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Trump aides repeat threat to shut down U.S.-Mexico border on migrant crisis


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2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

yes, it takes 60 votes in the senate. so yes you are right, the Dems would never allow a fix to immigration


The reason there's no "fix" is Trump only wants his "wall", and enough cowardly Republicans in Congress who know it's a futile project are unwilling to buck him on that. Thus, nothing else can get done, no reform of Immigration laws, handling of children of immigrants, etc etc.


The great deal maker has a one item Immigration policy, and without that, nothing else is on the table. That's why nothing is getting done.


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The reason there's no "fix" is Trump only wants his "wall", and enough cowardly Republicans in Congress who know it's a futile project are unwilling to buck him on that. Thus, nothing else can get done, no reform of Immigration laws, handling of children of immigrants, etc etc.


The great deal maker has a one item Immigration policy, and without that, nothing else is on the table. That's why nothing is getting done.


Trump put Daca on the table, that was rejected. so the "only wants his wall" comment is tripe.


The dems want increased immigration thinking it is more votes. They don't care about illegal immigration

and plenty of repubs don't care enough either

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8 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

Trump put Daca on the table, that was rejected. so the "only wants his wall" comment is tripe.


The dems want increased immigration thinking it is more votes. They don't care about illegal immigration

and plenty of repubs don't care enough either

 He made those proposals only in a last-ditch attempt to try to extricate himself from the federal government shutdown morass that he himself triggered.


And, they were dead on arrival in Congress, in part because the DACA protections he offered were only a 3 year reprieve, not permanent protections, and other protections were only a partial rollback of immigration bans that he himself has previously instituted.

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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 He made those proposals only in a last-ditch attempt to try to extricate himself from the federal government shutdown morass that he himself triggered.


And, they were dead on arrival in Congress, in part because the DACA protections he offered were only a 3 year reprieve, not permanent protections, and other protections were only a partial rollback of immigration bans that he himself has previously instituted.

no, he offered this long before the shutdown in Jan 2018.





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59 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

The job approval rating of Congress as a whole is 18 percent.



Thanks for that factoid, but the question has not be answered.  What should Trump do to shame congress?  The fact that congresspersons continue to get elected with a collective 18% approval rating tells me they are damn near impervious to shame.

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It’s not even plausible, but I would love to see him try.  Will he also stop all flights, as most illegals fly into the country.  There is a problem, and there was a plan to give more for increased personnel and tech, but someone refused.

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16 minutes ago, Artisi said:

well Donald, don't keep pissing into the wind flapping your mouth - just do it!

But bear in mind, the US/ Mex border is a 2 way deal - in and out.  

Don't hold your breath. He will never do it. He may do some kind of weak tea stunt and sell that to his base that he did do it. They'll buy it of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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28 minutes ago, Redline said:

It’s not even plausible, but I would love to see him try.  Will he also stop all flights, as most illegals fly into the country.  There is a problem, and there was a plan to give more for increased personnel and tech, but someone refused.

Illegals don't matter, this is all about his base.

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3 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

Trump put Daca on the table, that was rejected. so the "only wants his wall" comment is tripe.


The dems want increased immigration thinking it is more votes. They don't care about illegal immigration

and plenty of repubs don't care enough either

He didn't offer a permanent solution. Just offered to tack on a few years but left the situation unresolved.

Trump offers immigration compromise to end partial shutdown; Dems cool to offer

President Trump, in a televised White House address Saturday, offered Democrats a compromise package on immigration in an effort to end the nearly monthlong partial government shutdown -- although some prominent Democrats were dismissing the olive branch as a "non-starter" before Trump even spoke.

Trump announced that he was prepared to back a three-year extension of protections for 700,000 immigrants who came to the country illegally as children and were shielded from deportation under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This, in exchange for the $5.7 billion he has requested for a barrier on the southern border with Mexico.


Trump Offers Temporary Protections for ‘Dreamers’ in Exchange for Wall Funding

" President Trump, facing a growing public backlash over the partial government shutdown, shifted course on Saturday and offered Democrats a deal: temporary protections for roughly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion in funding for a wall along the southern border.

But the proposal, which Mr. Trump unveiled in a 13-minute address from the White House, appeared dead on arrival in the Capitol. Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected it even before Mr. Trump spoke, and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, denounced the offer as “not a compromise but more hostage taking.”


Edited by bristolboy
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Actually I thought of this myself first, but then here it is. Perhaps this empty border closing threat is just another distraction tactic? 


Relevant content to this point is at the 3rd paragraph up from the end of the article.



It’s Trump who’s obsessed with Russia



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18 hours ago, Thainesss said:

Its almost comical at this point. We send billions and billions in aid to south american countries, we spend billions and billions more in support of an immigration ecosystem at the souther border thats completely bogged down, we spend billions and billions more on top of all that in peripheral expenses on illegal immigrants inside the united states, and yet somehow the Democrat Party REFUSES to acknowledge any issue, and REFUSES to do anything about it. 


Well, let me rephrase that. The Democrat Party REFUSES to do anything meaningful and with any actual intent on stopping this absurdly expensive problem. 


Build walls and change immigration policy? No, thats too expensive 10-20 billion is too much. I know! Lets send hundreds of billions of dollars to these narco-terrorist & cartel run countries over several years! They can build roads! 


Trump wants a few billion dollars for a barriers. No, nope. We will give a billion or so dollars but you have to remove ICE detention beds. That way you have to release more people into the US! Perfect!


The Democrats of the past used to at least mask their desire to change the electorate in their favor with immigration from south of the border. Now? they dont even hide it. 


And its shocking that nobody on the left cares. 


18 hours ago, Thainesss said:


And this divisive, horrible rhetoric from the left really needs to stop. 

Priceless.  A divisive, fact-free rant from the right followed by a call to stop such rhetoric from the left.

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