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Big tax increases for motorcycle riders - severe curbs on second hand car imports


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Big tax increases for motorcycle riders - severe curbs on second hand car imports
Picture: Thai Rath
The Thai government has announced big increases in tax on motorcycles from next January. 
And there are severe curbs on the way for those that want to import second hand cars into Thailand.
Spokesman Natthaporn Jatusriphitak was speaking after a ministerial level meeting agreed to implement proposals for changes in the tax system on motorcycles from the Finance Ministry.
The new rates will see those with small bikes having to pay 200 baht more to tax their vehicles. Medium sized bikes - including off road bikes - will be taxed up to 1,500 baht more.
This will make tax for some bikes as much as older cars.
It will add 709 million baht to government coffers, said Thai Rath.
Bikes are also set to be taxed under carbon emission regulations that will see cleaner bikes paying less and dirtier bikes paying a great deal more.
Plans are also underway that will hit the import of second hand cars. Vehicles that fall out of guidelines will no longer be able to be imported into and registered in Thailand.
There are some exceptions but by and large it is a blanket ban.
Thai Rath said this would have a huge impact on the importers of second hand cars especially those who import 100 vehicles a year in the luxury end market. 
The moves are part of government policy to bring about a 20-25% reduction in gas and carbon emissions by 2029. 
Picture: Thai Rath
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-05-08
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2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Here it comes as expected. Current self imposed government has run all the money to its course for even regarding the 20yr malarkey plan, and now its time to tax the common people on all levels. Just wait. 2020 is going to slap in the face.

Of course you think it is a silly Idea to raise the tax on motorbikes by 200 baht per year, the thousands if accidents don't cost anything, don't they, hospital care is free, yes?

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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

The government presently has 5 state run incompetent corporations which are total basket cases and require re-financing by the taxpayers. Two of these are Thai Airways which is 200 billion baht in debt plus another 156 billion for new aircraft plus the State Railways of Thailand which is 100 billion baht in debt plus 25 billion for the Hopewell payout. So in total the government needs 481 billion baht from taxpayers to bail them out.

So where do they go to find the tax? Not the disgustingly rich 1% who get around in their luxury cars and chauffeur driven limousines? No, that might upset their "connected" friends and under the table benefactors. Instead they go to the people who can least afford it and rely so heavily on scooters and similar modes of transport.

The stone-hearted wealthy junta generals once again show how little they care for those less fortunate than themselves.

+ 1 :thumbsup:

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Just now, hansnl said:

Of course you think it is a silly Idea to raise the tax on motorbikes by 200 baht per year, the thousands if accidents don't cost anything, don't they, hospital care is free, yes?

Not quite correct, persons involved in RTAs have to pay 15.000 baht, if insured as in my case insurance company pays.

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     The answer is of course to get yourself an electric mobility scooter. I roll around quite happily on mine, often accompanied by my dog.

     No road tax and no insurance. No need to wear a helmet and 3 or 4 wheels are infinitely safer than two. No noisy exhaust, no air polluting emissions, and with the new lithium batteries they have a surprising range, a quite a good performance (some will do 40kph which is quite enough for running around the town.

    I predict more and morepeople will get these eco-friendly machines. Then of course if they get too popular the bloody Govt. will find a way to tax them.


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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

The government presently has 5 state run incompetent corporations which are total basket cases and require re-financing by the taxpayers. Two of these are Thai Airways which is 200 billion baht in debt plus another 156 billion for new aircraft plus the State Railways of Thailand which is 100 billion baht in debt plus 25 billion for the Hopewell payout. So in total the government needs 481 billion baht from taxpayers to bail them out.

So where do they go to find the tax? Not the disgustingly rich 1% who get around in their luxury cars and chauffeur driven limousines? No, that might upset their "connected" friends and under the table benefactors. Instead they go to the people who can least afford it and rely so heavily on scooters and similar modes of transport.

The stone-hearted wealthy junta generals once again show how little they care for those less fortunate than themselves.

Someone recently told me they were struggling to find a TG flight using mileage points..that's not going to be popular amongst those with an entitlement to fly TG and that's before the real cost cutting comes into force  

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2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

The government presently has 5 state run incompetent corporations which are total basket cases and require re-financing by the taxpayers. Two of these are Thai Airways which is 200 billion baht in debt plus another 156 billion for new aircraft plus the State Railways of Thailand which is 100 billion baht in debt plus 25 billion for the Hopewell payout. So in total the government needs 481 billion baht from taxpayers to bail them out.

So where do they go to find the tax? Not the disgustingly rich 1% who get around in their luxury cars and chauffeur driven limousines? No, that might upset their "connected" friends and under the table benefactors. Instead they go to the people who can least afford it and rely so heavily on scooters and similar modes of transport.

The stone-hearted wealthy junta generals once again show how little they care for those less fortunate than themselves.

Spot on .

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Plans are also underway that will hit the import of second hand cars. Vehicles that fall out of guidelines will no longer be able to be imported into and registered in Thailand.


4 hours ago, webfact said:

The moves are part of government policy to bring about a 20-25% reduction in gas and carbon emissions by 2029. 

Rubbish, it's about dictating consumers choice or should I say lack of choice

buy a Honda, Toyota, Mazda etc or go by bus.... unless you can afford a Ferrari then you'll be ok

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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

The government presently has 5 state run incompetent corporations which are total basket cases and require re-financing by the taxpayers. Two of these are Thai Airways which is 200 billion baht in debt plus another 156 billion for new aircraft plus the State Railways of Thailand which is 100 billion baht in debt plus 25 billion for the Hopewell payout. So in total the government needs 481 billion baht from taxpayers to bail them out.

So where do they go to find the tax? Not the disgustingly rich 1% who get around in their luxury cars and chauffeur driven limousines? No, that might upset their "connected" friends and under the table benefactors. Instead they go to the people who can least afford it and rely so heavily on scooters and similar modes of transport.

The stone-hearted wealthy junta generals once again show how little they care for those less fortunate than themselves.

Plus they are funding certain ppl we can't talk about..

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Of course you think it is a silly Idea to raise the tax on motorbikes by 200 baht per year, the thousands if accidents don't cost anything, don't they, hospital care is free, yes?


5 hours ago, webfact said:

It will add 709 million baht to government coffers, said Thai Rath.

Of course it won't go to help on the thousands of accidents as you think they would slate it for. 

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4 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:


I bet there will be a threatening mass exodus from the country now because of that $7 additional fee...


I bet your right. They will bitch and another bright idea will be quietly binned.

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

The new rates will see those with small bikes having to pay 200 baht more to tax their vehicles. Medium sized bikes - including off road bikes - will be taxed up to 1,500 baht more.

I'm certain we all know, those of us upcountry, that many, if not most motorcycles are registered only when purchased and never after.  So this tax only looks good on paper - in reality nothing will change.  Motorcyclists will continue driving, unregistered and unlicensed!


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