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Exactly what the title says really.

Being born and bred in London I've seen a decline in the place that in my view is down to the lax immigration laws we've had in the UK for years.Most of the things that made the UK great have all but disapeared and the rising crime figures are scary to say the least.

Lots of people here on the forum moan when talking about the recent immigration changes regarding visas etc but personally I agree with Thailand getting tougher.Thailand only needs to look at a few other western countries to see how "cultural integration" works (or doesnt work).

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.



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Here's a couple to start with

1) People in the UK have in general far too much money , give their kids far too many things , both of which make them more arrogant.

2) Almost everything that is nice is against the law in the UK , and we live unneccessarily in a surveilance society.

I'm sure others can add several things to the list , its not difficult.!!


Because you sent all your "best" to Van Diemens Land.. And your food is crap and ............you're crap at sports......list to long ..have a nice day... (only kidding, settle down)..


I agree with the previous post about the citizens being to arrogant. They have things too easy and take too much for granted. They expect everything and appreciate nothing.

However, I think your statement depends on which other country you are comparing the UK too. I am not sure that there are that many other countries that could unquestionably qualify as being generally better than the UK. Maybe the OP has traveled the world and can name a few places, and can suggest in what ways they are better. I am sure that there are some and would be genuinely interested in opinion.

I hear Australia is a great place, or Canada maybe.


Skyline, being British myself, I wouldn't exactly call our motherland a dump, sure it's changed, but hasn't everywhere some how or another? Mind you, you are referring to London are you not? I come from Hampshire and have a different view...... :o

And to Austhaied, your right, we are crap at sports :D


Well to me, yeah there's loads wrong with the Uk, just like any other country. But for me, it has given me the opportunity to gain a certain level of wealth.

So that in a few years i can get <deleted> outta here :o:D


Does having too much money make a country bad and the people arrogant?...I dont think so.

As for the law being too strict..Its strict for the minor crimes and slack for the more serious crimes.

Which country am I comparing the UK with?...Im not.I stated that I have seen a decline in the UK over the years and this is one of the reasons I relocated to Thailand.I have travelled to many countries and can list a few I would rather live in than the UK..Australia included,great place.

My main area of concern for the Uk is the crime rate,its out of control.I'm from South East London and the whole place is teeming with crime.Most of this crime is commited by immigrants and usually the government and the media turn a blind eye to this type of crime because they cant be seen as "racist". It's been out of hand for a long time and it's getting worse.

Does having too much money make a country bad and the people arrogant?...I dont think so.

As for the law being too strict..Its strict for the minor crimes and slack for the more serious crimes.

Which country am I comparing the UK with?...Im not.I stated that I have seen a decline in the UK over the years and this is one of the reasons I relocated to Thailand.I have travelled to many countries and can list a few I would rather live in than the UK..Australia included,great place.

My main area of concern for the Uk is the crime rate,its out of control.I'm from South East London and the whole place is teeming with crime.Most of this crime is commited by immigrants and usually the government and the media turn a blind eye to this type of crime because they cant be seen as "racist". It's been out of hand for a long time and it's getting worse.

And you think things are better in Thailand? The UK would have a very long way to fall before it reached the level of Thailand in almost every way. Thats why the UK is a Developed country and Thailand a Developing country. Do you think the police are better in Thailand? Do you think the criminals are better behaved? There are steel bars on every window in Thailand for a reason you know. Being ferang there is a good chance that if you ever have a dispute with a Thai, and the law is involved, you will be able to witness the exact opposite of what you are complaining about in the UK. That should make you happy.

You are now a ferang in Thailand. You do not have that many rights. Racism is ok here in Thailand. Good choice.



As you are from south east london you will see a totally different side to our beloved country than what i do, I do agree with you completely about crime levels and so on, I wont comment further as i too will look like a racist.

With so many different cultures in so many different areas, England might as well be ten different countrys!




No,I dont think the police are better here than in the UK.No,I dont think the criminals are better behaved here than in the UK.The fact is that more than 90% of serious crime in Thailand is Thais commiting crime on Thais.In the Uk thats not the case.

I know what my rights are in Thailand and I know that they are very few.But I accept that.

I'm pretty certain if farangs started commiting serious crimes in Thailand against Thais,Thailand would do a whole lot more to stop it than the UK does to stop its immigrants commiting crimes.



I appreciate what you have posted.I know it's very different in other parts of the country and I still actually enjoy visiting those parts of England.As for looking like a racist...the majority of UK citizens are afraid of having that label.


Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.

You're speaking about England, not the UK. Scotland is still a beautiful country, as are the people. I agree with you about England.


Only now? First time I went to UK was in 1979/80 or something. Arrived by ferry in Hull which struck me as one of the most depressive places I had ever been to.

From Hull we went by bus to Preston and it didn't get any better :o Looking outside of the window of the bus I understood why you Brits like to spent so much time in the pub cause it seemed to be the only place with a warm atmosphere. And warm beer which wasn't to bad :D

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.

You're speaking about England, not the UK. Scotland is still a beautiful country, as are the people. I agree with you about England.

I agree about Scotland. England is a basket case because of what used to be called the "brain drain". It's simple mathematics. Those smart enough to jump ship are mostly the one's the UK can't afford to lose, the producers, and those who stay are those who can afford to or who have no other choice. The UK makes up the numbers with immigrants, many of whom integrate only very slowly, if at all. Add this up over decades and you have an imbalance and a cycle of deprivation that will take further decades to reverse, if indeed it's not too late already.

Exactly what the title says really.

Being born and bred in London I've seen a decline in the place that in my view is down to the lax immigration laws we've had in the UK for years.Most of the things that made the UK great have all but disapeared and the rising crime figures are scary to say the least.

Lots of people here on the forum moan when talking about the recent immigration changes regarding visas etc but personally I agree with Thailand getting tougher.Thailand only needs to look at a few other western countries to see how "cultural integration" works (or doesnt work).

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.



What exactly do you mean? I have two questions for you.

1. What made the UK great?

2. What has happened other than these things disappearing that has made it go downhill?

In your opinon of course!


Have to agree about Scotland even if I am "English" great country, Robert Burns and all that.......

qwerty, what you said reminded me about an old saying "England is only 5 years behind America" if you know what I mean :o

Have to agree about Scotland even if I am "English" great country, Robert Burns and all that.......

qwerty, what you said reminded me about an old saying "England is only 5 years behind America" if you know what I mean :o

And catching up fast! I moved to Germany to get away from it and the same rot's setting in here now. I'm running our of refuges.

Anyway, what the hel_l. At least I can still quote Burns and say:

Some hae meat and cannae eat,

And some would eat that havnae,

But we hae meat and we can eat,

So let the Lord be thankit. (How's that for a Sassenach? Read it on a Tshirt)

Exactly what the title says really.

Being born and bred in London I've seen a decline in the place that in my view is down to the lax immigration laws we've had in the UK for years.Most of the things that made the UK great have all but disapeared and the rising crime figures are scary to say the least.

Lots of people here on the forum moan when talking about the recent immigration changes regarding visas etc but personally I agree with Thailand getting tougher.Thailand only needs to look at a few other western countries to see how "cultural integration" works (or doesnt work).

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.



What exactly do you mean? I have two questions for you.

1. What made the UK great?

2. What has happened other than these things disappearing that has made it go downhill?

In your opinon of course!

I think the start of the decline was in the late 70,s with the start of the industrial shutdown, take what used to be lancashire for example, over 15 years all thecotton mills, Steelworks, Coal mines , collieries, Foundries in fact all heavy industries closed down and of course the closing down of the Ship canals, here in australia at the moment, there is a huge Hue and Cry going on because a Holden Factory(GM) is laying off 600 workers, when Courtaulds mills closed down in Lancashire , 80,000 skilled workers were out of work and whole towns died , with the loss of UKs heavy industries over 3.6 million people in a period of 10 years lost their jobs,leaving school leavers with practically no prospects of a job in their lifetime, and of course all through this period immigrants have been pouring in,when xpats go back go back home its only to visit their relatives and their memories!!Once in a while here we get a harsh donebye Australian Tourist complaining in the Media, because he or she have been refused entry into UK,because they happened to have their Resume and references in their luggage, I.m sure its acommon thing ,Going on your Holidays dont forget to pack the Resume and Diplomas.Lets not be so quick to run England down , I know its hard for Australians not to take the piss of England, we give you enough ammo,but one day when the civilisation of australia is complete , maybe they will realise that a working week does not start on tuesday and end on thursday,and as an employer you pray you dont have a public holiday on Wednesday , because then the Buggers take the week off,But I digress Ofcourse UK has gone down the Pan, it is a worldwide trend sadly :o Nignoy
Exactly what the title says really.

Being born and bred in London I've seen a decline in the place that in my view is down to the lax immigration laws we've had in the UK for years.Most of the things that made the UK great have all but disapeared and the rising crime figures are scary to say the least.

Lots of people here on the forum moan when talking about the recent immigration changes regarding visas etc but personally I agree with Thailand getting tougher.Thailand only needs to look at a few other western countries to see how "cultural integration" works (or doesnt work).

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.



Hi Skytrain

I am presently living and working out my last month in South London, before moving over to LOS. I am completly and utterly UN-SHOCKABLE now as to the cr4p ideas coming out of this country to solve problems and NOT the source of problems.

Today's news is that the present minority group (Taxpayers) are to pay for unemployed folk to have haircuts/new suits and/or tattoo removals, so that they look more presentable at job interviews!! Anyone with an ounce (or kilo) of sense knows they will just sell the suit for a snort of cocaine and not turn up to interviews.

I have first hand experience of our new 'guests' buying vans/cars with Social Security cheques.

Three million pounds is spent annually on interpreters at Job-Centre.WHY!!!

EU workers can claim Family Allowance for their kid that are ABROAD still.!!!

Crime pays. You have a 1% chance of being caught. The police are too busy 'nicking' motorists.

Sorry for the rant but that's just ONE WEEKS NEWS IN THE UK.

I think I'll go for a little lie down now :o:D



England has been stumbling out of one crisis into another for about the last 3 centuries. Its earlier fortunes were fundamentally based on plunder and it has never learned to do that legally since it was made to stop. The occasional upswing or boom in recent times has usually been due to a period of less blunders being made for a while or the misfortunes of neighbouring states. It's a work in progress and a tribute to the art of short sightedness triumphing over mismanagement. There'll always be an England because no other folk has the expertise or the stamina to keep such a system running for so long without going bankrupt.

Exactly what the title says really.

Being born and bred in London I've seen a decline in the place that in my view is down to the lax immigration laws we've had in the UK for years.Most of the things that made the UK great have all but disapeared and the rising crime figures are scary to say the least.

Lots of people here on the forum moan when talking about the recent immigration changes regarding visas etc but personally I agree with Thailand getting tougher.Thailand only needs to look at a few other western countries to see how "cultural integration" works (or doesnt work).

Just wanted to know other peoples view on why the UK has become a hole of <deleted>.



What exactly do you mean? I have two questions for you.

1. What made the UK great?

2. What has happened other than these things disappearing that has made it go downhill?

In your opinon of course!

I think the start of the decline was in the late 70,s with the start of the industrial shutdown, take what used to be lancashire for example, over 15 years all thecotton mills, Steelworks, Coal mines , collieries, Foundries in fact all heavy industries closed down and of course the closing down of the Ship canals, here in australia at the moment, there is a huge Hue and Cry going on because a Holden Factory(GM) is laying off 600 workers, when Courtaulds mills closed down in Lancashire , 80,000 skilled workers were out of work and whole towns died , with the loss of UKs heavy industries over 3.6 million people in a period of 10 years lost their jobs,leaving school leavers with practically no prospects of a job in their lifetime, and of course all through this period immigrants have been pouring in,when xpats go back go back home its only to visit their relatives and their memories!!Once in a while here we get a harsh donebye Australian Tourist complaining in the Media, because he or she have been refused entry into UK,because they happened to have their Resume and references in their luggage, I.m sure its acommon thing ,Going on your Holidays dont forget to pack the Resume and Diplomas.Lets not be so quick to run England down , I know its hard for Australians not to take the piss of England, we give you enough ammo,but one day when the civilisation of australia is complete , maybe they will realise that a working week does not start on tuesday and end on thursday,and as an employer you pray you dont have a public holiday on Wednesday , because then the Buggers take the week off,But I digress Ofcourse UK has gone down the Pan, it is a worldwide trend sadly :o Nignoy

I think the loss of the big industry work finishing has a lot to do with the way England is today, but it was totally inevitable for that matter. Certain parts of England where industry was the traditional job have incredibly low education achievement, somehow these people need to be educated.

I think pointing the finger at immigrants though really misses the point. Fact is that people and maybe especially the youth of England do not want to do low paid manual work, e.g. be a cleaner.

A lot of kids don't see the relevance of education and yet want material things.

What England has a long history of is using immigrants for employment.

For example, in the 1950s and 1960s British Rail, London Transport, the National Health Service and hospital boards and the British Hotels and Restaurants Association set up recruitment schemes in the West Indies, especially in Barbados.

More recently the Eastern European (mostly Polish I believe) immigrants who aren't recruited are still doing a job which is needed - manual low paid work that most people don't want to do.

Britain is once of the most 'advanced' countries in the world in regard of when its industrial revolution took place. Quite possibly we are seeing the downward spiral of advanced Captalism.


I agree that the UK has become a bit of a nanny state, however, it's still a great place to live. To blame lax immigration laws for your opinion of the decline is pure racism. The UK is a great place BECAUSE of it's diversity. Most Brits (BTW I'm Irish) impress me with their sense of fair play. In the North, and Liverool in particular, the people are the friendliest and most caring I have ever come across.

Regarding it changing, yeah, everywhere does change. My home town of Dublin has changed beyond recognition, I just don't like it anymore, however, many people love it. Everywhere has bad and good and not everywhere is up to our taste. Live in a place you like or love and be happy...


Much has been mentioned already, but I'll add this:

I think the labour governments hand-out driven mentality where money is given out for willy nilly reasons and not spent on more pressing issues such as the improvement of the countries transport etc x y z.

I think people who seem to believe that the UK is good for making lots of money need to see what its like north of the watford gap so to speak. The cost of living in the UK means that unless you have a property worth bombs and wealthy parents you're unlikely to make your fortune unless you have a top paying salary. The levels of University graduates debt is appalling, and the jobs they are going into often pay £20k if they are lucky.

The 'welfare' state and its abuse is another possible reason. A classic example is how in the UK some girls deliberately gets themselves pregnant and just to claim benefit as a 'single' mum and works on the side!

Think about it, if she has 7 daughters and they do the same thing 16 years down the line.. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that why the economies in a mess.

Incidentally I don't see why my hard earned cash from working at sea is then taxed should be used to fund lazy people who just do the babies for benefits thing and given all this bonus cash by the government. The government ignores single folk too, nothing is done to assist them, its just families this and marriage that.

British society is now far too hand-out orientated and open to being abused by immigrants and local alike, other countries which have this have more responsible citizens who are less likely to abuse the system and for them this works. If you have a system where parents are soley responsible and not this 'we'll' look after you no matter what, people would think twice before having kids and acting irresponsibly.

If you get a society where single parents are the norm (which it practically is in the UK) then unfortunately the effects are manifested in the style of higher crime rates, violence, drug use and so on. Lack of respect for other people and all the while you have this binge drinking mentality amongst many working class folk. The hoodie wearing young fools fed stupid TV programs encouraging disrespect to their elders and arrogant behavour etc etc It all adds up to one big mess.

When that UN report came out on the state of kids growing up I was not suprised in the slightest. Britain, England especially is in a right old mess. The pension systems break-down means that the futures grim and I count myself as glad to have an escape route being planned to LOS.

I would hate to be growing up in the UK now as a kid, its bad enough as an adult.

Rant over.


That's one thing that I will miss, the ethnic and cultural diversity of London. So many different types of women lol.

Seriously though Thailand is just so different in terms of ethnic and cultural diversity.


this post does have some points, yet all the posters are so obviously in an unhappy existence in England. I think that my country has alot to offer "more than just half the world wanting refugee status." I live in a nice area in the North of England and feel that my life is good here. I do and always have since living in Thailand miss it. I have overtime become like a Thai person in loyalty, this is my country " England," however boring or stood on, it is mine. Unlike others I do not jump on a bandwagon of "hate where you come from" I just live it.

If you dont like it try and survive in another country and goodluck. I did and I am useless. :o


It is without doubt that all problems are caused by immigrants......to rectify this....they should all be sent home.....starting with the Anglo-Saxons.......................

The Op's question referred to England----look at a current map and you will see that england no longer exists!

English people will work at all levels and this lie that they will not take manual jobs is purely that---a lie!

The influx of immigrants is out of control now aand most are not industrious in my experience.

Most of all , long term the deadly threat is radical islam----sharia law here is due soon. the muslims are outbreeding us!!!

I am joining the many disillusioned next week---englan no longer exists and although many good english wILL fight to regain the country it will be terrible to witness the needless rivers of blood soon to flow here.

Enoch Powell lives! Go to a job centre and see if people from England will take any job going. There are considerable numbers of manual, low paid jobs. But who wants to do them? Well immigrants will. I'm not denying for that matter that some immigrants work the system or have benefits and a job. But the culture in England today is one of instant gratification. Be a Pop star, a celb overnight. I want to be famous, famous for what?

Most of the youth, they don't want to be educated but then again what work will do? Since they don't want to be a cleaner thats for sure.

I know that I am generalising myself, but I am only illustrating a point.

Now onto immigrants.

"Muslims are outbreeding us.... hmm. Good English will fight to regain the country" you say ... oh dear. The good English eh, fighting who and what exactly? Radical Islam is one thing but the common folk Muslim is another. Get your facts right, before you spout out and out racism.

How do you want England to be? Check out your own family history. I can guarantee that you are a immigrant along the way. Everyone is one way or another.

It is without doubt that all problems are caused by immigrants......to rectify this....they should all be sent home.....starting with the Anglo-Saxons.......................

hahaha, my point exactly.

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