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Looking for electrical contractor in Isaan area.


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13 years ago, we built a house in Thailand, about 1 hour drive south of Khon Kaen.

As we are living in Norway, the house was built without our 100% supervision, and the electrical system is not what it should be.

There are no safety devices on the system itself, only RCD on the water heaters.

In order to get this fixed properly once and for all, I am looking for some electrical contractors who can do the work for me.

Preferably someone who speak English well.

This would be somewhere in the area around Khon Kaen, or even better, Phon.





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Thank you for answers.

Yes, I will be there 2-3 weeks in autumn this year, and this was when I planned to get the el. system overhauled.

I am sure I can find some contractors in Khon Kaen, but it will take some time to find a good one.

I was just wondering if anyone had good experience with some.



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Looks like Shaemus could be your answer. If not, contact your local PEA office. A few years back I needed a "good & qualified" sparky for some major renovations I was having carried out. I asked the guys in the PEA office if they could recommend someone. Turned out one of their staff in the planning dept did after hours work. Spoke reasonable English & workmanship was as good as I've seen anywhere in Oz.

Worth a try.

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