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What do you do during a bus ride


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Oh dear - another another totally and absolutely useless post.


Why is that you have to DO anything - is everyone so wired into total drivel/ Facebook/ videos/ films / email / instagram/ porn etc  - you can’t relax and enjoy the journey 


Maybe heaven forbid actually chat to the person in the next seat ? 



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11 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

Oh dear - another another totally and absolutely useless post.


Why is that you have to DO anything - is everyone so wired into total drivel/ Facebook/ videos/ films / email / instagram/ porn etc  - you can’t relax and enjoy the journey 


Maybe heaven forbid actually chat to the person in the next seat ? 



Well no. The person in the next seat might a completely disapproving, self righteous, judgemental bore .......


There's a lot of them about.

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

On night journeys,sit behind the driver and make sure he does not nod off. 

regards Worgeordie

Wish I had read this post earlier.....????????????I’m doing my first 10 hour night bus ride tonight in about 10 years.....just booked the seat and ticket 4 hours ago,,,took the seat at back off bus????????????

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Just now, taninthai said:

Wish I had read this post earlier.....????????????I’m doing my first 10 hour night bus ride tonight in about 10 years.....just booked the seat and ticket 4 hours ago,,,took the seat at back off bus????????????

relax no need too worry...much



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Just now, madmen said:

relax no need too worry...much



Not even gonna watch that...lol

because my motorbike broke down halfway into a long trip ,I have ended up in this position,,,never did I think i would ever be doing any 10 hour night bus trips.

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I just look out of the window. I get car sick if I read or use my smartphone. And there is no way for me to fall asleep. If the bus has a toilet, I'll bring 5 or so beers. You could get your seat mate to give you a handjob.

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9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

On night journeys,sit behind the driver and make sure he does not nod off. 

regards Worgeordie

I agree I have had to do that many times but more often in a taxi when I see the drivers head dropping down and I shout out a question


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10 hours ago, Happystance said:

I travel with my unlocked budget smartphone loaded with Netflix and my Kindle loaded with Prime movies.

8+ hours of battery life on the Kindle and it fits in my back pocket.

I also carry a small battery pack that will charge either micro usb device.

I never run out of juice and I can fly or ride for days and not see all my content...

What an exciting life you lead. 

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3 hours ago, peterb17 said:

Oh dear - another another totally and absolutely useless post.


Why is that you have to DO anything - is everyone so wired into total drivel/ Facebook/ videos/ films / email / instagram/ porn etc  - you can’t relax and enjoy the journey 


Maybe heaven forbid actually chat to the person in the next seat ? 



And why the need to brag about my ABC model laptop or my XYZ super duper smart phone?  Who are they trying to impress? 

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Trying to blend in with the others and not like the loner as in the picture,

undoubtfull he left his phone in the toilet at the cinema last night.







So I guess on the bus it is all the same.




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6 hours ago, peterb17 said:

Maybe heaven forbid actually chat to the person in the next seat ? 

You can try, if you ever succeed disconnecting the person eyes from their screen.

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7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

And why the need to brag about my ABC model laptop or my XYZ super duper smart phone?  Who are they trying to impress? 

Ah let me enlighten you, poor lost one!

This is a forum. Forums are where (most) people exchange information. Some, like you, troll without adding anything of value, but most of us have evolved beyond such grade school antics.


People that are capable of intelligent conversation might provide others with model numbers of devices with long battery life, so that others might research those devices.

It's called sharing information. I see these are big concepts for you, so re-read as necessary.






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2 hours ago, Happystance said:

Ah let me enlighten you, poor lost one!

This is a forum. Forums are where (most) people exchange information. Some, like you, troll without adding anything of value, but most of us have evolved beyond such grade school antics.


People that are capable of intelligent conversation might provide others with model numbers of devices with long battery life, so that others might research those devices.

It's called sharing information. I see these are big concepts for you, so re-read as necessary.






Thank you Enlightened one. Don't you have an attitude!! 

It was a simple question that you seem unable to answer. If you define intelligent conversation as discussing model numbers and battery life then I am glad I have not been unfortunate enough to have that discussion with you during my career as a professional electrical engineer. 

You appear to define trolling as a simple question that you are unable to answer.  The adult version of the child who sticks their fingers on their ears while chanting ' nah , nah,  nah' when in an awkward position. Don't be offended you are in good company here. 

Of course you would know battery life is not as simple as a model number but is also related to the type of battery,  operating temperature,  load applied, the number of cycles it is subjected to amongst other things. But it seems some people simply like to boast that theirs is bigger than yours. Hardly informative. 


By the way the plural of forum is fora,  not forums.  I didn't learn that in grade school but in Latin class in high school on my way to university.

Have a Kindle day. 

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On 5/3/2019 at 5:50 PM, emptypockets said:

Thank you Enlightened one. Don't you have an attitude!! 

It was a simple question that you seem unable to answer. If you define intelligent conversation as discussing model numbers and battery life then I am glad I have not been unfortunate enough to have that discussion with you during my career as a professional electrical engineer. 

You appear to define trolling as a simple question that you are unable to answer.  The adult version of the child who sticks their fingers on their ears while chanting ' nah , nah,  nah' when in an awkward position. Don't be offended you are in good company here. 

Of course you would know battery life is not as simple as a model number but is also related to the type of battery,  operating temperature,  load applied, the number of cycles it is subjected to amongst other things. But it seems some people simply like to boast that theirs is bigger than yours. Hardly informative. 

You seem lost here. The OP says, in opening statement, the issue is battery life, and that is what I addressed. Useful, pertinent information. If not for you, why don't you simply move on?


Babble about number of cycles and load helps no one.

All devices have simple standard ratings for battery life so we (the world) will stick to the easy normal already agreed upon way of discussing it, thanks in advance.

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