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Trolling Like Me


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I have a mate/friend who constantly brags of his wealth. I'm happy for him as I am for any of my friends who can make a good living in today's world. I'm not jealous or envious, I'm sincerely happy for him. The issue is that I'm on the very low end of the income scale.

I'm a little peeved that he keeps rubbing his wealth in my face but is very stingy in my presence and that of others. He's what is known as a cheap charlie.

Now to the point, I need a loan and I've asked this wealthy earner because he makes so much money on a regular basis that I doubt he'll miss the loan. He declined by making excuses so I'm nowhere further ahead now.

I have a lot of sensitive information about him that I feel would pursuade him to loan me the cash. I consider myself loyal and honest but now I'm stuck and want him to pony up the loan which I'll repay.

I know he's severely unfaithful to his wife and I have a secured connection to her. Do I threaten him or what should I do to get the loan? Thank you.


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one can re-offend after jail time and/or after paying a fine. either way, both are penalties society meeds out. if you don't pay accumulated parking tickets, most have the option of jail time. it goes both ways and here he gets to choose his penalty. leave it at that.



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