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Acknowledging frustration, Britain's May calls on parliament to deliver Brexit


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28 minutes ago, evadgib said:

No 10 ensured Robbins undermined Davis and could only have happened if EU knew about it too.

So you’re saying David Davis for 23 months negotiated an awesome deal and then out of a sudden Olly Robbins popped up with another deal he secretly negotiated with the EU? Or how did that work in practice? 

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3 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So you’re saying David Davis for 23 months negotiated an awesome deal and then out of a sudden Olly Robbins popped up with another deal he secretly negotiated with the EU? Or how did that work in practice? 

Why not submit a FoI request & wait 30+ years to find out?

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18 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I just wanted everyone to see how ridiculous your conspiracy theory is. You can’t even explain it yourself. 

Detail that entered public domain at the time & was leaked by 'forces within' ?


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19 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

‘Forces within’.


Pure tinfoil hat stuff.

How else did details emerge? They even threatened to withdraw his cabinet limo & expected Davis to walk 3 miles to get a taxi if he resigned while @ Chequers; all of which entered public domain in real time and was reported as soon as ministers etc could access their phones.

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On 4/13/2019 at 11:41 AM, dick dasterdly said:

Not at all.


The leave side admittedly thought that the eu would also follow their best interests by agreeing a trade deal.


Unfortunately the eu knew that the brit. govt. had no interest in leaving the eu - and so any trade deal was left at the bottom of all lists.....


We've been 'played' by the politicians ☹️.

Could this be the proof of it …. ? :wink:



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