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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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47 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

Sorry, but this is just nonsense.
What do you know about what people "waste their time" upon? Is trying to grow as an individual a waste of time? Is trying to know what you truly are a waste of time? Is trying to do good and help others a waste of time?
Even if there's nothing after death, the time you spent doing those things will have been the best time you've spent in your life.

Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, so better not miss those valuable opportunities, right? ????

Erm......you can still do all of those things without believing in religion, or a soul. 

As for that touchy-feely word "growth" which most people parrot, but, don't know it just means gaining more self-awareness......something else you don't need a soul for.


Your assumption that I (someone you don't know) is a monger just shows me your insecurity and the fragility of your own ego when it comes to somebody that doesn't have the same beliefs as you. It also shows your desire to look better than others.

You need to do a bit more "growing". :cheesy:

Edited by KarenBravo
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1 hour ago, transam said:

Now I don't think so, you may, but I think the only thing all earths creatures think about is food and reproduction....????

Careful now, you are telling too much about yourself ☺????

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Erm......you can still do all of those things without believing in religion, or a soul. 

As for that touchy-feely word "growth" which most people parrot, but, don't know it just means gaining more self-awareness......something else you don't need a soul for.


Your assumption that I (someone you don't know) is a monger just shows me your insecurity and the fragility of your own ego when it comes to somebody that doesn't have the same beliefs as you. It also shows your desire to look better than others.

You need to do a bit more "growing". :cheesy:


Of course you don't need to follow a religion to grow as a person, nor do you need to believe that you are an immortal soul. However, the notion that you are an immortal soul first, and a body with an ego second, put a lot of other things into perspective. 


For the rest of that post....read what I wrote again (slowly) and tell me where exactly I assumed that YOU are a monger? "Growing" also means sharpening your reading comprehension skills, but maybe that's too touchy-feely for you. ???? 

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17 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:


Of course you don't need to follow a religion to grow as a person, nor do you need to believe that you are an immortal soul. However, the notion that you are an immortal soul first, and a body with an ego second, put a lot of other things into perspective. 


For the rest of that post....read what I wrote again (slowly) and tell me where exactly I assumed that YOU are a monger? "Growing" also means sharpening your reading comprehension skills, but maybe that's too touchy-feely for you. ???? 

"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, so better not miss those valuable opportunities, right?"


Pretty obvious that you were referring to people, like myself, that don't believe in an after-life.

Maybe you should read your own posts before posting.

It shows that you hold others that may spend that time in that manner in disdain.

You have a lot of "growing" to do to to rid yourself of such a negative view-point.

Besides, what business is it of yours to judge people?

Edited by KarenBravo
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22 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, so better not miss those valuable opportunities, right?"


Pretty obvious that you were referring to people, like myself, that don't believe in an after-life.

Maybe you should read your own posts before posting.

It shows that you hold others that may spend that time in that manner in disdain.

You have a lot of "growing" to do to to rid yourself of such a negative view-point.

Besides, what business is it of yours to judge people?

Yes, reading skills are needed here. There, I will help you....

"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, so better not miss those valuable opportunities, right?"
It's obviously a general statement, but if you feel triggered by this, then that's your problem.

Then you go on spouting more nonsense in the futile attempt to climb the high horse.
I don't hold them (or anyone) in disdain, but I do believe they are wasting precious time. 


22 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Besides, what business is it of yours to judge people?

It's ok when you judge people who believe though, right? Do I need a special licence for that? ????


"Because when all these religious types and so called spiritualists die, they will never know that they were wrong and wasted valuable time on a fairy tale." KB

Now, if you have anything of value to add to this thread, be my guest. If you prefer to troll, then you can do that without me. 

Edited by Sunmaster
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4 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

Yes, reading skills are needed here. There, I will help you....

"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, so better not miss those valuable opportunities, right?"
It's obviously a general statement, but if you feel triggered by this, then that's your problem.

Then you go on spouting more nonsense in the futile attempt to climb the high horse.
I don't hold them (or anyone) in disdain, but I do believe they are wasting precious time. 


It's ok when you judge people who believe though, right? Do I need a special licence for that? ????


"Because when all these religious types and so called spiritualists die, they will never know that they were wrong and wasted valuable time on a fairy tale." KB

Now, if you have anything of value to add to this thread, be my guest. If you prefer to troll, then you can do that without me. 

General statement? No it wasn't. It referred to non-believers. Here is your sentence that proves it.


"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, "Triggered", I don't think so.

You think your posts have value? Oh please! Get over yourself (all part of your path to self-enlightenment).:cheesy:

You don't like my posts? Then there is long oblong thingy on the right side of your screen called a Scroll-bar. Maybe you should stop responding to my posts.......or is it that you just can't help yourself?  :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

General statement? No it wasn't. It referred to non-believers. Here is your sentence that proves it.


"Or maybe we should all rather go to Soi 6 and get drunk, in the knowledge that this is our only life, "Triggered", I don't think so.

You think your posts have value? Oh please! Get over yourself (all part of your path to self-enlightenment).:cheesy:

You don't like my posts? Then there is long oblong thingy on the right side of your screen called a Scroll-bar. Maybe you should stop responding to my posts.......or is it that you just can't help yourself?  :cheesy:

LOL Maybe you forgot that many religions teach there is only one life/incarnation?

I don't particularly enjoy responding to your posts, but I enjoy misinformation and false accusations even less, so I do try to make an effort. 
I'm sure you'll reply with something that you deem witty and clever, carefully avoiding the thread's topic (I don't recall you saying anything about it in the past 9000+ posts), because you clearly can't help yourself. ????


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14 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

LOL Maybe you forgot that many religions teach there is only one life/incarnation?

I don't particularly enjoy responding to your posts, but I enjoy misinformation and false accusations even less, so I do try to make an effort. 
I'm sure you'll reply with something that you deem witty and clever, carefully avoiding the thread's topic (I don't recall you saying anything about it in the past 9000+ posts), because you clearly can't help yourself. ????


Many religions that don't believe in an after-life, or only one incarnation?  I can only think of two; Pastafarian and Jedi. Do please give us a few examples. 

No, there is no God. The reason? The world doesn't make sense with a God in it. The world makes perfect sense without a God where chance and randomness rule.

At least, you not still spouting that your comment regarding mongers was 'general".

You can't argue with your own words.......

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13 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

No, there is no God. The reason? The world doesn't make sense with a God in it. The world makes perfect sense without a God where chance and randomness rule.

That's your whole argument against the existence of a Higher Power? Because it "doesn't make sense" to you? Wow


Guess what, it makes sense to a lot of other people. 


But you know better because.....?

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Just now, Sunmaster said:

That's your whole argument against the existence of a Higher Power? Because it "doesn't make sense" to you? Wow


Guess what, it makes sense to a lot of other people. 


But you know better because.....?

You have your reasons to believe and I have many to not believe, chief of those is there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that there is a God.

So.....about those religions that don't believe in an afterlife that you claim to know of. I'm genuinely interested. Are you going to give us some examples?


This quote from David Attenborough sums it up for me;-


“I don’t know [why we're here]. People sometimes say to me, ‘Why don’t you admit that the humming bird, the butterfly, the Bird of Paradise are proof of the wonderful things produced by Creation?’ And I always say, well, when you say that, you’ve also got to think of a little boy sitting on a river bank, like here, in West Africa, that’s got a little worm, a living organism, in his eye and boring through the eyeball and is slowly turning him blind. The Creator God that you believe in, presumably, also made that little worm. Now I personally find that difficult to accommodate…”
 David Attenborough

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

So.....about those religions that don't believe in an afterlife that you claim to know of. I'm genuinely interested. Are you going to give us some examples?

Again...reading comprehension deficit....
I said several religions don't teach about reincarnation, hence "only one life/incarnation".

Please do try a bit harder to keep up.


PS: I have no problem accommodating eyeballs eating worms into God's creation. Or butterflies. Or atheists. 


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8 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

You have your reasons to believe and I have many to not believe, chief of those is there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that there is a God.

So.....about those religions that don't believe in an afterlife that you claim to know of. I'm genuinely interested. Are you going to give us some examples?


This quote from David Attenborough sums it up for me;-


“I don’t know [why we're here]. People sometimes say to me, ‘Why don’t you admit that the humming bird, the butterfly, the Bird of Paradise are proof of the wonderful things produced by Creation?’ And I always say, well, when you say that, you’ve also got to think of a little boy sitting on a river bank, like here, in West Africa, that’s got a little worm, a living organism, in his eye and boring through the eyeball and is slowly turning him blind. The Creator God that you believe in, presumably, also made that little worm. Now I personally find that difficult to accommodate…”
 David Attenborough

The evidence to suggest there is a God, a creator, is that there has never been any evidence that the universe can just "happen" from nothing. We do have testimonials that Jesus did what was said he did, although non believers will say this is just hearsay and rumors. We have books explaining what free will and it;s plainly obvious why God allows that. We aren't supposed to follow blindly. he wants us to make our own decisions. God created a world, and people are ruining it. he gave Adam and Eve a chance. He let Satan tempt them, and they failed, which is why there are so many things bad in the world. Why he lets children suffer is hard to explain, how could he let this happen if he is a loving God, but this is a short life, and when we all die, the believers will go to a world where there isn't the pain and suffering this world has, and those that were too young to understand the difference between right and wrong will be there also. If you look at all the creations this world has, and has had, how everything on this planet revolves around life, do you actually think it all just happened?What are your reasons not to believe? What things turned you off God as a child, or as you grew up?

Edited by fredwiggy
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39 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

The evidence to suggest there is a God, a creator, is that there has never been any evidence that the universe can just "happen" from nothing. We do have testimonials that Jesus did what was said he did, although non believers will say this is just hearsay and rumors. We have books explaining what free will and it;s plainly obvious why God allows that. We aren't supposed to follow blindly. he wants us to make our own decisions. God created a world, and people are ruining it. he gave Adam and Eve a chance. He let Satan tempt them, and they failed, which is why there are so many things bad in the world. Why he lets children suffer is hard to explain, how could he let this happen if he is a loving God, but this is a short life, and when we all die, the believers will go to a world where there isn't the pain and suffering this world has, and those that were too young to understand the difference between right and wrong will be there also. If you look at all the creations this world has, and has had, how everything on this planet revolves around life, do you actually think it all just happened?What are your reasons not to believe? What things turned you off God as a child, or as you grew up?

The religious books is full of contriversions, parables, allingments, taken parts out since it doesnt fit, supressing women, and the womens testimony is not emphasized. 


However, why do we credit the bible so much as christians, when it is abrahams family it all started with. Do you accept the Jews to be people of god? And they are the chosen ones only? The old bible is a hebrew product, and been selected 24 of their chapters.  The new testament, is collected and made of political reasons. It might have been a smaller cult, but it did not become a religion before it was a political decission behind it. 


I do not look differentely of any of the Abrahams cult, be it Jews, christians or muslims, same same and same family we have adopted to be our own, purely of political reasons, trade agreements, peace agreements, and designed a belief system that would benefit everyone. Hedonic holidays and rituals was shaped to fit the Christians so we could adopt easier. 


I just dont understand why people do not see the truth behind everything, and think they discover the truth again again and again. But we know the answer, and for every discovery it release chemicals in our brain, for every time you discover something with others, it release chemicals, and the bigger the crowd is, the bigger  is the mass Hypnosis. 


We are human beings, curious, searching but we do mistakes when led by simple card tricks. We see something what is not there. 


Yes god exists, but not trough anxient books, sorry, that is no proof what so ever. If you want to find god, go out in the nature, touch the water, smell the forrest, and you will find when you see how humans destroy this planet. Your eternal life is trough your kids, what you do will affect your kids 7 generations (I believe that is a truth that could be), so to be serving god, would be to protect our home, for your kids, and their kids. Hell is when we fail to do so. 


Bad things that happens is nature and its natural. Animals is cruel to, they go to war, they exploit, they steel women, they rape, they kill for fun even not hungry, they play with their pray, and we are animals for good and for bad. 


It is just to many of us, and as Osho said, the pope is crimminal and shuld be jailed. ! 


However Osho teaching shows us exactly what he talking about, how depended we are of teachers and people to leed us. It is hysterical to see his followers being manipulated by his words and his lectures. Anyway, can not take away from him, he has some very valid and good points we need to hear. 

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33 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Many religions that don't believe in an after-life, or only one incarnation?  I can only think of two; Pastafarian and Jedi.

Heaven the Great pasta bowl.

The great pasta bowl for Pastafarians is generally accepted to be a wild land containing beer volcanoes that produce a wide range of drinks including non-alcoholic. and a stripper factory. In His wisdom, the FSM allowed the beer volcano to serve other beverages, should you wish. Some, doubting the FSM, wonder just how "heavenly" this is for the poor strippers, doomed to grind their way to eternity. One possible solution is that the strippers are, actually, utterly realistic animatrons of both sexes and a very extensive range of sexual orientations. This has been, in turn, seen as a way to increase the appeal to Pastafarians of both sexes and a very extensive range of sexual orientations. Another solution (and far more traditional) is that they are whatever you wish them to be and not actually real people. This has the plus side that you don't accidentally see the stripper guy's balls in the booth next to yours. The FSM has yet to speak conclusively on this intriguing matter. It is generally accepted that the Flying Spaghetti Monster provides each believer whatever afterlife would please that person most.
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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

The evidence to suggest there is a God, a creator, is that there has never been any evidence that the universe can just "happen" from nothing. We do have testimonials that Jesus did what was said he did, although non believers will say this is just hearsay and rumors. We have books explaining what free will and it;s plainly obvious why God allows that. We aren't supposed to follow blindly. he wants us to make our own decisions. God created a world, and people are ruining it. he gave Adam and Eve a chance. He let Satan tempt them, and they failed, which is why there are so many things bad in the world. Why he lets children suffer is hard to explain, how could he let this happen if he is a loving God, but this is a short life, and when we all die, the believers will go to a world where there isn't the pain and suffering this world has, and those that were too young to understand the difference between right and wrong will be there also. If you look at all the creations this world has, and has had, how everything on this planet revolves around life, do you actually think it all just happened?What are your reasons not to believe? What things turned you off God as a child, or as you grew up?


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50 minutes ago, yodsak said:

Heaven the Great pasta bowl.

The great pasta bowl for Pastafarians is generally accepted to be a wild land containing beer volcanoes that produce a wide range of drinks including non-alcoholic. and a stripper factory. In His wisdom, the FSM allowed the beer volcano to serve other beverages, should you wish. Some, doubting the FSM, wonder just how "heavenly" this is for the poor strippers, doomed to grind their way to eternity. One possible solution is that the strippers are, actually, utterly realistic animatrons of both sexes and a very extensive range of sexual orientations. This has been, in turn, seen as a way to increase the appeal to Pastafarians of both sexes and a very extensive range of sexual orientations. Another solution (and far more traditional) is that they are whatever you wish them to be and not actually real people. This has the plus side that you don't accidentally see the stripper guy's balls in the booth next to yours. The FSM has yet to speak conclusively on this intriguing matter. It is generally accepted that the Flying Spaghetti Monster provides each believer whatever afterlife would please that person most.

Actually, Pastafarianism was created by a US physicist with some very specific purposes in mind.

Firstly, to stop intelligent design and creationism being taught in schools.

Secondly, to ensure that the US government treat all religions the same before the law.

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23 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

There is no such thing as co-incidence, everything has meaning and purpose.

Illness is a blessing in disguise, the symptoms providing you with a clue of which lessons you ignored and the illness forcing you to consider those lessons.

Indeed, you do get ill because you 'sin' against your destiny, refusing to change your ways and learning the lessons fate put on your path.



22 hours ago, Tagged said:

You are crazy If you really mean that, and I have understood your post correct, People who think and believe a kid suffering from cancer had a choice to correct themselves, or any plague killed natives around the world, or genocides and stealing their land, have something to do with god, you are totally insane. As well people get raped, murdered, tortured is a test from god? Get your head straight, and do something about it, before it is to late. There is no mercy in that teaching, there is no salvation or blissness in such thinking, neither a gods acceptance to do so!



1 hour ago, Tagged said:


However Osho teaching shows us exactly what he talking about, how depended we are of teachers and people to lead us. It is hysterical to see his followers being manipulated by his words and his lectures. Anyway, can not take away from him, he has some very valid and good points we need to hear. 


It seems there are two sides to Tagged.

One being the hard-core science adept renouncing the consequences of a spiritual world-view (the main axiom of such view being that everything that happens has meaning and purpose).

And the other Tagged referring to the spiritual teacher Osho as making valid and good points.

But indeed contradicting oneself is a sign of intelligence, because statements that are true on one level aren't necessarily so on another level and one has to adapt ones word to the audience they are addressed to.



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23 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Ah...the old thread is still going I see.


In terms of the number of contributions it must be one of the most successful topics ever created on ThaiVisa.

The subject matter is one of the most thought about parts of life. Even non believers have an opinion on it.

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22 hours ago, Tagged said:

You are crazy If you really mean that, and I have understood your post correct, People who think and believe a kid suffering from cancer had a choice to corret themselves, or any plague killed natives around the world, or genocides and stealing their land, have something to do with god, you are totally insane.

The lesson wasn't, IMO, for the kid or those that died. It was for those left behind.

There is nothing special about death- it happens to us all.

It doesn't, IMO, have anything to do with God per se. It's just life, and we can learn lessons from every moment of it.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The lesson wasn't, IMO, for the kid or those that died. It was for those left behind.

There is nothing special about death- it happens to us all.

It doesn't, IMO, have anything to do with God per se. It's just life, and we can learn lessons from every moment of it.

That your kid die is not a lesson to learn, but it will affect you and your family and maybe change your lifes. It is not a lesson like it is necessery! Karma or anything alike it. 

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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Why he lets children suffer is hard to explain,

No it's not. It's actually very simple. Life is suffering. If one studies the insect world that is obvious- untold billions of organisms born only to be eaten. Humans seem to think they are different, but tell that to a Chechen when Stalin had them all expelled to Siberia.


BTW, without suffering the human race would still be lying around in the cave singing kumbaya. Suffering causes initiative to better one's ( and other's ) life.

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2 minutes ago, Tagged said:

That your kid die is not a lesson to learn, but it will affect you and your family and maybe change your lifes. It is not a lesson like it is necessery! Karma or anything alike it. 

Everything is a lesson if one wants to learn. If one does not wish to learn from life one will stagnate.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course there are some constant truths. Everything dies/ ends is one such.

Well said, and following a simple logic one may conclude that eternity ( or infinity ) is the only truth.

Paradoxically, the non-existence is in some way, the best evidence of existence.

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