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3 hours ago, Will27 said:

Fragile this morning gang.


Firstly had the Willie Rioli saga on Thursday.

Then Tim Paine wins the toss and bowls.

Yesterday, WC get knocked out by Geelong.

Aussies get rolled in the cricket and we drop

a sitter of a catch in the last over.


Hopefully speak next year:sad:



Awwwww WILL....i had a tough thursday, droped by the local Dam Murphy and picked up a bottle off High Spirts....you should do the same...I certianly forgot about my <deleted>ty day...

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1 hour ago, farmerjo said:

How's the hip mendng Alex,you on the track doing laps yet.

I like Frost as a player,gets plenty of the ball and unpredictable.

I still get amazed how clubs like the Dees,Saints and even Blues can attract players but we struggle at North.

There's been a big shake up in the footy department down at Arden street so hope that gets things rolling.

Although looking at the list which a lot of experts say is no good,i can only see 6 changes happening.

Watched the Basketball bronze and Radar will be dissapointed as the Aussies threw away a good lead.

Wade showed some good fight in the cricket then with a blink of an eye it was over.

Marques showed what a freak rider he is in Valentino's home race denighing the French their first victory in 20 years.

All sported out,school holidays here so off to plant some pumkins with my son to get him some sunshine and away from games on the phone for a few hours.    



Hip is better than new...its the weather thats killing me....we now start the warm days frezzing days warm days frezzing day cycles that puts half of Victorians in hospital...


I dont like pumpkins Fj....use to squash it up with my potatoes when forced to eat it as a kid...


Well Fj North and Saints are perennial umm to be kind dont win much looking at there history, MCG can be about the only thing that attracts anyone to us for the Blues realitive recent history is ok you know...Saints havent got anyone good so you can relax....Frost is on his way 

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Cant loose what you never had... https://www.afl.com.au/news/2019-09-16/injury-forces-demon-to-hang-up-the-boots-at-just-28 but this guy was impressive, could have been just about anything.....


https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2019-west-coast-coach-adam-simpson-hits-back-at-peter-sumichs-comments-about-willie-rioli/news-story/2c500aaf368b14b91011f029525dfed2 Adam who you trying to baull<deleted>e fella? Simo won't get the Free job now....hehehe, of course there is more at the sniffing than you think....oversized heads in a fishbowl add a glass of immaturity and sprinkle of youth and this is what you get, Wille caught red handed pouring a bottle of red Bull into his sample...come on what was the dope (excuse the pun) thinking he would achieve? after the tests if he had not been caught they would have thought hey we got to bottle this guy he's running on premium fuel...98% same as my GTI...


Byee bye Johnny it was nice knowing you....https://www.sen.com.au/news/2019/09/16/essendon-to-announce-coaching-succession-plan-today/, just in time to take over at the Dee's once they work out Goods is actually not much chop....


Phone wars.... https://bgr.com/2019/09/16/pixel-4-xl-vs-iphone-11-pro-max-5g-support-rumored-for-google-phone/ this wont keep me up at night....Apple are known for doing it better that's why Google pixel copied them....but they have new tech its Called radar....to open your phone....wow just what we need...hey Apple has face recognition....and I just love it....fingers beat up from slogging on the tools always had to press in my pass code to open the dam thing... Time to retire the Nokia Will and grab a new Pixel...then you will have a pretend iPhone...


Talk about living in a fishbowl....https://sports.yahoo.com/sports-illustrated-story-reveals-new-allegation-of-sexual-misconduct-by-patriots-antonio-brown-181432929.html the disruptive Raider...yes I could believe it....too much money not much sense and to think the conservative Patriots picked him up.....Talked about him yesterday, them drakies when there naughty there very naughty...


https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/16/investing/jpmorgan-precious-metals-price-manipulation/index.html just 1% who get caught.....its a game.......so the next 7 years in court just to get handed a slap on the wrist a small fine and the following year run some other mob.....Obama should have let some of these banks go under, at least he got them to hand back there bonus, at least, didnt help the millions who lost out...


https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2019/09/elon-musk-i-was-using-the-other-definition-of-pedo-guy-you-see/ Pedo guy.....the submarine and the Thai cave kids....other definition of pedo he claims..so what is it?

pedo guy
An abbreviation of the word torpedo, pedo is a term of endearment often used by business magnates, investors and engineers, for a fast and excellent swimmer or diver. Sometimes, divers in Thailand who rescue young soccer teams from caves believe it means pedophile, but that's not the case.
PERSON 1: “Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.” 
PERSON 2: "Did you just call me a pedophile?" 
PERSON 1: No, it's short for torpedo. You swim really fast." 
PERSON 2: "Oh my bad. And thank you. You are a true gentleman." 
PERSON 1: "And you, sir, are a true pedo."
Pedo Guy
Someone who hurt your pride by telling you that your invention is useless and tell you to stick it up your ass.
A: I just saved all the boys from the cave by diving. It proves that your submarine is useless. Stick it up your ass. 
B: You are a pedo guy.

So which is it? does Musk have a case to answer?
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6 minutes ago, wendyfromoz said:

Well John Worsfold is about to get the chop at 1:15 p.m.  Is that 6 or 7 coaches this year? 

Where did you get this from?


All over the papers today that he will see out next year and hand-over to Ben Rutten for 2021.

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Great win for the Giants. The ARC should be called the <deleted>.... after the decision late in the game.

Collingwood did respond well in the last quarter but it was not enough. Well done GWS but Richmond will think they are sitting pretty after the  hard game today.

Will be a great game next Saturday

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2 hours ago, Will27 said:

I'm with you about Collingwood Alex.

I reckon Buckley has really turned them around from the arrogant chest beating club they

were under previous regimes. I'm still glad GWS won though.


Would love to see Richmond get rolled.

Maybe Mummy, in what could be his last game could go banana's

and smash a few of them.


Is it just me or does anyone else think the Chanel 7 commentary is just dreadful?

ho exulted one....channel 7 commentary stinks....I said it many times......many times.....I listen to the game with the sound turned down....

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Its Brownlow night and its all about the chicks and how to make there man look good.....long line of backless or plunging necklines.... https://www.afl.com.au/news/2019-09-23/follow-it-live-all-the-action-from-the-2019-brownlow-medal Jack Billings with Sarah...like sarah as a name but not in that dress.....2/10 .....Katie with Luke Parker....Good taste there luke, what she misses out in the face makes up with good style 7.5/10....


Eddie Betts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blues bound...hold ya hat there Radar....


Heath Shaw wants to play on...stats at elite level this year....gees we could have got him cheap if we had of waited.....id have him...super in last quarter perlim...GWS would be nuts not to give im a one more year deal...solid and dependable...


Cristiano Ronaldo use to eat maccas almost every day when an apprentice at Sporting Lisbon, timid was the dscription given of him then, the search is on for the 3 women who gave free burgers too Cris and his soccer mates, he WILL fly them to Turin or meet them in LIsbon and by them dinner to show appreciation after all these years...put you hands up guys...


Barcelona and Real Madrid could pay off the African Contients depts if they sold a few players are on struggle street in Laliga, for the red and blue there worse start in 25 ys ummm and for Real already talk of my old mate Jose to take over, the super rich are not earning there keep, Pogo stick keeps getting metioned with a january swoop by Real but wait....the Red Devils have a new multi million contract on the table to tie him up for life.....WILL money make him sign? He should be thanking Woodward that the Devils did not sell him, one basket case to another at this point...


Bookies have Man United manger even money to not make it to xmas.....loosing to West Ham WILL do that to you. Man City clean up  Elton Johns old club Watford after a suprise loss last week they ploish the green carpet with a trouncing of 8 un answered goals...


Bills go to 2-0 cleaning up in the same studium they sneaked past the Jets last week this time over the Gaints in New York...good game if your a Bills fan which i am....i do like seeing the Gaints loose i admit...28-14......John Elway must be fearing for his job, your light can only shine for so long its dimming and dimming quickly, down 16 - 14 to the Bears, who is looking good so far....well its the same as last year to date....Patriots KC Chiefs, Rams and Seahawks add  last years dispointing Packers to the list...apart from the Chiefs they all won super bowls in recent years...

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