get certified here as well

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On 3/30/2019 at 3:48 PM, riki said:

Stop the farmers burning the fields

There are approx. 4.5 million rai of corn crop in the North and the government is pushing for more expansion....not to mention sugarcane crop.


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So its been 9-10 days now that the PM declared the air pollution problem would be solved in 7 days.  Guess they forgot to put on their rain dancing shoes. As of right now, Chiang Mai is sitting in third place on Air Visual.


Has the press, tv news, etc. followed up on why it has not been solved and what steps were put in place to fix the problem? Or would this be too much of a loss of face to confront the PM?


Next years burning season is now 9-10 months away. Is the government working with the farmers, etc. on a plan to not have this air pollution next year? Or will it be wait till next year and blame Myanmar and Laos.


This problem can be solved with cooperation and money. Too expensive?....what is the short and long term cost to the millions of residents who have to breath these pollutants. Pay me now, or pay me later as the old saying goes. Paying later is both in B and peoples health.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/3/2019 at 3:06 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


They have no interest in "solving" the problem, nor are they even remotely interested in taking advice from anyone outside their own circle...  If you've been here. you should be well aware of that reality.


They do. I've spoken to many Thai.. The problem is the same in the West, no leadership.


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50 minutes ago, redbull707 said:

They do. I've spoken to many Thai.. The problem is the same in the West, no leadership.



The comment of mine you're responding to was in specifically in regard to the Thai government and Thai government officials -- not citizens at large. That's the lack of leadership you're acknowledging.



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