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Compromise? Time ticking down for Britain to come to Brexit agreement


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23 minutes ago, vogie said:

The remainers did everything, leavers didn't have very much say in the whole shabang.


The mire we are in is obviously the remainers fault as the leavers had no say in this, backbones are in short supply in parliament.


You negotiated this mess, you own it.

It's not really either of our agenders - It's Theresa May's personal agenda, it's her that must own it.


She seems to have prioritized ending freedom of movement, while  going some support to manufacturing industry, but throwing services under the proverbial bus. 


We are just as unhappy with the deal as you are 

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7 hours ago, malagateddy said:

As a British Brexiteer..I totally agree with you...imagine having a remain supporter as pm..and having remain supporting uncivil servants in the negociating team.
Sad to say, it's time for the white coats squad to take t may to the funny farm imo

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And here was me thinking the chief negotiators (Davis and Raab) were staunch Brexiteers. How silly of me.  Still the International Trade Secretary charged with creating new trade deals must have been a remainer given that he failed miserably as well.  I think his name is Liam Fox.


This whole Brexit thing has been a complete pigs ear.  But given that May was nominated by all the main Brexiteer campaigners, Johnson, Gove, JRM, Davis etc. It is surely only right that they should be held equally responsible.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Agree with everything you said, but there's no need to apologise to someone who is frequently referring to leavers as 'simpletons' and the like.

Dick, I see it as a sign of strength and normally I don't lower myself to use an idiom of lamps and street.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

"She appointed chief negotiator" 

All Brexit ministers were MINOs, ministers in name only, Olly Robbins was the true Brexit Minister and all the remainers made quite sure that nobody was going to undermine him. No Brexit minister would have resigned if they had been allowed to do their job, they were there to make it look that they had some leavers on board, but they were not allowed to intervene.


We are now 2 years down the road, still nowhere nearer to leaving, so what does May do, she jumps on ship with a Marxist Labour Party, over the heads of her cabinet and suddenly a deal may be found in a week. That should say to all that two years would have been ample time to negotiate a deal if one was wanted.


This is not about losing Brexit, it is more about losing democracy.

Again, always somebody else's fault.


The only Brexit leader who put his name up to replace Theresa May as PM was Fox, all the others did exactly as dunroaming points out - ran for the hills.


If the leaders of the Brexit campaign can't show up for Brexit, don't blame the failure of Brexit on Remain.


Brexit, failed to plan, plan to fail and with Brexit leaders who failed to lead. 


Edited by Chomper Higgot
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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Again, always somebody else's fault.


The only Brexit leader who put his name up to replace Theresa May as PM was Fox, all the others did exactly as dunroaming points out - ran for the hills.


If the leaders of the Brexit campaign can't show up for Brexit, don't blame the failure of Brexit on Remain.


Brexit, failed to plan, plan to fail and with Brexit leaders who failed to lead. 


If the leavers had very little to with the negotiations, it would be extremely difficult to point the finger to anybody else but the remainers.

May and Robbins are very ardent remainers, so in that sense they have been sucessfull in their objective which was to keep the UK tied to the EU, in one way or another.

Democracy is the biggest loser in all this, but maybe one day you will have a vote to make a difference and the government will just say, sorry chomper, your vote is worthless, come back when you chose what we want.


Democracy is failing, thank you remainers.

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

How was that then?  She appointed him chief negotiator.  How did she lie to him?  There is this constant denial. They voted May in even after that the Brexit boys had ample opportunity to oust her and replace her but they didn't.  Surely time to see Brexit for what it always was.  A load of hot air promises based on nothing.  That is why Johnson and the Brexiteers ran for the hills when they won.  They knew the game was up and all we have had since is three years worth of squirming and pointing fingers.  Pathetic beyond belief! 



See Vogie 112 for a clue or two.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

If the leavers had very little to with the negotiations, it would be extremely difficult to point the finger to anybody else but the remainers.

May and Robbins are very ardent remainers, so in that sense they have been sucessfull in their objective which was to keep the UK tied to the EU, in one way or another.

Democracy is the biggest loser in all this, but maybe one day you will have a vote to make a difference and the government will just say, sorry chomper, your vote is worthless, come back when you chose what we want.


Democracy is failing, thank you remainers.

The Remainers are the ones suggesting we ask the people.  


Never mind the people, we had a referendum, and referenda must be ivied, regardless of what people want.


Luckily, we have a woman at the wheel, and when she finds herself on the wrong road she’s not frightened to ask for directions

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If Brexiteers truly believe that Remainer MPs have deliberately undermined Brexit, they would be demanding a new referendum on the deal/Hard Brexit/stay in.


The reality is they know they would lose another referendum. 


Brexiteers still think that the EU will crumble and offer a new deal to avoid Hard Brexit. Reality, Hard Brexit would reduce trade between the UK and EU, If we pick a figure of say 10% drop, how does this affect the 2 economies? EU trade is 50% of UK GDP, so a 10% cut in trade will mean a 5% cut in GDP - a serious recession. UK trade for the EU represents no more than 20% of total trade, so a 10% drop would mean a 2% cut in GDP. A mild recession.


So who comes off worst?


I am still waiting for a Brexiteer to show me how the UK will be better off economically - it is all about 'IF' we get better trade deals than the EU can get .... really?

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Given the difficulty people are having in finding a way forward that achieves consensus across the nation, surely the way forward would be to start from the status quo, and make incremental changes.


We could take chalk and sand from Dover and Dungeness, gradually moving further away from Europe, depositing it in the Hebrides, until EdF’s reactors at Dungeness were in France rather than England.


Sometimes, the only solution is to think outside the box

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1 hour ago, rickudon said:

If Brexiteers truly believe that Remainer MPs have deliberately undermined Brexit, they would be demanding a new referendum on the deal/Hard Brexit/stay in.


The reality is they know they would lose another referendum. 


Brexiteers still think that the EU will crumble and offer a new deal to avoid Hard Brexit. Reality, Hard Brexit would reduce trade between the UK and EU, If we pick a figure of say 10% drop, how does this affect the 2 economies? EU trade is 50% of UK GDP, so a 10% cut in trade will mean a 5% cut in GDP - a serious recession. UK trade for the EU represents no more than 20% of total trade, so a 10% drop would mean a 2% cut in GDP. A mild recession.


So who comes off worst?


I am still waiting for a Brexiteer to show me how the UK will be better off economically - it is all about 'IF' we get better trade deals than the EU can get .... really?


There’s no such thing as a Hard Brexit. The question at the referendum was between Remaining in the E.u or leaving. Unfortunately the British negotiating positions has been undermined from day one by the back stabbing of the remainers Led by T. May.


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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:


There’s no such thing as a Hard Brexit. The question at the referendum was between Remaining in the E.u or leaving. Unfortunately the British negotiating positions has been undermined from day one by the back stabbing of the remainers Led by T. May.


Or betray the 17 million Remain votes.  The friends I have from childhood are Remainers, and will prosper in the UK or Europe, whatever happens.  Brexit will make my life in Asia harder, but not much.  

I’m glad I, nor my children, manufacture car parts in Sunderland. For those people, I struggle to see a happy future

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