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Mueller finds no conspiracy, but extensive Trump-Russia contacts


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13 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Impeachment...........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Wasnt there a thread titled 'Will Trump be impeached' that died in the ass about 8 months ago? I dont like Trump but I cant stand all the CNN soyboys even more. GET A DECENT CANDIDATE to run against Trump.....THAT should be your new game plan....this little chestnut has been overcooked! 


Now, according to CNN Putin is meeting with Kim Jung to make plans to start a war with the US.....Yeah, thats right Putin....the guy Trump was found NOT to have colluded with!! It just gets more and more tiresome...





CNN is reporting that Kim might be attempting to get Putin to support providing some sanction relief from the US, nothing about a war.

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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:
3 hours ago, Thainesss said:


This literally never happened and I have no idea what tinfoil hat site you got this from, but its a lesson in fake news. 


Do at least try to keep up.







well of course you would reference that

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1 hour ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Impeachment...........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Wasnt there a thread titled 'Will Trump be impeached' that died in the ass about 8 months ago? I dont like Trump but I cant stand all the CNN soyboys even more. GET A DECENT CANDIDATE to run against Trump.....THAT should be your new game plan....this little chestnut has been overcooked! 


Now, according to CNN Putin is meeting with Kim Jung to make plans to start a war with the US.....Yeah, thats right Putin....the guy Trump was found NOT to have colluded with!! It just gets more and more tiresome...




Rather than play the video from "Moxnews.com", not CNN, I copied the link location and got something very shady, a link to "youtu.be/IaaFGZ-w1. 


<deleted> is that?


Are you a Russian troll or a useful idiot?


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Just now, heybruce said:

Rather than play the video from "Moxnews.com", not CNN, I copied the link location and got something very shady, a link to "youtu.be/IaaFGZ-w1. 


<deleted> is that?


Are you a Russian troll or a useful idiot?


I am a Russian idiot that works for Donald Trump

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Its already unravelled, it began with Papadopoulos bragging to the Australian diplomat about having Clintons emails, that was what got the FBI investigating Trump and his buddies, not the later Steele dossier which is what Clinton funded.

I'll let Papa himself update you on that from 2 hours ago.

his tweet at johnbrennan

"Oh, John: all the weaponized assets you sent my way [Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper] are all being outed from London, Rome and Canberra. Those governments are now actively cooperating with the Trump administration and have flipped on you. Your role will be exposed"


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3 hours ago, cbtstorm said:

Opposition research using FBi, FISA, GCHq, Foreign agents lol

The great unravel has begun.

Chapter 6 has not even started yet.   Buckle up, its gonna be most bumpy hair tearing ride.



I agree, the great unravel has begun.  Mueller's report isn't the end, but the end of the beginning.  His report gives the House many avenues for further investigation.  Trump's panicked impulse to delay everything is evidence that he has much to hide.  The serious investigating now begins.


2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

the dems caracas caucus is falling apart for the are divided in betwix each other. simply dems are frustrated over their efforts to topple mr. trump, didnt they try to apply every weapon, now everything evaporates 5555. pelosi cries stop impeachment, pocahoncas warren and the rest of the bunch cries go for it, what a hillarious disarray...


anyway impeachment is a waste of tax payer money for dems will never accumulate 66 % in the senate.





Not at all clear, but "impeachment is a waste of tax payer money" is clear, and it isn't a waste.  If nothing else it shows that accepting election assistance from a hostile foreign power and attempting to cover-up the ensuing investigation has consequences.  The Senate will not convict, but Senators will have to publicly stand with or against Trump, and that will be an issue in their future elections.


2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

the fisa court and the ongoing investigation into the steele dossier will undig the wrongdoings of political bonni and clyde clinton etc...imo the biggest corruption and spying scandal in us history.





Go ahead and investigate the investigators.  Their actions were legal and justified.  Your investigation will be the true waste of taxpayer's money, just like Trump's big investigation into illegal voting, the one that resulted in nothing.

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10 minutes ago, cbtstorm said:

I'll let Papa himself update you on that from 2 hours ago.

his tweet at johnbrennan

"Oh, John: all the weaponized assets you sent my way [Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper] are all being outed from London, Rome and Canberra. Those governments are now actively cooperating with the Trump administration and have flipped on you. Your role will be exposed"


So it's Brennan who sent Mifsud to trick him into believing the Russians had hacked Clinton's emails, then got Downer to get him drunk so that he would talk about it, and... ????

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4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:



That is not an update, that's just hot air from a convicted felon, here is what he admitted to and what led the FBI to investigate him, not as FOX news claims, Clintons hiring of the Brit.




professor taking interest in Papadopoulos to bait him. didnt work.

Papas "crime" was getting a date wrong in fbi trap,interview resulting in 12 days jail. oooh treason lol.

yeah hang on to that . Would you like some fries with you nothing burger?

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30 minutes ago, heybruce said:


I agree, the great unravel has begun.  Mueller's report isn't the end, but the end of the beginning.  His report gives the House many avenues for further investigation.  Trump's panicked impulse to delay everything is evidence that he has much to hide.  The serious investigating now begins.



Not at all clear, but "impeachment is a waste of tax payer money" is clear, and it isn't a waste.  If nothing else it shows that accepting election assistance from a hostile foreign power and attempting to cover-up the ensuing investigation has consequences.  The Senate will not convict, but Senators will have to publicly stand with or against Trump, and that will be an issue in their future elections.



Go ahead and investigate the investigators.  Their actions were legal and justified.  Your investigation will be the true waste of taxpayer's money, just like Trump's big investigation into illegal voting, the one that resulted in nothing.

accepting election assistance form  hostile power? what on earth are you trying to spin here?

or were you referring to hillary and the podesta group?


you have absolutely zero proof the the investigation was legal and justified, absolutely none.



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9 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

accepting election assistance form  hostile power? what on earth are you trying to spin here?

or were you referring to hillary and the podesta group?


you have absolutely zero proof the the investigation was legal and justified, absolutely none.

" But the episodes detailed in his report show that Trump aides declined to forcefully reject the Russian offers or report them to law enforcement. Amid a growing awareness that Russia probably had hacked and disseminated Democratic emails, the campaign eagerly made use of the material — and its flirtation with Russian figures continued. "   https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/muellers-report-paints-a-portrait-of-a-campaign-intrigued-by-russian-overtures/2019/04/18/e814fe84-571a-11e9-814f-e2f46684196e_story.html?utm_term=.cc23222f3f09


Ok, now the investigators, speciously accused of malfeasance, must prove they are innocent?  Please explain.

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1 hour ago, cbtstorm said:

professor taking interest in Papadopoulos to bait him. didnt work.

Papas "crime" was getting a date wrong in fbi trap,interview resulting in 12 days jail. oooh treason lol.

yeah hang on to that . Would you like some fries with you nothing burger?


You want to change him reatedly lying to the FBI under oath into him "getting a date wrong", you must be deeply in love.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:
2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

accepting election assistance form  hostile power? what on earth are you trying to spin here?

or were you referring to hillary and the podesta group?


you have absolutely zero proof the the investigation was legal and justified, absolutely none.

" But the episodes detailed in his report show that Trump aides declined to forcefully reject the Russian offers or report them to law enforcement. Amid a growing awareness that Russia probably had hacked and disseminated Democratic emails, the campaign eagerly made use of the material — and its flirtation with Russian figures continued. "   https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/muellers-report-paints-a-portrait-of-a-campaign-intrigued-by-russian-overtures/2019/04/18/e814fe84-571a-11e9-814f-e2f46684196e_story.html?utm_term=.cc23222f3f09


Ok, now the investigators, speciously accused of malfeasance, must prove they are innocent?  Please explain.

wait, is the standard you are applying now is they did not "forcefully" reject russian offers, just rejected them? you have lost your mind bruce.

and now "making use" of published material is now a crime? again, you have lost your mind here bruce. this is really getting sad.

but hey, an opinion piece says "it paints a portrait of a campaign intrigued", that surely must be a crime.......unbelievable amount of far fetched assumptions here.


the investigation, its origins and the FISA applications with a bogus dossier will be fully investigated. as well as the planted people that tried to entrap people.

the rats will start turning on each other all the way through the former admin,the DOJ and FBI. and unlike the phony collusion narrative, this investigation is

starting with a clear reason and verified evidence.


pucker up and fire up the liberal virtue signalling and outrage machine, it will be a rough ride.  

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11 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

wait, is the standard you are applying now is they did not "forcefully" reject russian offers, just rejected them? you have lost your mind bruce.

and now "making use" of published material is now a crime? again, you have lost your mind here bruce. this is really getting sad.

but hey, an opinion piece says "it paints a portrait of a campaign intrigued", that surely must be a crime.......unbelievable amount of far fetched assumptions here.


the investigation, its origins and the FISA applications with a bogus dossier will be fully investigated. as well as the planted people that tried to entrap people.

the rats will start turning on each other all the way through the former admin,the DOJ and FBI. and unlike the phony collusion narrative, this investigation is

starting with a clear reason and verified evidence.


pucker up and fire up the liberal virtue signalling and outrage machine, it will be a rough ride.  

Trump Jr enthusiastically welcomed an offer of help from the Russian government.  He loved it.  Manafort provided detailed campaign polling data to a Ukrainian oligarch linked to Russian Intelligence.  These are hardly rejections.


By all means, investigate the investigators.  Keep the topic hot through-out the 2020 election year.  Constantly remind voters of the criminals Trump employed in his 2016 campaign.  Go for it.

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14 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

wait, is the standard you are applying now is they did not "forcefully" reject russian offers, just rejected them? you have lost your mind bruce.

and now "making use" of published material is now a crime? again, you have lost your mind here bruce. this is really getting sad.

but hey, an opinion piece says "it paints a portrait of a campaign intrigued", that surely must be a crime.......unbelievable amount of far fetched assumptions here.


the investigation, its origins and the FISA applications with a bogus dossier will be fully investigated. as well as the planted people that tried to entrap people.

the rats will start turning on each other all the way through the former admin,the DOJ and FBI. and unlike the phony collusion narrative, this investigation is

starting with a clear reason and verified evidence.


pucker up and fire up the liberal virtue signalling and outrage machine, it will be a rough ride.  


161 charges have been laid against 25 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies, 12 Russian intelligence officers indicted for hacking the emails and 13 Russians indicted for illegal use of social media to influence the election, three of the convictions of Trumps team are for lying to the FBI about their dealings in Russia with people they themselves believed were spies, and you claim there was no clear need to investigate them?

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3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

three of the convictions of Trumps team are for lying to the FBI about their dealings in Russia with people they themselves believed were spies


Do you guys just make this stuff up, or have you been brainwashed? I honestly cant tell anymore. 

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comparing the political nonsense written by media networka about mr. trump and russia, i asked myself what are these journalistic smearers paid for ??? why dont they write about possible collusions with russia considering bernie sanders, who praised russia and cuba in a video. the video was taken when sanders celebrated in russia with his communist friends. sanders fit for us presidency with strong russian ties ???




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11 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

comparing the political nonsense written by media networka about mr. trump and russia, i asked myself what are these journalistic smearers paid for ??? why dont they write about possible collusions with russia considering bernie sanders, who praised russia and cuba in a video. the video was taken when sanders celebrated in russia with his communist friends. sanders fit for us presidency with strong russian ties ???




A conspiracy theory about international media being paid off combined with a "But, but, but...Bernie!"  Well done.

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20 minutes ago, Thainesss said:
24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You are so incredibly ignorant on this subject


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


Pointing out ignorance is not a personal attack.  Why not just admit that you were mistaken and retract your post?  That is what a respectable person would do. 


Next time just hit the report post button to call the waaahmbulance if you think a posting rule has been violated.

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6 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Do you guys just make this stuff up, or have you been brainwashed? I honestly cant tell anymore. 


Neither, but we also don't go around with our heads in the sand.  Read the links provided to you and then, if you're a real man, come back and admit that you hadn't the first idea what you were talking about and everything that I claimed turned out to be true.

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On 4/25/2019 at 9:30 AM, roobaa01 said:

comparing the political nonsense written by media networka about mr. trump and russia, i asked myself what are these journalistic smearers paid for ??? why dont they write about possible collusions with russia considering bernie sanders, who praised russia and cuba in a video. the video was taken when sanders celebrated in russia with his communist friends. sanders fit for us presidency with strong russian ties ???





They write about the FBI investigation into Trump, they are hardly going to ignore that and instead write about some fantasists dribbling attempt to detract attention away from their beloved and onto something that was said 30 years ago.

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