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Win 10 1903 upgrade


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On 6/10/2019 at 10:20 PM, bendejo said:

I had to do that for 1903.  I still had Home edition 1803 and was not given the update option as May 2019.

But I couldn't do the update via a thumb drive (this bug mentioned above) so I mounted the iso image as a virtual drive.



I had this on one of my machines (update via media creator thumb drive) where it said that my machine had been put on hold for the 1903 update until a bug with (potential) changing drive letters, brought about by installing via thumb, had been addressed.


As the machine i was upgrading had a relatively clean 1809 and all I wanted to do was upgrade/save nothing, I copied the contents of the thumb drive to a folder on the desktop and successfully upgraded from there without a problem; not using external media.


Just a tip if anyone who is taking the media creator route, the above works with no confused drive letter issues.

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I upgraded my second Lenovo laptop to 1903 today...went OK the best I can figure after using it for a few hours now.


But where I mentioned yesterday I had upgraded my first Lenovo laptop to 1903 and it went OK, well, I have now noticed one minor thing in the Windows Update area.   I have Windows 10 "Pro", repeat, Pro on both machines.  The Pro version allows additional control over the Features and Quality updates like delaying Features update for up to 365 days and Quality updates up to 30 days.  Feature updates being like going from 1809 to 1903 and Quality updates being the bug fixes released throughout each month.  


I had read conflicting reports that with 1903 the additional Win 10 Pro Features and Quality update controls would go away and basically be the same as the Window 10 Home version.   By "conflicting" like some said it was going away based on their use of the 1903 Preview Release and others said it was not going away based on their use of the 1903 Preview Release.  


Well, yesterday after the upgrade I still had the additional Features & Quality update control in my Windows Update menu.....and continued to have those controls after rebooting several times and check several more times during the day until I turned the computer off for the day...when going to bed.  This morning when turning the computer on I see the additional update controls are no longer available in the Update menu....I don't mean greyed out....I mean just not there anymore.   Just the new Update Pause function.


I started googling...came across below webpage talking the issue.



When I use the Edit Group Policy function to modify the Windows Update policies like talked in the above webpage I can get the two Features and Quality delay controls to reappear  but they are greyout....however, they do show how many ever days delay I've cranked into while modifying the control.  And in the Edit Group Policy area where MS puts comments/additional info it does talk how the Features & Quality update controls were "depreciated" in 1903.  Depreciated is MS talk for reduced, done away with, give less control to the user, etc. 


However on my second laptop the Features & Quality update delays are still fully functional.....just as my 1st laptop was all day yesterday after the upgrade but not as of this morning.  I have rebooted the second laptop several times to see the Features & Quality controls disappear but they are still there....just like the 1st computer yesterday.  But maybe it takes a day or so for Windows servers to fully detect the laptop's upgrade to 1903 and then send some more mothership instructions to the computer which would deactivate (excuse me I should have used the word "depreciate") the additional update controls.


STOP....STOP....while getting ready to hit Submit on this post I tried something on the second computer.  I went into the Features update block and entered 3 days which means delay any feature update for 3 days....and then I also clicked check for update.  After doing that I noticed the Features update control was now gone, but the Quality update block was still available.  So, I entered 3 days in it and clicked check for updates and blam!!!...after the update check was completed the Quality update delay block is now gone also. 


Now my second computer has both those control missing....just like the 1st computer....and maybe last night on the 1st computer I did a similar thing because I was messing around with the update function quite a bit last night...and maybe I just didn't notice they disappeared after I messed around like I just messed around with the second computer. 


I know this surely sounds confusing unless maybe you have the Pro version, were use to using the Features and Quality update settings, and also just updated to 1903.


I now need to research the cause of the Missing Features and Quality update delay controls with 1903...see if they are truly gone now without using the Edit Group Policy function which is basically a workaround/manual override of update settings.



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Did the update on my PC (Win 10 Pro 64-bit) to 1903. Done without any issues.

After a couple of days, noticed that drive C was not shown on Disk Optimiser (but can be seen on Disk management & File Explorer). Did a scan disk and all was fine.

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

Did the update on my PC (Win 10 Pro 64-bit) to 1903. Done without any issues.

After a couple of days, noticed that drive C was not shown on Disk Optimiser (but can be seen on Disk management & File Explorer). Did a scan disk and all was fine.


Since you have a Pro version does the two Pause Update selections I annotated below "disappear" if you put in a setting higher than zero days and then click to check for updates?



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I did the features June 2019    v.1903 2times and rolled back the 2 times , as this is a long time I had problems with a version update or others , ...WELL THIS ONE DID.... , slow downloading it ...o.k.... can because as I only update straight from Microsoft no other pc allowed to help , BUT after , slowest laptop I ever experienced , don't find files error reporting "filesystem error ", clicking on url. icons give no result or after at least 5 minutes try to open popup's appear, with no result ,many programs just don't open anymore …,freezing screens, freezing pointer with sudden strange moves …. heaven only knows what more ...

Roll back  all works as a charm , checked the features update with all i have , even defrag program the whole big thing , no result or improvement …. so this one is first one since introduction win.10 i pass , more trials i don't risk as after 10 days no roll back , lucky I make always a system image from a good working version . as first roll back even I needed such one .


Did anyone else experienced problems with this June 2019 Features update in a Home version 1903 win.10 I see some are happy with it ??

Edited by david555
forgot some thing
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18 hours ago, Pib said:


Since you have a Pro version does the two Pause Update selections I annotated below "disappear" if you put in a setting higher than zero days and then click to check for updates?



Yes it did disappear and was replaced by a Select Date drop down menu.


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Yeap...it happened on both my laptops running the Pro version.   By using instructions of that ghacks webpage in post #32 you can get the two settings back....which I did a couple of times while playing with the issue.   However, enter a delay in those fields and then they disappear again...use the instructions in the ghacks link to get them back.  After doing this a couple of times I have now just left them set to zero days.   

I don''t know if this is a Windows bug or just a weird way MS implemented various changes to how Windows now handles features and quality updates in 1903. 


Otherwise, my two laptops are running fine with 1903.  

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But they've change the whole approach (from 1903 onwards).


In future the feature updates on Win10 Pro will come up as available but won't install unless you initiate, that is until your currently installed version reaches end of support, at which point the next feature version will install.


Meanwhile for the general support updates you can defer these for up to 35 days.


Hence the old screen menu is redundant.



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2 hours ago, Stocky said:

But they've change the whole approach (from 1903 onwards).


In future the feature updates on Win10 Pro will come up as available but won't install unless you initiate, that is until your currently installed version reaches end of support, at which point the next feature version will install.


Meanwhile for the general support updates you can defer these for up to 35 days.


Hence the old screen menu is redundant.




Yea, that what I meant earlier when I said below.  And it seems strange they even allowed the two previous settings of  Features and Quality updates to remain showing as long as you leave a zero day setting in them.



I don''t know if this is a Windows bug or just a weird way MS implemented various changes to how Windows now handles features and quality updates in 1903. 



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5 hours ago, Pib said:

Yeap...it happened on both my laptops running the Pro version.   By using instructions of that ghacks webpage in post #32 you can get the two settings back....which I did a couple of times while playing with the issue.   However, enter a delay in those fields and then they disappear again...use the instructions in the ghacks link to get them back.  After doing this a couple of times I have now just left them set to zero days.   

I don''t know if this is a Windows bug or just a weird way MS implemented various changes to how Windows now handles features and quality updates in 1903. 


Otherwise, my two laptops are running fine with 1903.  

After the ghacks link tweek, it appears like this...


...and greyed out.


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You need to adjust the settings via gpedit (Group Policy Edit) and regedit (Registry Edit) talked in the ghacks article.   


When using gpedit to adjust the "Windows Update for Business" two settings in the Preview Builds and Features Updates select Semi Annual Channel change the number of days to 1 and then hit Apply and then OK....then go back into the same setting change the setting to 0 days, hit apply, and then select Disable and Apply....then select OK


Now go into the next setting Select When Quality Updates are Received, select Enable, select 1 day, and then select Apply and then OK. Now go back in and change to 0 days, hit Apply, and then select Disable, hit Apply and then OK.  


Now check the Update....see if the fields are no longer greyed out....if they still are then restart the computer and if still greyed out check the registry settings again.  I experience the same problem as you when trying to get the two update fields back...sometimes they were greyed out until I tweaked "both" the applicable registry settings and group policy settings.  






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2 hours ago, Pib said:


Yea, that what I meant earlier when I said below.  And it seems strange they even allowed the two previous settings of  Features and Quality updates to remain showing as long as you leave a zero day setting in them.


@Pib It's a Windows bug


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Finally got it back to the default setting, with the gpedit (Group Policy Edit) and regedit (Registry Edit) mentioned in the ghacks article. But, it was not a very straight forward procedure. Had to try a couple of times.


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5 hours ago, ravip said:

Finally got it back to the default setting, with the gpedit (Group Policy Edit) and regedit (Registry Edit) mentioned in the ghacks article. But, it was not a very straight forward procedure. Had to try a couple of times.


Yeap, ditto for me on both my laptops when I was playing around with this issue.   Seems after making some changes in the registry or group policy areas it was like there sometimes there was a delay of 30 seconds or more in the change really taking affect although looking in the registry/policy areas the change was already showing....and sometimes it took a restart for change to occur....or opening and closing Windows Update a couple of times.   



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I found solution for my disastrous  features' upgrade win 10 , to block that upgrade installing in my Home version , it defers the update with no time limit , other Win.10 things to block also possible , security updates can be installed automatic or by choice , is it a free software tool , use carefully as it change windows settings , I only blocked that upgrade as my option 





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My laptop is still on 1809, and I found this rather curious-sounding message about the 1903 feature update in my Windows Update folder when I logged on today:-


The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is on its way. We're offering this update to compatible devices, but your device isn't quite ready for it. Once your device is ready, you'll see the update available on this page. There's nothing you need to do at this time.


Wondering what needs to be done - and how long this will take - in order to make my laptop ready for this particular feature update. 

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The 2019-06 Cumulative Update and an associated 2019-06 Security Update for Adobe Flash and 2019-06 .NET Framework for 3.5 and 4.8 installed OK on my two Lenovo laptops.


The issue with the disappearing Features and Quality Updates on the "Pro" version was not addressed in the updates according to below askwoody crossfeed.  I took the crossfeed as gospel as I didn't test for myself since I have the settings back to zero days and showing....will leave alone until MS fixes or explains what is going on....to date MS has been totally silent on this particular issue.



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  • 4 months later...

The disappearing Feature and Quality Update delay setting in Win 10 "Pro" has been fixed.  Apparently fixed with the release of KB4522355 in late Oct 2019.  Tonight I confirmed on my two laptops running the Pro version and which has aforementioned KB installed that the Feature and Quality delay settings are now working properly--that is, they don't disappear/grey-out once you crank in a delay of X-days.  


Apparently MS never admitted the problem ever existed nor stated it was fixed by the Oct KB release.  Probably because they haven't taken so much heat over their methods of pushing Win 10 updates and off and on problems with the Windows Update function.  See below weblink for more info.



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