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Trump torpedoes meeting with Democrats, blasts Pelosi's 'cover-up' accusation


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2 hours ago, Tug said:

Well another fine example of Donald’s unfitness to lead another example of obstruction (of governance)the dude plainly doesent belong in that position we need to have a way to get rid of a failed president more easily without the drama

He will provide enough rope to hang himself eventually, no need to do anything.

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2 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

I think trump's line should be "I don't do coverups well."  (or maybe goodly or bigly?)

I can't do coverups.  Believe me, I've tried, and they've been as effective as trying to cover an elephant with a postage stamp.

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52 minutes ago, wayned said:

Even when Nixon was being investigated he managed to pass significant bi-partisn legislation  as did Reagan when he was being President.  He can't just stop doing his job because he feels that the walls ar closing in. They are closing in because of his psychopathic actions.

Trump can, it's what he does. Anyway, apart from disrupting world trade, ignoring global warming and inciting wars all he does is play golf and stuff his face with Macdonalds

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7 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I believe the American people deserve a Trump. Even another four years of him. 


Clearly, math, or Civics, is not your strong suit.


Think you mean ~ five and half more years?


Or do you envision him leaving office after having been re-elected but before the end of his second term? Or are you suggesting a royal transference of power to Ivanka, Jr, or god forbid Eric? (Tiffany would probably be OK.)



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4 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I believe the American people deserve a Trump. Even another four years of him. 

Yes, growing up in the USA we were told "anyone can become president" . Now that this slick businessman, salesman, bullshitter got in, many is pissed off.   I reported to unqualified state and federal government employees most of my working life.  It unnerves me that they are living off pensions payed by taxpayers like me simply for being able to keep their jobs for 20 years.  Once you are in the government - very hard to be fired...this is a major problem in the USA in my opinion, and always too much bureaucracy ,all payed for by the private sector taxpayers. 

Trump may not be reelected, but doubt he can be impeached as  2/3 majority of Senate in needed.  

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13 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Clearly, math, or Civics, is not your strong suit.


Think you mean ~ five and half more years?


Or do you envision him leaving office after having been re-elected but before the end of his second term? Or are you suggesting a royal transference of power to Ivanka, Jr, or god forbid Eric? (Tiffany would probably be OK.)



I think you're dead wrong on who might receive the "royal transference of power". I think he's trying to hold out to the end of a second term so that he can royally transfer power to son Barron when he turns 18 in 2024.

Remember, with DJT, qualifications for the job mean diddly-squat.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

No. You lied. That meeting was not an Impeachment session. Also if the house does begin impeachment which he's basically begging for as long as he is still president he's obligated to do his job.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Et tu brute?  Sound bytes from msnbc or cnn...


Semantics...a planning session to proceed or not on impeachment...

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33 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

Et tu brute?


OK, I'll play...Who is Brutus in your play? Mitch McConnell? The thought of The Turtle in a Toga is something that can't be washed away.


You really should put the shovel down, stop digging, and avoid trump stuff for a day. You'll probably live longer?



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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


Clearly, math, or Civics, is not your strong suit.


Think you mean ~ five and half more years?


Or do you envision him leaving office after having been re-elected but before the end of his second term? Or are you suggesting a royal transference of power to Ivanka, Jr, or god forbid Eric? (Tiffany would probably be OK.)



Are you feeling you just had a "moment" to be proud of with that post?


For your sake, I hope not. 


I meant exactly what I said. Learn how English works and get back to me. 



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1 hour ago, bendejo said:

Fake spontaneity.  His actions were scripted.  How can you tell?  Fox was tipped off -- while all the other entities covering this had to scramble to cover his "walking out," they were all set up waiting for him.  If there is one person who knows and understands fake news...

Tune in tomorrow for another episode of Apprentice President: "I ain't gotta show you no stinkin' tax returns!"



Trump's place was at the head of the table.  Shummer just reported on CNN that there wasn't even a chair there!  It was all planned and if Pelosi had not sid what she did he wouldhave blamed it on the investigations!

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