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Acknowledging frustration, Britain's May calls on parliament to deliver Brexit


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10 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

A quick recap for Leavers to remember who to blame..




We know who to blame, Olly Robbins,  and it's no good David Davis turning up for work with a shovel if they won't let him dig a hole.

Edited by vogie
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1 minute ago, vogie said:

We know who to blame, Olly Robbins,  and it's no good David Davis turning up for work with a shovel if they won't let him dig an hole.

If I remember correctly he turned up empty handed apart from a cheese sandwich and a copy of the Sun.  Famously ill-equipped for the job he had been given.  No wonder he failed miserably

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

We know who to blame, Olly Robbins,  and it's no good David Davis turning up for work with a shovel if they won't let him dig an hole.

Davis is ex SAS (TA) I seem to remember so I don't see what his problem is about understanding about being in charge. Plus he deserted his post when under greatest peril. Hardly a hero to anyone I would have thought. 

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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If I remember correctly he turned up empty handed apart from a cheese sandwich and a copy of the Sun.  Famously ill-equipped for the job he had been given.  No wonder he failed miserably


9 minutes ago, vogie said:

We know who to blame, Olly Robbins,  and it's no good David Davis turning up for work with a shovel if they won't let him dig a hole.

Was my analogy wasted on you.

Edited by vogie
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Better outside the UK Embassy..but would have to obtain permission from the Govt.

I know it has been said before,,, but is it worth us Brexiteers gathering to protest over the UK Government stance? Leave means leave; after all! 
What about Pattaya, on the beach opposite soi 6, at 5/6 in the evening, sometime soon? A batch of those 'anonymous' masks could be available, and after our speeches and chanting, we could march up soi 6, gathering support as we go.
I'm near Nong Khai, but would be only too willing to make the journey south, to support the Brexiteer gang/crew/group/team.
I would leave the wife at home for this escapade. She don't understand UK politics.

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Not yet..few more months and their kitty starts to run dry[emoji23]

I understand your frustration.
Perhaps you should have asked how are the Brexit promises possible if there isn’t a plan?!
Brexit has wound up exactly where ‘Project Fear’ predicted it would - and take note, the EU are not begging the UK.

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Not as many as you think..once the Brexit Party and Ukip heavily leaflet the voters telling them the truth re the backstabbing lowlife scum

Obviously you do not know much about the British electorate, many vote for the party they always vote for or don't bother voting... 
Many MP's will becoming back, regardless on where they stood on Brexit.

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He had enough of olly whatsitsface backstabbing him with teresa the appesa's approval

Davis is ex SAS (TA) I seem to remember so I don't see what his problem is about understanding about being in charge. Plus he deserted his post when under greatest peril. Hardly a hero to anyone I would have thought. 

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

If I remember correctly he turned up empty handed apart from a cheese sandwich and a copy of the Sun.  Famously ill-equipped for the job he had been given.  No wonder he failed miserably

Do you think it was sheer coincidence that all the Brexit ministers failed and had to resign, or could have been something a little more sinister orchestrated by the butter wouldn't melt in your mouth EU. I know what I believe. But remainers instead of debating prefer to dig the dirt.


"The image, which saw Britain grimace in union when it was printed, showed the former Brexit Secretary sitting opposite EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier without one single piece of paperwork while his European counterpart is pictured looking prepared and organised with a stack full of documents. Mr Davis, who sits grinning at the camera with his hands clasped, is the mirror image of Frenchman Mr Barnier, photographed with a wry smile with his hands laid firmly on the paperwork. The cringe-worthy shot was taken in Mr Barnier’s office without Mr Davis having time to prepare and subsequently released by the Commission, triggering angst over the pair’s approach to Brexit. Yet now, Mr Davis has shockingly revealed the image was set up by Brussels to make it appear the Brexiteer was not briefed or prepared."



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28 minutes ago, vogie said:

Do you think it was sheer coincidence that all the Brexit ministers failed and had to resign, or could have been something a little more sinister orchestrated by the butter wouldn't melt in your mouth EU. I know what I believe. But remainers instead of debating prefer to dig the dirt.

I judge people by their achievements and results. But I understand that’s a difficult concept for those who expect us to chase unicorns. 




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By far and away the worst British PM in living memory.


What on earth were the Tories  thinking when they selected her as leader ? After all they already knew how useless she was after her appalling performance as Home Secretary.


Big win likely for Labour at the next election.

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14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

This, to remind you all, is the same Theresa May who fought tooth and nail to run Brexit by executive order.


Having done begging the EU, she’s now begging Parliament.


All to avoid asking the electorate if the deal she has is acceptable to the people who will have to live with it.





Yep, first she tried to circumvent parliament by illegal use of the Royal Prerogative. Then she needlessly called a snap election hoping to increase her majority so she could circumvent the ERG and other Tory hard Brexiters and all opposition parties.


She knew the deal she "won" with her lackluster team of deadbeats would be crap, worse than our terms of membership and would be liked by few at best. 


She, and the current shower of shit in parliament haven't the slightest interest or concern for the lasting effects on the British people. They'll all be alright so screw everyone else.

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Do you think it was sheer coincidence that all the Brexit ministers failed and had to resign, or could have been something a little more sinister orchestrated by the butter wouldn't melt in your mouth EU. I know what I believe. But remainers instead of debating prefer to dig the dirt.


"The image, which saw Britain grimace in union when it was printed, showed the former Brexit Secretary sitting opposite EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier without one single piece of paperwork while his European counterpart is pictured looking prepared and organised with a stack full of documents. Mr Davis, who sits grinning at the camera with his hands clasped, is the mirror image of Frenchman Mr Barnier, photographed with a wry smile with his hands laid firmly on the paperwork. The cringe-worthy shot was taken in Mr Barnier’s office without Mr Davis having time to prepare and subsequently released by the Commission, triggering angst over the pair’s approach to Brexit. Yet now, Mr Davis has shockingly revealed the image was set up by Brussels to make it appear the Brexiteer was not briefed or prepared."




The Brexit ministers and their teams were selected from never-have-beans and not-likely-to-be numpties. Because all those great champions of Brexit, who promised how easy it would all be, as the UK held all the cards, had run for the hills.


You really think Davies was ever on the ball?

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5 hours ago, vogie said:

We know who to blame, Olly Robbins,  and it's no good David Davis turning up for work with a shovel if they won't let him dig a hole.


And it would have been a very big hole indeed if he'd been left to his own devices!

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3 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Not as many as you think..once the Brexit Party and Ukip heavily leaflet the voters telling them the truth re the backstabbing lowlife scum


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Brexit and UKIP parties - 5555555555555! Can't wait to see their manifestos.


What's really sad is the amount of people, normal reasonably well educated people, who haven't got a clue about their own constitution, laws, and political processes let alone how the EU works. And their naive belief in all the <deleted> spewed out by Boris, Farage, Gove, etc etc - none of whom have offered any plan or possible solution,


And you want to vote these lying clowns into office.


Rock on Tommy!

Edited by Baerboxer
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12 hours ago, vogie said:

Brexit is not the problem, the MPs are the problem, remainers of course.????


So who do you think, in the event of a no deal Brexit, is going to lead the country to it's "brighter future"?


And what do you think their plans will be?



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14 hours ago, vogie said:

Most of parliament agreed to honour the referendum decision,

.....and without any obligation for the Govt to follow. 

It's all a home made desaster of shrinking from a recommended important country to a third world banana country.

One or three clear sentences by the Queen would change everything. Similar to Thailand 

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