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UK PM May asks EU for Brexit delay until June 30


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23 minutes ago, John V said:

The referendum was about in or out. It’s assumed that the voters know the difference in voting for or against the EU, just as they do when they vote labour or conservative in parliamentary elections. Just imagine for a moment if the remainers had got the majority vote. Would the electorate have been accused of not knowing what they voted for, or cries for another referendum vote hoping for a different outcome? In these sort of authoritarian dictatorships you only get one vote and you’re tied in for life.

The mess the political system is now in is a result of the EU. We no longer have a parliament that decides laws, we have a parliament that rubber stamps laws and directives while trying to pretend it’s autonomous. That contradiction goes against what is best for the UK and its population v what is best for Europe. Fishing quotas in national waters, or an immigration open door policy are two examples where what is not best for the UK is not necessarily what someone else decides is best. You can only have one governing body, it’s either the UK parliament, or an unelected commissioner in Europe. The people chose to retain parliamentary sovereignty.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain why being in the EU is preferable to a UK parliamentary system voted for every four years.

Running away from your own U.K. decision and responsibility ...or thinking the U.K. can get anything they wanted ….. wrong guessing wrong gambling , from beginning is clear spitted out what was possible , but non of the many options accepted and  bumped against the wishing ones , on top multiple red lines from T.M. up to now even ,with this try out with J.Corbyn , she don't give an inch ….so.... the real reason for the by Cameron projected solution , to solve the own Conservatives cat-fight by a  referendum stays , even deeper than before 

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16 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

The UK has remained a sovereign state throughout, being governed by parliament although at times it doesn't seem like it.  And the UK has full control over immigration policy whatever the EU says. And there is an agreed fishing quota in place. 


Being a member of the EU gives the UK a seat at the voting table and can veto any EU directive. It's the best of both worlds.

:shock1: This almost 3 years let us change slowly our mind as E.U. that unless A.50 , it would be better to have trade with a U.K. outside the E.U. , more and more it it is a growing believe by some members , many hoping the unanimous vote would not be reached , including me , and the first 3/4 months I regret to see U.K. leaving , but after I saw it is not possible anymore ….to different to stay together , better just stay friendly trade neighbors .:thumbsup:

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3 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Every-one should know, by now, that votes are not worth a carrot.

We only get what we a given by our masters.

European citizens are now discovering that they have exactly the
same human rights as chickens have chicken rights in the barnyard.
Once you have been plucked of your cash, homelessness and
hunger follow.   Welcome to the great EU Chicken Coop. lol

And the U.K. has now forever his Cock fight H.O.C.….Welcome to the U.K. cockfight championship lol

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Tomorrow should be interesting.


Do not know what's on the agenda but talks with Labour have gone more style than a British Rail sarnie...


Thing is TM needs something to put to the EU27 to persuade them to grant an extension on her terms on Wednesday, I am sure they will offer an extension but it will be on their terms, likely to be 15 months minimum and a referendum to ratify any agreed proposal.


best she can hope for is an open ended extension (or two year that can be shortened on agreement) so when she or more to the point whoever is residing a #10 comes to some acceptable agreement then a leaving timetable can agreed.   


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40 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

It all Broilers down to a massive 'HoC pluck up'.

Well it is certainly is a game of chicken...


But I think "Brollies" that will be the order of the day, if they have not stopped that leak...


Well one may say the HoC had a few more drip's than usual.

Edited by Basil B
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Imo as a BREXITEER..the house of scummers and the geriatric home next to it are full of self serving toss££s with fingers in the eu pie..major..heseltine..clark etc etc.
These turds do not live the life of the average man/woman in the street and would run the proverbiak mile if they had to do so.
Re the house of geriatrics..try following the money trail.

Not convincing you , not even trying ….only wondered what is taking the unhappy U.K. so long  to leave …..no glue on the seats or chains on feet …..just no courage to walk out seems …..

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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10 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Tomorrow should be interesting.


Do not know what's on the agenda but talks with Labour have gone more style than a British Rail sarnie...


Thing is TM needs something to put to the EU27 to persuade them to grant an extension on her terms on Wednesday, I am sure they will offer an extension but it will be on their terms, likely to be 15 months minimum and a referendum to ratify any agreed proposal.


best she can hope for is an open ended extension (or two year that can be shortened on agreement) so when she or more to the point whoever is residing a #10 comes to some acceptable agreement then a leaving timetable can agreed.   


Slowly I start thinking the E.U. has to make the decision for the U.K. and just no further extension , this would maybe unite your divided country to take  finnaly action as the decision is made then .Just same as the U.K. would have example a real aggressor , like wartime.., you would unite I am sure.... but like now this ping pong game interspersed with TM kicking the can further on ..to challenge each other party, and even further in both dividing party groups ...

Edited by david555
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Only your fervent wish sadly


Brexit: I had no choice but to approach Labour - May

Prime Minister Theresa May has insisted she had to reach out to Labour in a bid to deliver Brexit or risk letting it "slip through our fingers".
In a statement on Saturday night, Mrs May said there was a "stark choice" of either leaving the European Union with a deal or not leaving at all.
Some Conservatives have criticised her for seeking Labour's help after MPs rejected her Brexit plan three times.
"Mrs May said there was a "stark choice" of either leaving the European Union with a deal or not leaving at all".
Talks with Labour were a none starter, Only a fool would think any different.
So there we have it, she has played her last card 2_of_spades_by_macbaby_dy2lzp-pre.jpg.0d6114b2223c1ba23ae1ed1bd82a8dc9.jpg...a deuce.
We are not leaving at all.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Excellent post Sir..just think of this..if she was madly in love with someone and was repeatedly rejected re her romantic overtures..surely she would think about walking away before she was reported for being some kind of mentally deficient lady???

This man makes a lot of sense , is a talented speaker and I hope his predictions for Monday happen . The fact that the majority of the cabinet voted for a " leave now no deal " a couple of days ago and that to be completely ignored by TM , coupled with her taking alliance with JC should be raising the alarms . She is hell bent at staying in the EU and not severing our connections with them . The immediate way forward     ( imho ) is a new leader who has no  conflicts of interest and who voted to leave . Just when we think what a debacle over the last year or so and things cannot get any worse , well Im not so sure . If I was reading this event in a fictitious  paperback I would chuckle at the writers imagination .   TM needs to be relieved of her post and possibly sectioned under the mental health act . Her tactics have cost the UK Billions of pounds because of the uncertainty for businesses and at the twelfth hour there is still no solution .  Hindsight is a wonderful thing but some might say that the writing was on the wall when David Davies resigned .

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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The EU is way too nice and patient with those Brexiteers. Yes, we are a club and we care about all our member states, even one that is going through a mid-life crisis. But when the club and its other members are at risk because a leaving member is about to abuse our patience and generosity, it is time to think again. 


1) A long extension with an agreement that the UK participates in the European elections but further agrees to giving up all its voting right; 




2) The already communicated timeline of 12 April.  

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20 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So we are supposedly having Theresa May a remainer who still won't say she would vote leave. Then we Have Jeremy Corbyn, all his life voted against the EU and apparently is a leaver. So 'Jezza' wants a customs union, which stops the UK doing trade deals with other countries. So in reality not leaving the EU.

So what have these two in common, who are supposedly going to come up with a magical deal, to get the UK out of the EU. They don't give a damn about their morals and beliefs. They would sell their own mothers for their own benefit.

Has to be the worse PM and opposition leader ever.

Unhappy Brexiteers not selling their mothers.

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Every-one should know, by now, that votes are not worth a carrot.

We only get what we a given by our masters.

European citizens are now discovering that they have exactly the
same human rights as chickens have chicken rights in the barnyard.
Once you have been plucked of your cash, homelessness and
hunger follow.   Welcome to the great EU Chicken Coop. lol

Brexiteers want their carrots.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Imo as a BREXITEER..the house of scummers and the geriatric home next to it are full of self serving toss££s with fingers in the eu pie..major..heseltine..clark etc etc.
These turds do not live the life of the average man/woman in the street and would run the proverbiak mile if they had to do so.
Re the house of geriatrics..try following the money trail.


Proverbiak Turd Analysis.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Excellent post Sir..just think of this..if she was madly in love with someone and was repeatedly rejected re her romantic overtures..surely she would think about walking away before she was reported for being some kind of mentally deficient lady???


Brexiteer Agony Aunt holds forth.

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23 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So we are supposedly having Theresa May a remainer who still won't say she would vote leave. Then we Have Jeremy Corbyn, all his life voted against the EU and apparently is a leaver. So 'Jezza' wants a customs union, which stops the UK doing trade deals with other countries. So in reality not leaving the EU.


So what have these two in common, who are supposedly going to come up with a magical deal, to get the UK out of the EU. They don't give a damn about their morals and beliefs. They would sell their own mothers for their own benefit.


Has to be the worse PM and opposition leader ever.

wow..! where you not that country who took back control of his borders life and decisions & money  …..or was that jus wishful thinking …?

Come on guy's & girls show true grit and leave …. do us Europeans common people a favor ...:clap2:

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16 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Just like Donkeys do

Not Just like braying stubborn donkey's do ,...this ones want their cake & cherry's and eat it ….imagine ….brutal ! :shock1:  :offtopic:    :wink:

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7 hours ago, stephenterry said:

On balance, I think the UK should leave the EU to help mend deep rifts in the UK population, but on terms that would not damage our economy any further than it has already, that the pound strengthens, and that a close trade agreement with the EU single market is maintained.


In that, to prevent a backstop of an Irish border, and to honour the Good Friday agreement it is essential the UK remains in the Customs Union. That is a compromise that May must offer, as I for one am content with the current trading agreements in situ with Europe and with 41 other countries outside the EU.


How any reasonable person could not see that it is the most sensible option out of a nonsensical Brexit, is beyond me. To prefer crashing out with no deal just to say we're out with no appreciation of the devastation to the UK economy and devaluation of the pound and massive transport tailbacks at UK's major ports is a ludicrous and selfish mind-set - the cost of which will be borne by our children and grandchildren for decades. 




 The problem with you reasonable suggestion, is would it still mean the free movement of people. as in the case of the agreement with Norway.

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