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I have a very good friend  ( retired in Pattaya 57yo who thinks he may have HIV but wont get tested for that.

He is gay and frequently is a customer of the many establishments in Pattaya.

And has been for over 20 years and didnt have safe sex most times i know that for a fact and had sexual diseases , he told me ( warts)


but this is the story.


For a few months he has been getting intermittent infections 


eg eye infection , went on for a few weeks

then coughs flu like symptoms etc 


He had a FBC blood test said he had showed me this a few days ago


14.0 Leukocytes, 

presence of monocytes and neutrophilia ?


now he told me that the doctor last year at a BKK Hospital told him not to worry if no symptoms at present, and in fact he had had A point score of 18 last year for his Leukocytes so its come down to 14.0 whatever that means but presence of moncytes and netrophilia or whaterit reads


so this is the story, he has had flu lately coughing spluttering with the eye infection red eye etc, 

he goes to one of thise clinics in Pattaya this time not the BKK hospital as last year , but to a clinic and  gets a blood test ( not for HIV) 


the blood test comes back  a few days later he goes back to clinic he has 14.0 Leukocytes with presence of monocytes neutrophila etc, the young thai blood person then tells him. ( im not sure she was doctor or nurse or just a blood taker) 


she says you have leukemia and gives him the results , 14. Points Leukocytes 

he then goes out anxious and gets drunk and crying to me , i look up on the internet it doesn’t say 14 points is leukemia but i think he has hiv ???


mnocytes and netrophillia point to infectious means there is a infection  in his body not leukemia, he says it was 18 points last year and the doctor at bkk hospital told him no symptoms dont worry and didnt mention leukemia or illness to him at all, apparently the doctor at BKK hospital told him it was just a passing infection so he hadnt worried about it for the last 1 year or so   but this silly lady at this clinic mentioned this to him that it’s leukema we’ll actually she told him he has blood cancer

She whoever she , was a blood taker maybe should shoulnt say leukemia , 

but do u think he has a hiv ???? he wint get tested as he is embarrassed but now  thinks he has leukemia?

and is thinking of suicide . 


I am thinking if its gone down ( Leukocytes) to 18 points from last year  to 14 points even though he is sick with flu then he has hiv, he doesn’t look too bad, in fact he is obese !!! Well over 170kg and drinking and eating 


i am trying to arrange a psychological treatment for him ( in pattaya)because he is that worried he has leukemia he is now eating more ( forcing hmself) in ready for his future chemotherapeutic treatment !!! ( he is obese already )


Crazy stuff now eating cheeseburgers etc , i saud to him to get tested for HIV , I believe this is causing the infections, flu , eyes etc and thus is making the Leukocytes and monocytes high !!!


please anyone know that, I believe its a hiv illness causing these high leukocytes, is that possible?

The paper mentions presence of neutrophila and my monocytes , looking up internet it doesn’t appear to be leukemia but Hiv, ???


I am only guessing, he really needs a Aids test , but am right or wring that someone with sex diseases would have high leukocytes and not leukemia?






18 is not normal and is a reason to worry even without symptoms.  

14 too.

There can be many different reasons for these values,  it is impossible to tell from your post what's the problem. You cannot tell that he has HIV from this (actually,  often leukocytes are low with HIV). The diagnosis of leukemia requires more than a simple blood test,  this was maybe a misunderstanding. 

But his values definitely need a follow-up.

He should visit a hospital,  have a thorough examination and talk to a doctor. 

4 hours ago, uhuh said:

18 is not normal and is a reason to worry even without symptoms.  

14 too.

There can be many different reasons for these values,  it is impossible to tell from your post what's the problem. You cannot tell that he has HIV from this (actually,  often leukocytes are low with HIV). The diagnosis of leukemia requires more than a simple blood test,  this was maybe a misunderstanding. 

But his values definitely need a follow-up.

He should visit a hospital,  have a thorough examination and talk to a doctor. 

Well if its not hiv then are you saying he might actually have leukemia?




I cannot make any sense out of what you are reporting to be the blood test tesult.


In a Complete (Full) Blood Count tthe leukocytes (WBCs) would be a number in the thousands. It cannot be "14 point".


Do you mean 14,000?


Or was a leukocyte score calculated? If so I would still need to know the specific WBC value and the differential count, the percentage of neutrophils etc. This will be reported as a percentage not just as "presence". The percentage of neutrophils, lymphocytes etc is helpful in determining if for example a bacterial infection is present.


Leukemia if suspected requires a bone marrow biopsy to diagnose.


If it is leukocyte score, the system I am familiar with has a maximum of 3 so again I don't undetstand what is being reported.


HIV does not directly affect the leukocyte count. He may well have not only HIV but full blown AIDS from what you describe but this cannot be determined without specific tests i.e. HIV test and if positive CD4 count and viral load.


If he does have leukemia it may be a type associated with HIV. If he does not have leukemia he likely has other infection associated wirh HIV.


His refusal to be tested for HIV precludes appropriate treatment and may cost him his life, unnecessarily.




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8 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Well if its not hiv then are you saying he might actually have leukemia?





No. He is saying go see a doctor and have a proper examination.

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Genital warts do not cause this. 

It is probably not related to a sexually transmitted disease. 

He should go see a doctor and get a proper examination. 


BTW @ sheryl in many countries WBC is sometimes reported the way he does it (omitting 3 zeroes). Furthermore, in some European languages "," and "." are not used like in English.  Fourteen thousand is written as 14.000, fourteen point zero is written 14,0. If a layman from one of these languages sees the figure 14,000 he would take it for  a 14.00, i.e. 14.

4 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Yes apparently its 14,000 but was 18,000 last year .


can sexual diseases cause this ?


he has genital warts he told me 






 WBC count is a number that will rapidly change when there is an acute infection.


If it is 14,000 that would be consistent with an infection but again, need to know the differential...the percentage of  lymphocytes, neutrophils etc. While leukemia cannot be diagnosed solely with a blood test, the differential count can be a strong clue.


If it was 18,000 a year ago then he may have had a different, and quite severe, infection a year ago. Unless he is on treatment for leukemia.


What exactly was he treated at in Bkk hospital before? What was it that the doctor referred to when he said "no symptoms dont worry"?


Sorry but the information you have is quite garbled and incomplete, not possible to make sense of it as it stands. 


Regardless he is obviously ill and should return to the hospital as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.


If you can post the full CBC I might be able to tell a bit more (assuming it is was done in a reputable lab).



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