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Ex-U.S. Vice President Biden, facing questions about touching women, says he'll respect 'personal space'


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38 minutes ago, Tug said:

Mr Biden needs to give the lady’s personal space but to compare his behavior to Donald’s is laughable 

you mean like threatening the Ukrainian govt with withholding money if they didn't replace a prosecutor

looking into the payments to his son?



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37 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:



good thing there are no double standards dependent upon your political party

I wouldn’t assume what political I belong to but I can assure you that as long as Donald has influence with the Republican Party sadly I must vote against

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4 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Last week?? Biden has been known as a creeper for years, and been mocked for it for years. 



Democrats have it so good. If this was a Republican the media would be all over it but since its Joe Biden - "warm and intimate" is his campaign style instead of "touchy feely old man" like it should be. 


The hypocrisy of the left and their media lapdogs knows no bounds. 

Yeah right. Look at all the slack the media have given Trump the self confessed molester.......give me a break with Biden. How about derailing the pussy grabber himself.

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3 hours ago, tlandtday said:

I thought the topic was Joe Biden but I can see "Trump Derangement Syndrome" has take over once again lol.

I see, a double standard for you......close your eyes to the self confessed Pussy Grabber. Pathetic.

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56 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I think you're missing the point. This isn't about Trump, or even Biden's, perhaps, overly affectionate ways. It's about kicking out the Democrat hierarchy in favor of the new wave of Democrats. It's an inside job.

yes, the far left is in charge and they will feed on each other to prove they are "woke" 


it will be hilarious and well deserved 

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6 minutes ago, Mansell said:

I see, a double standard for you......close your eyes to the self confessed Pussy Grabber. Pathetic.

wow, thanks for the vacuous moral preening.


watch the progressives spiral downward in a race to even more illogical stupidity.

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4 hours ago, Thainesss said:

Democrats have it so good. If this was a Republican the media would be all over it...

Hmmm... go ask Senator Franken how well your fantasy of "Dem privilege" worked out for him...

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

“Social norms are changing,” Biden said in Wednesday’s video, which was posted on Twitter and lasts just over two minutes.

This was creepy back in the 1980s already, when Biden ran for president the first time. Okay, Biden isn't as much of a sleaze as Trump. It would be hard to surpass Trump. And he's not as stupid as Trump. But he is a stupid sleaze in his own right. Don't need this guy. He needs to go home and retire.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It was his "side" that started all this PC rubbish in the first place...

Which "rubbish" are you referring to? Taking assault claims seriously or letting old men creep into personal space? ????????

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

It's about kicking out the Democrat hierarchy in favor of the new wave of Democrats. It's an inside job.

I don't know if it's an inside job, but it is time for some Dem housekeeping. Dem dinosaurs running as GOP-lite have cost the party dearly...

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20 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

yes, the far left is in charge and they will feed on each other to prove they are "woke"

Oh, thank God for that. I was watching Fox News and thought we all had to panic about AOC and her ilk.

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Just now, mikebike said:

I don't know if it's an inside job, but it is time for some Dem housekeeping. Dem dinosaurs running as GOP-lite have cost the party dearly...

you mean only wacko progressives are allowed now. good point, you must be "woke" or some other 

loony made up term to survive this mass stupidity

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6 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

you mean only wacko progressives are allowed now. good point, you must be "woke" or some other 

loony made up term to survive this mass stupidity

It really has nothing to do with "progressives". The failure of the Dem party nationally and in individual states comes down to some horribly misguided strategies by the Dem establishment. Abandoning their traditional base for corporate donations and influence put them squarely behind the GOP in all but the bluest regions of the country. Hard to be an effective party when you have handicapped yourself. Applies to centrists and progressives.

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pc rubbish lol. yea women don't mind being assaulted lol. maybe biden did do something inappropriate. maybe we will see. the thing is people want to know the truth- with you trump supporters its all fake news. he gets a free pass for anything- we need to get to the oranges of this lol. 

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34 minutes ago, johnnykak said:

pc rubbish lol. yea women don't mind being assaulted lol. maybe biden did do something inappropriate. maybe we will see. the thing is people want to know the truth- with you trump supporters its all fake news. he gets a free pass for anything- we need to get to the oranges of this lol. 


What do you mean you want to know the truth? Open your eyes man. Were you just introduced to Joe by this news story? Don't you have 30 years of personal observations to draw on like everyone else here does? He's a harmless,touchy feely guy; a hugger. Not my thing, but the world's full of'em and they're harmeless.


The story here, besides the political hit job, is that now we're all supposed to be able to grok how whatever anything we might do or say is going to be perceived by someone else and change who we are accordingly.

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hey i just said that because its obviously a hit job. theres no rape allegations here or even sex. the story seems to be he's a creepy old man witch i disagree with. he seems like lbj who would get in your face like an inch from you. a good comparison for trump supporters on here that use seinfeld clips would be the close talker guy lol. so in 30 years has biden ever been accused of any sexual misconduct? seems like the vice president for 8 years would have already gone through this. also the last part of your comment made no sense- i don't know what a grok is-sorry maybe its a cultural thing.

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2 minutes ago, johnnykak said:

hey i just said that because its obviously a hit job. theres no rape allegations here or even sex. the story seems to be he's a creepy old man witch i disagree with. he seems like lbj who would get in your face like an inch from you. a good comparison for trump supporters on here that use seinfeld clips would be the close talker guy lol. so in 30 years has biden ever been accused of any sexual misconduct? seems like the vice president for 8 years would have already gone through this. also the last part of your comment made no sense- i don't know what a grok is-sorry maybe its a cultural thing.


LBJ apparently liked to show people his dick. Joe's familiarity seems to me to be a couple levels lower.


  1. understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.
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18 minutes ago, johnnykak said:

he seems like lbj who would get in your face like an inch from you

Hmmm... I see a slight difference between a close-talker and a hair-sniffer/head kisser.


But hey, what place has nuance in 2019? ????

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15 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


LBJ apparently liked to show people his dick. Joe's familiarity seems to me to be a couple levels lower.


  1. understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.

Really? Hadn't heard that. Creepy and gross!!


So how are we ranking this?


Close talker

Hair sniffer

Dick dangler 

Pussy grabber


Gotta love politics!!

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56 minutes ago, johnnykak said:

o in 30 years has biden ever been accused of any sexual misconduct? seems like the vice president for 8 years would have already gone through this.

Charlie Rose went a lot longer than that, and with a higher profile than Biden for most of the time.

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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

It really has nothing to do with "progressives". The failure of the Dem party nationally and in individual states comes down to some horribly misguided strategies by the Dem establishment. Abandoning their traditional base for corporate donations and influence put them squarely behind the GOP in all but the bluest regions of the country. Hard to be an effective party when you have handicapped yourself. Applies to centrists and progressives.

or to be beholden to the teachers union to not allow school choice, or the seiu union to push ridiculous wages. or do anything for the African american communities other than taking their guaranteed votes.

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1 hour ago, tlandtday said:

Trump Derangement Syndrome Exhibit #1578 lol.

you'd think that a party that worshiped a drunk that drove off a bridge then left a woman to die to save his career would not

be so stupid as to think this matters, but then.....it is the democratic party.

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but then again paying porn stars to keep quiet is so noble? you don't care about that do u? thats fine. do you care he lied and said it was fake news? of coarse not. thats fine.  i thought that accusing people after the fact later on was bad according to the kavanaugh thing- of thats right he was accused of rape- but thats a lie right. biden of coarse is a sexual predator because you say so lol. lock him up right? also did you listen to trump talk about his daughters? you think thats normal behavior? lol.

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