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Trump calls Muslim lawmaker Ilhan Omar 'out of control' in latest attack


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11 minutes ago, 300sd said:

A question like that "should be" an insult to most Americans who love their country. It is not a legitimate question coming from a member of congress. She was not there to ask questions, only there to insult Americans. And I don't care what party you follow, I sleep with neither of them.

Looking at the history of the person being questioned, it was a more than legitimate question, it should be asked.

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8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Looking at the history of the person being questioned, it was a more than legitimate question, it should be asked.

If you want to speak of history, research her history! He admitted his crime. And in the meantime I will agree to disagree with you.

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I'm not an American nor anything like a supporter of Trump.


However, I'm puzzled to see members saying they have read Ilhan Omar's remarks, and see "nothing wrong". I have also read it and seen something very wrong indeed, namely the "something happened" bit.


9/11 is an almost sacred event for many Americans, understandably so. Omar, if nothing else betrayed her political inexperience. The disparaging reference (don't both disputing that) she made was snapped up by Trump in a nanosecond. He doesn't care about her nor does he see her as a threat.


He has a different game, namely to provoke the Democrats into aligning themselves with her - and more generally shifting to the left. He seems to have succeeded.


All part of the strategy to get himself re-elected.

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1 hour ago, 300sd said:

If you want to speak of history, research her history! He admitted his crime. And in the meantime I will agree to disagree with you.

Exactly. He admitted he did something similar to the question earlier in his career, hence this line of questioning.

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14 hours ago, jayboy said:

I'm not an American nor anything like a supporter of Trump.


However, I'm puzzled to see members saying they have read Ilhan Omar's remarks, and see "nothing wrong". I have also read it and seen something very wrong indeed, namely the "something happened" bit.


9/11 is an almost sacred event for many Americans, understandably so. Omar, if nothing else betrayed her political inexperience. The disparaging reference (don't both disputing that) she made was snapped up by Trump in a nanosecond. He doesn't care about her nor does he see her as a threat.


He has a different game, namely to provoke the Democrats into aligning themselves with her - and more generally shifting to the left. He seems to have succeeded.


All part of the strategy to get himself re-elected.

To assist your understanding of the context of her speech have a read of the link below.



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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

To assist your understanding of the context of her speech have a read of the link below.



Thank you for this. I didn't realize her address was to a Muslim only audience. It's a one-sided rhetorical cheer piece for Omar, and I'm sympathetic to much of it.


But it doesn't address the problem of her ill-chosen words. It's in Trump's interest to "otherise" American Muslims for political purposes. As I previously mentioned, his focus is on enticing the Democrats to take up radical positions that he knows the American electorate cannot support. Omar's naivety helps him

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24 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Thank you for this. I didn't realize her address was to a Muslim only audience. It's a one-sided rhetorical cheer piece for Omar, and I'm sympathetic to much of it.


But it doesn't address the problem of her ill-chosen words. It's in Trump's interest to "otherise" American Muslims for political purposes. As I previously mentioned, his focus is on enticing the Democrats to take up radical positions that he knows the American electorate cannot support. Omar's naivety helps him


I am afraid the dems have already stepped off the cliff now. 

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A few young women get elected to Congress and both the Conservatives and the old-guard of their own party are quivering in fear.  The old saying: I think they hit a nerve.


DT is very comfortable bashing women, even more so non-white women -- look how easy he went on Kirstjen Nielsen publically.  His rabble will enjoy a new "lock her up" recipient.

BTW, if you've ever been to a taping of a "live" TV show you'd know there is a person who fires up the audience, inciting them to clap, cheer, etc on cue.  DT has such at his gatherings, so when people start chanting slogans it's not like they made it up, the "cheerleader" gives it to them.



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These new democrats are all rabid socialist big mouths coming out with nonsense and hate, DT has every right to expose their ignorance. Looking forward to Candace Owens getting into congress, she will wipe the floor with  fools like Omar and AOC. The only good thing about them is every time they open their mouths they are making it more likely Trump will be re elected.

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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

She is a liar, she claimed CAIR was formed after 'some people did something' (the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attack) when she knows well it was formed years earlier. She went on to play the victim and claim Muslims in the US started to lose their civil rights after Muslims murdered 3000 people that day. She did not come up with one example of this of course, She lost so many of her 'rights' there she is spouting lies as a congresswomen!

Got the date wrong for CAIR. But really doesn't make any difference to what she said as being a Muslim, for some people immediately defines them as 'other', with the associated vilification hyperbole.


IMO what the President of the USA did after her speech was absolutely appalling, no different to some extreme far right hate group member. trump is unfit to hold the Office of the President of the USA


Analysis of Omar's speech below...







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5 hours ago, jayboy said:

Thank you for this. I didn't realize her address was to a Muslim only audience. It's a one-sided rhetorical cheer piece for Omar, and I'm sympathetic to much of it.


But it doesn't address the problem of her ill-chosen words. It's in Trump's interest to "otherise" American Muslims for political purposes. As I previously mentioned, his focus is on enticing the Democrats to take up radical positions that he knows the American electorate cannot support. Omar's naivety helps him

Agree she's not very good at choosing her words. Though unlike trump, I get the impression she'll learn,

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