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Once a month I throw all the toothbrushes out of our bathroom. This bathroom is an ensuite only used by my wife and I.

Yet, a month later the two toothbrushes left have once again multiplied to 20.

This is the same for the other 3 bathrooms in our house. We have the folks in law, the sister and her two kids staying in our house.

IS it only us, or do you find that toothbrushes seem to breed like rabbits in your house too?

Where do they come from?

Also, the members of my wifes family don't seem to have and hangups using other peoples toothbrushes.

Anyway, just a question to start the day.

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Also, the members of my wifes family don't seem to have and hangups using other peoples toothbrushes.

Tabasco or habanero on the bristles will usually cure people of this. Unfortunately this doesn't work on Thais, Indians, and Mexicans. :o

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Yes, I do know what you mean. Four of us should equal four toothbrushes. It doesn't matter how often I cull them, there alway seem to be 9 or 10 knocking about the bathroom

The real answer is to prohibit the other half from taking advantage of the" special offers", wherein the toothpaste seller bundles several brushes into a package with a tube of paste.....

my wife was addicted to this.....at one time there was, in the bathroom, over a dozen tubes of paste and countless brushes...

As there is only us three, we need not ever to buy another toothbrush....and as a "special offer" i have several for sale, slightly used, and CHEAP!.....or make an offer!!

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Ahh toothpaste, that is other one that I find interesting. We keep atleast two tubes in our bathroom. This is because I am the only one who sees the need to put the cap back on. I watch with amusement as the hole in my wifes tube progressively gets smaller and smaller as the toothpaste dries out and solidifies on the inside of the hole and also the outside where the cap would normally sit.

Mine on the other hand is always usable, clean and never is full of ants.

I have done the rounds and found the tubes in the other bathrooms to be in the same state as my wife's.

Initially I would get annoyed at her for failing to put the cap back on, but then decided I was better off with my own tube :D:o

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Once a month I throw all the toothbrushes out of our bathroom. This bathroom is an ensuite only used by my wife and I.

Yet, a month later the two toothbrushes left have once again multiplied to 20.

This is the same for the other 3 bathrooms in our house. We have the folks in law, the sister and her two kids staying in our house.

IS it only us, or do you find that toothbrushes seem to breed like rabbits in your house too?

Where do they come from?

Also, the members of my wifes family don't seem to have and hangups using other peoples toothbrushes.

Anyway, just a question to start the day.

no never seen, actually we have two bathrooms and noone is allowed to use them beside my wife and me. I don't care but my wife not even let her sister go there.... (whats the same strange as your breeding toothbrushes).

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Yep, the b00dy things breed in our bathroom too and there's only me and the missus in the house.

And, it's not only Thailand, here in Manila the office washroom (male) has a communal mug with about 30 (seemingly identical) toothbrushes all in various states of wear which are used by the male staff, I assume (probably wrongly) that each has 'his' own brush, toothpaste is provided by the office cleaners along with the soap and bog roll :o

Incidentally, we also have a plague of wire hangers breeding in our spare bedroom closet.

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There's a shortage of toothbrushes in our house. Actually there's a shortage of many thing due to me being at home without the wife.

Off topic but..

Does your other half still put the toothpaste on your brush in the morning? Or did they ever?

Mine stopped about two years into our marriage.

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There's a shortage of toothbrushes in our house. Actually there's a shortage of many thing due to me being at home without the wife.

Off topic but..

Does your other half still put the toothpaste on your brush in the morning? Or did they ever?

Mine stopped about two years into our marriage.

I never let her right from the start as I knew she would not put the lid back on, the last thing you need is rock hard lumps of colgate on your brush :o

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I now carry my own toothbrush. Years ago I caught one of my kids using MY toothbrush to clean the dog's teeth. Then, after having a fight with his mother - he used HER toothbrush to clean the inside of the toilet! :o


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I now carry my own toothbrush. Years ago I caught one of my kids using MY toothbrush to clean the dog's teeth. Then, after having a fight with his mother - he used HER toothbrush to clean the inside of the toilet! :o




I tend to live off Business Class free toothbrushes, atleast I know they are fresh each time I get somewhere. If I am going to be staying longer than a week I will buy a perm. one. This includes at home, even if I can remember which one was mine I will not reuse it after having been away at all.

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doesnt just happen in thailand: they procreate in my only bathroom in my apartment on kibbutz.. and the rememdy for capless toothpaste is the ones with the cap attatched or the one that u put in a toothpaste squeezer thingy....

we tried colour coding brushes but husband uses mine or his without paying attention, much to the fury of my sterile kids (they think he uses theirs also) so we have our cup and they have their cup to separate the toothbrushes.

we also have this problem with shower towels. one for body, one for the long hair x 3 (females) plus two males. one male (my husband) uses whatever towel happens to be in the shower at the time which infuriates my sterile kids who immmediately when entering shower bring a new towel with them just in case. dont know if thats a thai thing or a male thing.

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I know what you're talking about, I live with my tgf and once a week I have to get rid of all kind of things from the bathroom, toothbrushes, shampoos, lotions, shower gels, toothpastes, we have like a deposit in there

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doesnt just happen in thailand: they procreate in my only bathroom in my apartment on kibbutz.. and the rememdy for capless toothpaste is the ones with the cap attatched or the one that u put in a toothpaste squeezer thingy....

we tried colour coding brushes but husband uses mine or his without paying attention, much to the fury of my sterile kids (they think he uses theirs also) so we have our cup and they have their cup to separate the toothbrushes.

we also have this problem with shower towels. one for body, one for the long hair x 3 (females) plus two males. one male (my husband) uses whatever towel happens to be in the shower at the time which infuriates my sterile kids who immmediately when entering shower bring a new towel with them just in case. dont know if thats a thai thing or a male thing.

I also have huge problems with towels, I like either a clean towel, or my own dedicated towel. But, everyday without exception my towel is no longer where I left it. I always find this out after I have showered so I have to yell out to my wife to briung me a new towel, she does and it never smells freshly washed. She assures me everyday that she didn't just take it out of MiL's bathroom but I have my suspicions that she does. It drives me nuts :o

Funny thing is both my daughters sleep with towels, not for warm but for comfort, they finger the outer edge even in their sleep, this is why my towel goes missing each day.

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There's a shortage of toothbrushes in our house. Actually there's a shortage of many thing due to me being at home without the wife.

Off topic but..

Does your other half still put the toothpaste on your brush in the morning? Or did they ever?

Mine stopped about two years into our marriage.

mine stop after 2 months now everything else has stop except squeezing the tooth paste from the middle i can stand most things in this life but that gets me so #### i wonder if i could use that in a divorce court and still keep the house?

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