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UK PM May looking at second Brexit vote options if talks fail - Telegraph


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9 hours ago, aright said:

Johnson and the Moggster…...dream ticket......then coalition with Farage..... What do you reckon?Job done? ????

farage's recruitment will be lucky to get tommy on board,the 2 tories you dream of will remain tories,BJ is already up mays arse and JRM was ready to back mays deal with the backing of the DUP,but he was nearly a £million into pocket with brexit so no shock there.farage might get mr spoony on board but might have a job getting him to do interviews due to his drink problem,1-2 seats at best at the next GE but a worthy 8-10% of the vote,a bulldog does sometimes stay true to its master.the brits will soon bore of brexit

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8 minutes ago, bomber said:

farage's recruitment will be lucky to get tommy on board,the 2 tories you dream of will remain tories,BJ is already up mays arse and JRM was ready to back mays deal with the backing of the DUP,but he was nearly a £million into pocket with brexit so no shock there.farage might get mr spoony on board but might have a job getting him to do interviews due to his drink problem,1-2 seats at best at the next GE but a worthy 8-10% of the vote,a bulldog does sometimes stay true to its master.the brits will soon bore of brexit

Pollsters don't agree with you! They say 49 seats.








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20 hours ago, Nanglon said:

I have:

"This is the list of how much money people actually have"


Collectively perhaps but it has nothing to do with an individual's "actual" possession, but rather the economic and social wealth of the nation split by the number of inhabitants; inequality has everything to do with it. Look at Thailand @ $1000 per capita.

No, it's a list of Country's Gross Domestic Product which isn't a measure of how much people have, it's how much "Wealth" the country produces divided by the number of citizens... 


Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a period of time, often annually.[2][3] GDP (nominal) per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries; therefore using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) is arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between nations.[4]



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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Looks like a Labour/SNP coalition. 

Truly Terrifying... 


I guess it's one way to curb immigration, turn the country into a 3rd world poverty stricken place then nobody will want to live there...



Edited by Mike Teavee
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1 minute ago, transam said:

You will have wifi in Portugal to follow your homelands ups an downs....????

correct,more downs than ups once the great man takes over,enjoy watching from issan it will be funny until you go to the bar and your beer costs more than at spoons ????

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

correct,more downs than ups once the great man takes over,enjoy watching from issan it will be funny until you go to the bar and your beer costs more than at spoons ????

You have more insider info then...?

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1 hour ago, transam said:

But I don't worry about Brexit....You do regarding your plans because you don't know the outcome...Do you...?

I dont worry about brexit the fact i didnt even vote proves it,i dont like the BS lies that were proved to be pure BS.brexit would barely affect me.

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10 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

Truly Terrifying... 


I guess it's one way to curb immigration, turn the country into a 3rd world poverty stricken place then nobody will want to live there...



We’re looking at the unintended consequences of Brexit ... Rees Mogg thought he was getting Singapore, he’s going to end up with Venezuela. I suppose he’ll make money shorting the pound and UK stocks.

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On 5/7/2019 at 1:33 AM, theoldgit said:

"If the UK voted to leave the EU the value of the Pound could go down compared to other countries’ money"


Well that statement in the leaflet certainly came to pass.

how long do you honestly think the eu would survive if the uk were to leave? it,ll collapse like a house of cards,and britain will be a safe haven,and the pound will rocket.

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Yes it's speculation presented as facts. One thing Farage does is to stand by the UK and criticize the federalist project. Why do you think 17 million voted leave?
The problem Remainers have is they lack a prominent EU official or even someone on this forum who has sufficient fire in their belly to discuss their wonderful EU, their wonderful economy, their wonderful euro, their wonderful immigration policy, their wonderful plans to control budgets from Brussels, tax harmonization, control of the judiciary, the EU army and the taking of yet more sovereignty  etc. In fact looking at the extreme parties accelerating voting patterns in Europe I don't think they have persuaded Joe Public (Guiseppe Publico) either.
I will be happy to stay in the EU if you can convince me. Give it a go.
Excellent mate..just wonder if any of the 5 star eeeuuu lemmings will give you a well thought out reply.[emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Yes it's speculation presented as facts. One thing Farage does is to stand by the UK and criticize the federalist project. Why do you think 17 million voted leave?

The problem Remainers have is they lack a prominent EU official or even someone on this forum who has sufficient fire in their belly to discuss their wonderful EU, their wonderful economy, their wonderful euro, their wonderful immigration policy, their wonderful plans to control budgets from Brussels, tax harmonization, control of the judiciary, the EU army and the taking of yet more sovereignty  etc. In fact looking at the extreme parties accelerating voting patterns in Europe I don't think they have persuaded Joe Public (Guiseppe Publico) either.


I will be happy to stay in the EU if you can convince me. Give it a go.





EU economy other than italy is doing fine and more or less similar to the UKs it could be better it could be worse,the euro is still giving the pound a kicking and would deliver KO blow were brexit to ever happen,you state PLANS TO CONTROL JUDICIARY well according to brexiteers that has always been the case so it seems you are now stating something different or you were telling porkies,taxes will always be sovereign nations issue's as will VAT and duty just look at ciggy and baccy prices £22-24 in the UK compared to £5-6 in some EU countries, EU army would be better than a US lead nato with uncle sam bossing every member,i have noticed a few extreme parties emerging EDL and the brexit party but they will fall away and die just like Ukip did.

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13 minutes ago, aright said:


The purpose of the EU is to create a European superstate with a government in Brussels. The only way it can function as an individual body is to have Brussels  in control of everything which includes judiciary, taxation, currency, the military, budgets, constabulary etc.. This is an ongoing process and not complete yet. Individual member states will have some ability to create state laws and budgets but federal laws will overrule state laws. This is not what I signed up for when we joined the common market, nor did I sign up to providing financial support for the 15 to 16 members who can't support themselves. No one asked me if I wanted another Parliament other than the House of Commons. The European Parliament is just a part of a long list of directives imposed on us by Brussels and our own MP's

I think Eurosceptic parties will do well in the upcoming elections but lets face it the EU elections have always been an exercise in democratic deception.



i was a toddler when we signed up so i dont recall the glory days, so maybe tell me all about them,i missed the power cuts of the early 70s and half the nation being on strike and killing off many huge companies with a large helping hand of the unions,seems like you enjoyed them,it would seem strange watching liverpool v man utd kicking off at 2 pm on a tuesday afternoon ????  you have to realise people your age in the minority today and probably over half of our MPs wont remember pre 1975 and will judge how well they have got on in life without even giving the EU a second though,the other 20% will be looking to benefit from it financially as has been proven.you really dont make sense you claim brussells rules us now yet state its all going to happen in the future,now i call that project fear ????

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

We’re looking at the unintended consequences of Brexit ... Rees Mogg thought he was getting Singapore, he’s going to end up with Venezuela. I suppose he’ll make money shorting the pound and UK stocks.

still laffing at JRMs singapore prediction,he would make another fortune from the UKs demise,luckily our MPs wont let him.

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4 minutes ago, bomber said:

i was a toddler when we signed up so i dont recall the glory days, so maybe tell me all about them,i missed the power cuts of the early 70s and half the nation being on strike and killing off many huge companies with a large helping hand of the unions,seems like you enjoyed them,it would seem strange watching liverpool v man utd kicking off at 2 pm on a tuesday afternoon ????  you have to realise people your age in the minority today and probably over half of our MPs wont remember pre 1975 and will judge how well they have got on in life without even giving the EU a second though,the other 20% will be looking to benefit from it financially as has been proven.you really dont make sense you claim brussells rules us now yet state its all going to happen in the future,now i call that project fear ????

It's no more project fear than comments made by Remainers about the future of the UK after Brexit and I'm not sure what my age has to do with anything...I can read and analyse. 

My piece is my vision of the EU's future.....you can accept or reject it....up to you. You seem to think the EU is going to stay the same as it is now. I think results from the upcoming elections will prove different.  I did say it's not finalized yet...its work in progress.



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1 hour ago, aright said:

It's no more project fear than comments made by Remainers about the future of the UK after Brexit and I'm not sure what my age has to do with anything...I can read and analyse. 

My piece is my vision of the EU's future.....you can accept or reject it....up to you. You seem to think the EU is going to stay the same as it is now. I think results from the upcoming elections will prove different.  I did say it's not finalized yet...its work in progress.



i dont see how the pretty meaningless EU elections are going to make much difference,your saying brussells is going to set VAT,duty and income tax rates in the UK is total rubbish,i doubt there are 2 identical countries out of the 28 that currently have the same rates,you are just dreaming up this idea of total EU dominance.

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20 minutes ago, aright said:

You need to read more. You are right they don't have the same rates but it has already started, the EU has standard rules on Value Added Tax and I am sure eventually will have overreaching rules on other forms of tax. They have ruled the minimum rate of VAT on household gas and electricity the UK can charge is 5% so if the Government wanted to bring VAT down to 0% to reduce peoples energy bills they couldn't do it. Of course the EU has said nothing about Germany negotiating a favourable Germany only deal with Russia on gas.

The standard rate of VAT in the UK on goods and services is 20%. The minimum rate of VAT as directed by the EU is 15% so once again if the UK wanted to gig the economy and reduce it to 5 or 10% they couldn't do it. 

What this means in effect is we have lost control of our VAT rate. How long will it be before they dispense with minimum rates and tell us what we must charge?

There is a proposal that member states be allowed to set their own tax rates but that rate would have to be approved by all 28 member states...….absurd

Duty will be debatable because we are leaving and income tax I am sure will appear on the agenda eventually. At the moment we have a large number of French nationals living and working in the UK purely because we have a better tax structure. 



Every move by the EU is made with stealth. Slowly slowly, catchee monkey.









if germany agree's a favourable deal with russia for her gas then good for her,the german market is the biggest in europe and the bigger the customer the better the deal as in most business agreements,it was probably a piece of cake for them ???? and if you think VAT is ever going to drop to 15% you are dreaming yet again,you are just suggesting all these things are going to happen when there probably havent even been mentioned by anybody and even if they were they wouldnt get through the EU parliament and certainly not in our lifetimes.

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11 minutes ago, bomber said:

if germany agree's a favourable deal with russia for her gas then good for her,the german market is the biggest in europe and the bigger the customer the better the deal as in most business agreements,it was probably a piece of cake for them ???? and if you think VAT is ever going to drop to 15% you are dreaming yet again,you are just suggesting all these things are going to happen when there probably havent even been mentioned by anybody and even if they were they wouldnt get through the EU parliament and certainly not in our lifetimes.

Read what I said again. I never suggested they were going to happen. My point was UK Vat %'s are controlled by the EU we don't have freedom to move them outside EU rules. Freedom to me is very important; to you obviously less so. To maximise freedom I voted leave; you are obviously happy to reject freedom and have Brussels make decisions for you.

if germany agree's a favourable deal with russia for her gas then good for her …….You are missing the point, Germany negotiated the deal for its own benefit that is against EU rules. Only the EU is allowed to negotiate outside contracts. It's a one size fits all policy.

"Russia must abide by the European Union’s internal market rules and stop offering widely varying prices to its member states, EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said on Friday".

But you bring up an interesting point...in the EU if Germany can flaunt the rules and do separate deals what's the point of the EU?

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40 minutes ago, aright said:

Read what I said again. I never suggested they were going to happen. My point was UK Vat %'s are controlled by the EU we don't have freedom to move them outside EU rules. Freedom to me is very important; to you obviously less so. To maximise freedom I voted leave; you are obviously happy to reject freedom and have Brussels make decisions for you.

if germany agree's a favourable deal with russia for her gas then good for her …….You are missing the point, Germany negotiated the deal for its own benefit that is against EU rules. Only the EU is allowed to negotiate outside contracts. It's a one size fits all policy.

"Russia must abide by the European Union’s internal market rules and stop offering widely varying prices to its member states, EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said on Friday".

But you bring up an interesting point...in the EU if Germany can flaunt the rules and do separate deals what's the point of the EU?

what freedom ???? govts will get in the money they require one way or another,brexit or no brexit,vat or duty if you think brexit is going to stop it you are in for a shock even more so with commrade corbyn arrives,as for the gas i think you are still paranoid about the war

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