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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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8 hours ago, nauseus said:

But the economic pain from no deal is not spread evenly over 27 countries; the impact on the German auto industry would be significant. 


The point seems to fly over dedicated Brexiteer heads ... the Germans care more about the single market than their UK trade. And if that were not true they'd be pressing to give the UK everything it wants ... and they are not. 




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15 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Spot anything odd about this crowd, supposed to be representative of the general public. Look again, I can only see one face that appears to belong to someone under 50, most of them look well over 60. Hardly any women either - taking care of the house no doubt as is their proper role. I never tire of saying it,  Brexit is a sad old parochial white male fantasy, the country will recover from it like you recover from a bad dose of Delhi Belly. Sweetness and light to you all needless to say. 


  Apart from the fact that I personally know of many Brexit supporters in their 20’s there are plenty others:-



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16 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Spot anything odd about this crowd, supposed to be representative of the general public. Look again, I can only see one face that appears to belong to someone under 50, most of them look well over 60. Hardly any women either - taking care of the house no doubt as is their proper role. I never tire of saying it,  Brexit is a sad old parochial white male fantasy, the country will recover from it like you recover from a bad dose of Delhi Belly. Sweetness and light to you all needless to say. 

Nigel.  A good post but please don't generalise that all of us over 60/70 etc are tarred with the same brush. Some of us appreciate what our Fathers achieved in Europe, and grew up with the consequent deprivations, and with the disasters of last century  they had the foresight and integrity to work together with other EU nations to ensure prosperity was better than warfare, Unfortunately there are many that can't quite take in this fact but would rather hark back to the "days of the empire".


Things move on and whilst I do not agree with Scottish independence I do think that this time the Scottish vote to remain in the EU  showed up the English (and I am one of them) for being archaic prats.  With one exception.

Never ever steal our Wembley turf again ????

Edited by geoffbezoz
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8 hours ago, nauseus said:

It is these Guardian non-stories that show the lack of understanding of history. They are false comparisons and are alarmist Project Fear attempts. My butterfly is a symbol of peace. Less of the negative waves..man. 

"Less of the negative waves, man". In the movie they cut a deal.

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2 hours ago, Loiner said:

Looks like it flew over some German heads too. Most countries citizens are more interested in themselves and business than the EU ideology. Certainly more than the Europhiles would have their faithful believe:

No deal better than uncertainty, says head of German industry

Dieter Kempf says two-month Brexit delay would be ‘bad for economy’


They're even prepared for a No Deal exit, which we want. Roll on some cooperation with the businesses and industrialists that matter, not the EU politicians.

Hard Brexiteer lemmings looking for encouragement.

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4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Leavers looking for honesty, no more Remainer propaganda and lies. Your Project Fear didn't work the first time and won't now.

I see the forum Hard Brexiteer circus acts are hard at it.

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there have been two telling articles about Germany's conduct in the EU today, one from a Netherlands representative and one from a German economist but I can't find them at the mo - at least 10 hrs old. will keep searching.

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1 minute ago, sandrabbit said:

there have been two telling articles about Germany's conduct in the EU today, one from a Netherlands representative and one from a German economist but I can't find them at the mo - at least 10 hrs old. will keep searching.

Great job. Please keep us posted about your search. Could you do a live stream? 

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